Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Good bye July 2012

A leaf on the tree, maybe a chair for the man in the moon!!

More smores please

sun on the pine cones

breakfast in the rain while camping

need to drive through that trout stream to get to the camp site

stream by our site, worth a million to sit by
        Pictures are from our camping last week.  It was a great time to see more parks and spend some time with Aaron/Amy and family. 
      So far a busy week.  Several appointments were made and kept, some decisions need to be made and I am sure in the end all will be well.  Trying to get some relief for Terry with her neck issue and we may be close.  Anyway we hope so.
      Went for a fun bike ride tonight.  Only 11.6 miles but it was along the river and that is a pretty ride.  Also spent some more time in the garage and am so happy with what is done so far.  It is fun fun to walk into the garage and have some order.  SO much more to do but it will come.  It will be difficult to stop the work and then get some projects done.  Some HAVE to be done so the ordering and cleaning must come to a close soon for this summer.  Perhaps a couple of more half days and then I can start to paint the interior of the windows that were put in last year.
     Terry and I have been watching the Olympics in the evening so want to get down and see some more of it.
    Tomorrow is August 1st, almost kind of scary as time goes so so so fast.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Four more state parks

I am sitting at the table this morning. I have just finished a toasted bagel with peanut butter. My French Press Coffee is about a minute away from being ready to enjoy. The difference in this morning and most mornings when I blog is today Terry and I are camping in Beaver Creek State Park. BCSP is in Amish Country in SE Minnesota. We found the perfect camping spot yesterday afternoon as we entered our third state park of the day and our 35 state park since May 14th.
To get to the camping we drove through a trout stream!! We went for a walk after we set up camp and read about Beaver Creek. It runs year round and the water temp is always at 50. It makes it ideal for trout. As we stood by the stream and felt of the cool water I am sure it was 50 degrees as it was cold to the touch. About 25 feet from our picnic table is a bench over looking the stream. Last night we sat on the bench and talked for a long time. The sound of the stream could lull you to sleep, it could take all your troubles away, it could bring you back to your childhood and all those memories, it could remind you of your younger days when you thought life would never end-you could do anything and good health would always be yours. For Terry and I, last night, it seemed to carry away the day. We had experienced one of those 24 hour periods when life seemed kind of difficult. BUT the stream and all of its God given beauty seemed to melt all that away. We watched a humming bird find sweet nectar in the flowers across the water, we marveled at the fire flies as darkness came and they appeared everywhere. I captured one and as I held it in my hand the light was so bright. It brought back memories of childhood when Dave and I would bike up to the lake for our summer time night bath and bring a jar with us. After we washed away the dirt and dust of the harvest day we would go to the east end of the lake where there was a bridge. We would catch fire flies and bring them home. We would set the jar in the dark and watch the light. I could not have asked for a more peaceful, a more happy time. As I sat by Terry looking and listening to the brook I was so thankful to have her in my life.
Today we plan to enter several more state parks and then end the day by meeting Aaron/Amy/Leo and Ruby at a state park on the Wisconsin side. We will head home Sunday in time to greet John and the boys who plan to come back from 4 days in the Boundary Waters Sunday afternoon. They will drive back to South Bend Monday.
Terry and I have several things we need to attend to this coming week. There always seems to be so much to think about, so much to do, so many places to go I can not believe I had time to work with deaf children for 38 years in the school system. At this time there are no 5 day work weeks, no parent conferences to go to, no IEPs to do, no basketball games, no soccer games, no bike races and for sure NO PAPERS TO DELIVER but still the time flies and sometimes it is difficult to get everything done that one wants.
I just poured my first coup of FP coffee and it tastes out of this world in the cool morning air. It has a special flavor and the right kind of bite that makes one thankful for being alive and able to be out and about. We are so excited to be planning a camping trip this fall but yet there is so so much to see and do so close to home. We have found SW and SE Minnesota to be so beautiful. We are in bluff country this weekend and it is really pretty. There seems to be no drought here as the crops look wonderful.
I am writing this Friday morning but will post it later as we have no Verizon access here. One more sip of coffee before I shut down the computer.

PS  It is now 3:40 Friday, we are all set at Merrick State Park in WI and we are waiting for Aaron and family.  They should arrive any time.  We are at a very large campsite and living the dream (pit toilets!!)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The downside of the week

Well it happened--Terry and I golfed today!!  Norma/Wayne came over and we headed to the links.  Two things stand out for me.  Never had I used a golf cart in the past and that was kind of fun and never had I used a real nice driver and it was fun.  Travis has a nice set of clubs and I used them.  They do make a BIG difference.  Did it give me a good score?  NO!!  Terry really had never golfed and Norma had not golfed in many many years and both did very well.  Wayne golfs every day and his game was fine.  Mine, no comment but I had fun.
Some progress on the garage this week but not enough.  More garden veggies are in and they are good. 
John and his boys will be here Sunday PM and we are looking forward to that.  They are bound for the Boundary Waters next Tuesday.  We will head out Tuesday PM and hid several state parks before meeting Aaron and Amy a week from tomorrow for some camping. 
No my timing is off.  I blog in the morning and here it is afternoon.  Will take it up again soon.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Last week

BIG church in SW Minnesota

Sunsets are often the highlight of a camping day

Grand daughter Tori and Terry in front of Pearson Candies.  Grandpa Bernie loved salted nut rolls.
 Last week was kind of busy.
  • Tori was here Sunday night to early Tuesday morning.
  • We left for our camping trip to west and southwest MN Tuesday afternoon but before we did that Terry spent some "girl" time with a friend.
  • We finished some more work in the garage.  The lumber rack is up and half full but the trouble is only about 25% of the wood is on it!!!
We found west and southwest Minnesota to be a wonderful place.  The farm land is so pretty with the grain fields either green or getting ripe.  There are many many rivers and lakes as well as hills and valleys.  We camped 3 nights in state parks and took in a total of 11 state parks.  I can not remember having more fun on a trip than last week.  It was new, exciting and so fun.  So far since May 14 we have visited 32 state parks.  It has been fun and interesting to see different ones.  On our 32nd one we received a coupon for a free night of camping.  In a week and a half or so will venture south and east as we camp with A/A and kids.  I think we should add another 10 or so parks on that trip.  The MN state park thing has added a bit of fun to the summer. 
We thought we would only play this summer but really have been doing work as well.  The wood shop is in a total uproar but I am hoping this week things will start to look up a bit.  It has been so hot so we spend only some hours in the AM there and then do something different in the PM.  The forecast for today is for 100+ so I need to get out there before it is too hot. 
Got a call from sister Joan yesterday and she called to let us know that late fall/early winter she will become great grandma for the second, third, fourth and fifth time all in the same day!!!!  Quadruplets here they come.  Her son Brian had two sets of twins so I guess his son Charlie needed to do better!
No, I hear the recycle truck, I can see the bottom of my coffee cup and that all means to work it is.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Late but true!!!

July 4th, 2012, anyone for a dip in the lake???
  I think I figured out how to import new pictures only!  As you can see it was hot here July 4th!!
We are off this afternoon for a short camping trip to SW Minnesota.  In our quest to visit as many state parks as possible this summer we head west, then south and then back east again.  IF time permits when we arrive home Friday or Saturday we will have added about 14 state parks to our list which means the total will be about 31 this spring/summer.
Granddaughter Tori was with us the last 36 hours and we put her on a plane this morning.  She is one person who loves to travel and at the age of 14 has been more places and seen more things than most adults.  She said when she grows up and gets a job she just has to have a job where she doesn't have to sit behind a desk or keep a schedule!!  A dream??--but if she can make it happen that would be wonderful.
Terry is off to see a girl friend this morning as she deserves a bit of "girl time".  When she returns we will head out.
I have spent much time in the garage this last week.  I have wanted a lumber rack for 20 years or so and, with help from Terry I made it happen this week.  It may not hold all my lumber but will will help big time.  Also am doing some patching and painting in the garage which will make it look like a wood shop and not some place a person uses to dump things!!
We are enjoying a few garden things which is so fun.  If nothing happens to the tomatoes we will have MANY in a short time. 
No I best be getting some more packing done before Terry comes home.  I made my special french press coffee this morning but then put it into a travel mug as we drove Tori to the airport.  The first thing I did when I came home was pour the last half into my tent/canoe/tree/star/etc. coffee cup and one could guess that the last half of the french press was so so much better than the first half!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

A time to reflect

Lake Erie rocks that came home


More Lake Erie rocks at home

Terry at the Falls in New York

Yet more flat Lake Erie rocks

Did you say WILD turkey

I see what you see mommy
 It has been a fun filled, exciting, fast and memorable several days.  Why?
  • Several days ago Cynthia/Mike were told by the Dr. that most likely little Ben had a very serious lung problem.  I am sure for many but I know for Terry and I we felt strongly that he was healthy and the Dr. was wrong.  Two days ago tests were done and God was good, no serious health problems.  We are so thankful.
  • In a whirlwind of activity and in the short short time of a week or so Aaron/Amy sold their house in Madison and bought another one.  They will close on both in mid August.  How can that happen in our economy of today??  I think A/A did things in a right way and God chose to bless them through it all.  Thank you Lord.  I could say they bought in the wrong city (their new house is a short way from their old house in Madison) and they really should have looked is St. Paul but I will not say that :)
  • I finally, after many many years:(, got started on ordering the wood shop.  Terry has been a great encourager and helper.  When all is finished the walls will be patched and painted and the wood, I have too much, will be ordered along with machines and tools.  I know one can not have too much wood but really that may be the case on Niles Ave.
  • Terry and I survived the heat wave by working in the morning, keeping mostly inside in the afternoon and not doing much riding or walking.  Three days the temp registered 100+
  • We had a delightful time yesterday.  We invited a friend from the biking club over for the afternoon.  We had not seen her since 2010.  We finished a delightful afternoon of conversation by having dinner at a restaurant near home.  One of the interesting points of our conversation was when she shared how she has been taking care of her mother in so many ways and how that can and has impacted sibling relationships.  Those darn tears, yes real men have them, came oh so close to the surface as I reflected silently how those situations have impacted relations in my family.  It brought to mind again just how complex human nature is and how at times understanding is such an elusive thing.
  • We are looking forward to grand daughter Tori coming this afternoon and staying for a day or so.
  • Terry is looking forward to having some "girl time" with a friend Tuesday.
  • We are gearing up for a MN State park ride this week as we camp for a few days in southwest MN.  So far we have visited 17 parks and we may be able to add 4-6 more this week.
  • Another highlight yesterday was a small tray of beans, tomatoes and cucumbers which we enjoyed as we chatted.  It is so much fun and so good to have things from your own garden.
  • Travis came over for a short time July 4th.  Our lunch of grilled baby back ribs, garden beans, garden swiss chard, garden cucumbers and store bought sweet corn was so so good. 
  • Travis also brought over his golf clubs Friday as Terry and I plan to play a round with Norma and Wayne later in July.  I am so hoping that like my fast bike which compliments my slow body his really nice golf clubs will compliment my really bad game of golf.  Terry has played once or twice in her life, I have not played in at least 10 years and I think Norma has not played in more than ten years.  Now Wayne plays several times a week but he claims his game is getting worse!!  I have a feeling that our round will include man made good lies, a 10 stroke limit on any one hole, a second chance on most tees and maybe some other rules as well.  Of course the goal of the whole things is to have fun so maybe we will not keep score.  On second thought I know I can not play a round of golf without keeping score, good or bad it will happen.  Anyway my point was it was generous of Travis to lend them to us. 
I just took my last sip of coffee from my favorite cup.  The cup came from our camping trip last year.  It has a red tent, a tree, some flowers, a bee, some stars, a deer, a squirrel and the words "Northern Highland American Legion State Forest" on it.  It had to be my last sip as the cloudy brown delicious coffee in the cup turned to a dark dark color on the bottom.  Of course that means THE END.

Monday, July 2, 2012

I believe

I have been reading a book about Smith Wigglesworth that is very good.  This morning I read this quote which I believe
"Great faith is the product of great fights.  Great testimonies are the outcome of great tests.  Great triumphs can only come out of great trials."