I woke up after a restless sleep only to see that there was a voicemail from Dave/Marlys phone. It was left at 12:30 AM. I expected Dave to be telling me that he was not doing well and could see the end in sight BUT it was Marlys telling me that Dave died about 10:30 last night. I am guessing that his heart just gave up the fight for life and I am positive that Jesus welcomed him with open arms.
So here we are three of the eight Lees still on this earth. With Mom and Dad's wedding in 1935, Ronald's birth in 1936, Janet in 1938, Joan in 1942, Dave in 1944, me in 1947 and bringing up the rear was Helen in 1950. It was a good life on the farm. Far from perfect with our antique machinery and Dad's effort to pay the bills but making sure there was money for pictures and hunting!!! I am not saying that in a bad way, it just was reality. We said farewell to Ronald in 1964, Janet in 1966, Mom and Dad in the 90s and now Dave.
Dave as we gathered at his place in 2018 |
I am pretty sure this is our beloved Tiny! |
He loved his flugelhorn and was good on it |
On their way after their wedding in September of 1965 |
He thought this made hime look like a mountain man! |
Pretty cute |
I think I loved all my siblings equally but I did more with Dave than anyone else. In our family I have said "good-bye" to Ronald, Janet, Mom and Dad but I would say this will be the most painful good-bye of all. Dave not only was a great brother but a man who loved the Lord with all his heart. The farm chores, the ball games, the long talks at night and more recently the phone calls all flood my mind as I sit here with tears. I know and understand this life, as we know it, will end for all of us but that does not make the hurt any less. I think that as family members pass away a little bit of us goes with them and today I would say more than a little is gone for me.
Love and thoughts and prayers to all, so very sad to hear this news yet happy for Dave to be sitting with the Lord, and visiting in heaven with Gma and Gpa and Ronald, and my mom and Roxanne and so many others that he loved, that went before him. Tears here, too. Love, Esther