Monday, November 23, 2015

It was fun but I am not over it yet

So we had this match today and Terry and I played court #1.  We lost the first set 4-6, came back and dominated the second set 6-2 BUT lost the tie breaker.  It is not the end of the world but I am not over it yet, I need more time!
Our weather finally took a break and we had perfect weather today with a high in the mid 70's. 
Terry and I journeyed to the library and brought home 6 books so I am ready to get into reading again.  I have not read a book since we arrived here in October.
Our Thanksgiving plans are set.  We will be having two couples over and I think it will be a fun day.  One of the couples is from Massachusetts and one from Wisconsin.
I have yet to hear from the dr I need to talk to about my right knee but I will call again tomorrow as I need to get things going soon. 
It is 6:00 PM so no FP.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

A fun time

Here is proof that there is tennis!  As you can see we played Grandezza and we had a lot of fun.  Greg, in the picture, and I played court 2 and won 6-2 and 6-3.  Sure, it it always more fun to win but yesterday the guys we played against were fun to play so that helps.  Our team also won court 3 and came, or so close on court 1.  Terry took the pictures and did a nice job.  I am changing pairings and courts this fall to see if we can come up with good pairings and courts for the winter.  Our pro here at Tarpon Cove said the fall league is kind of like spring training.  There are only 4 teams in the fall league and we have played each of them.  We start the second round next week.  For the first round our record is 3-6, I am hoping the second time around we can be above or near 500.  I am guessing that there will be a whole round of different players etc this second time around so perhaps I will not be able to compare.  BUT next Monday I am hoping to play against the guys we played the first time.  I don't really get mad but I sure would like to get even!!!--they won the first time in straight sets.  In the league there are only 2 sets.  If a set ends up 6-6 there is a 7 point tie breaker.  If each team wins one set there is a 10 point match tie breaker. 
We continue to get unseasonable weather.  Yesterday during the match, which started at 1:30, the temp was in the high 80's.  Normal is low 80's for this time of the year.
I received the report from my MRI of my right knee.  It says I have a partial tear of the PCL (grade two injury).  I have yet to hear from my Dr. so not sure what it all means.  In searching the internet, it has all the answers-right, it seems that I could benefit from PT.  Actually the knee is pretty good but there are times that it lets me know it is a bit weak.  I am hoping my Dr. will look at the report and then refer me to a specialist who will give me a prescription for PT.  Terry is going to a PT who seems to be good so that is where I will go, I think.
No more FP.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


We had our second fall tennis league match yesterday.  Even though our team lost 2 of the 3 matches My partner, Jack, and I came through with a win. We fell in the first set 3-6 but came back in the second set 7-5.  We were ahead 4-0 and then blinked-- all of a sudden we were even 4-4.  In the 10 point tie breaker we prevailed 10-5.  The competative juices were in full force and it was fun! Tennis is a funny sport.  It seems that seldom are both people at their best so often one player has to carry the match and and in a nanosecond the other player needs to step up.  When both are on, of course it is fun.  I talked to one of the guys who lost to us.  He said he was mad and then hastened to say he was mad at himself, not me.  He said they beat themselves.  I replied that it is funny but if we had lost we would have said the same thing, we beat ourselves.
Our weather continues to be almost summer like.  This morning we got just enough rain to cancel our match and then 10 minutes later it was sunny.  By that time the clay was too slippery to play on.  The normal temps are in the low 80's but we have been in the high 80's and have even hit 90 some times.
I am in the middle of a huge picture project and I think I took too too many pictures in the past.  BUT when I get to the pictures on the computer that will be even worse.
Our 6 tennis courts are being redone.  They put almost 3000 lb of new clay on each court.  With wind and rain, the clay errodes.  It gets to the point that any hit on a line is crazy and almost impossible to hit so at that point the courts need to be redone so the tape, the lines, are not protruded above the clay.  I do  not know how often the courts need to be redone but I do know it costs about $2500 per court to get the work done. 
No, I have enjoyed my break from the picture project but it is back to work.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

What you get in Naples

orchard by our front door

desert rose by our driveway

orchard by on our neighbor's driveway
All is well in Naples.  The flowers are wonderful, the weather is warm (80's) and the sun is bright! 
Not much news here.  We are having HOT weather for November as the temps have been about 5-8 degrees above normal.  That means that in a 7:30 tennis match a person can wring out water from the bottom of your shirt by 8:00.  I am enjoying the competition of tennis.  I played a bit of racket ball in the early 80's and some softball in the early 70's but mostly my focus was working and trying to make sure things were all right with family.  Probably to a fault but there are no regrets, however my current tennis has been a breath of fresh air.  I am beginning to realize that, everything equal, the guy who has played tennis for many years is way ahead of someone who picked up a racket for the first time after collecting SS!  But it is fun and the exercise is great.
I have yet to get into the winter mentality.  I have not started a book, I have not gotten my fingers on the guitar and I still have many loose ends to tie up with papers etc.  But, it will happen.
I have not thought allot about my book.  Sister Joan has not called for any books for some time now so sales are stale!!!  I have not experienced a line at our door here to buy the book either.  I have hopes that at least ONE guy will want one!
My tennis team, well it is a bit more work than I would like but in the end it is a fun thing.  We have our first home match Monday.  My goal is to get everyone up to a new level of play, will it happen?  Of course the main focus is and should be on fun and I think that is happening.
No, time to get to work as the FP is history.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

A special day

Happy 35th birthday Cynthia, we love you.
November 1st, 1980 was a special day.  Gail received her gift from God, a baby girl.  After putting up with 4 guys in her life for many years she welcomed a girl with joy.
I feel like the person who is lost and walks in circles to get some place.  I started scanning pictures and did about 300 of them but then realized that I MUST sort them and scan them in some order.  The first 300 need to be erased and scanned again.  As they say, live and learn--I suspect I may be a bit slow!
Yesterday Terry and I participated in a 90 minute tennis clinic with about 45 people and 6 pro players. It was a fun learning experience but there was a down side.  One of the 6 sessions was on warming up and fitness.  I happened to get that session 5th and by that time I was tired--I needed not a fitness session at that time.  And Terry, she got it last!!!
We continue to experience warm weather.  It has been in the high 80s most days.
 My tennis team has it's first match tomorrow.  I have to be sure and remember that the fall league is kind of like a spring training because we will experiment with different match ups and there are at least 2 guys who on the 2.5 team would probably be rated 1.5 players!  Regardless of what happens it will be fun.
We set our clocks back last night but this morning my mind and body are not changed so I am confused but I am not sure that is new.
Enough for now.