Thursday, September 29, 2016

A picture is worth a 1000 words

The cavity behind the wall where the vanity will go

The cavity is now a towel shelf

Some time ago

As of yesterday
 I am so pleased with what has happened this week.  Getting the tub and water in on Monday was great and finishing the floor yesterday was a "mountain top" happening!  The floor is not sanded and finished yet but that will happen and it will look very nice.  I called the wood shop that built the vanity and medicine cabinet and I am hoping they can be installed today or tomorrow, of course I do not know their schedule so we will see.
This morning I feel like I imagine an old man would feel like.  After going from the second floor to the wood shop 100's of times in the last 2 days and then kneeling and pounding my right arm is sore, my knees hurt, my hands are sore from pulling out slivers pretty much on the half hour and my body feels like it has been tossed into the air and allowed to fall to the ground as the arms and legs went in all directions!  I may have said that I intended to install the floor from the beginning but as time got short I wanted the floor guy to do it.  He could work it into his schedule in about 2 weeks SO my original plan went into effect.  The good thing is it is finished and we saved some money.  IF a person ever felt that Brazilian Walnut was the right flooring they should be 110% sure because it is not a fun wood to work with.  The dust is nasty, the slivers are hurtful and the hardness is to the point that you can not nail it at all.  I thought about carrying the 90 pound avil up the stairs and then dropping it on the floor to see if it would dent--not really but it did enter my mind!   With the few nails I needed to use I thought I would drill a hole about 2/3 into the wood and then nail as I thought that would be a better hold down--wrong as the nail bent like a piece of string even with most of the hole drilled.
I am almost afraid to think of all the finishing work that needs to be done BUT it will happen and in the end it will be fun to use the new bathroom.
I think Terry's back is slowly getting better.  When I say slowly I mean that with a BIG S.
As I sit at the computer I can see a ting of brown/orange color in the trees.  I did not need that to tell me that fall is here as each morning I step outside to get the paper the chill in the air comes rushing in like it needs a home.
It looks like October will come in with temps in the 70s and sunshine.  That means I need to spend a bit of time around the outside of the house touching up some places that need prime and paint.  A little work now saves a lot of work down the road.
Today the main project is to put the finish on the frame for the large mirror and install it in the frame.  It can not be hung until the vanity and back splash are in.  The mirror is quarter inch glass that measures about 36X50 and near the top it has a 4" hole for the electrical.  I get nervous as it sits in the  wood shop and I need to work around it.  In my dreams I can see myself knocking it over and watching as it becomes a thousand pieces of garbage.  THAT CAN NOT AND WILL NOT HAPPEN.
I said a picture is worth a 1000 words, don't know why I used so many words this morning.
No, the bathroom is calling, the wood shop is calling and the FP says that it is finished--time to work.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

More progress

Yesterday the bath tub was put in and the water for it was hooked up.  Today I worked most of the day putting down walnut flooring.  It does  not look great as it is unfinished.  I am guessing I have about 60% of the floor down and maybe 75% of the work doing it.  I have never  put a 3/4" hardwood floor in so there was a bit of a learning curve.  For the most part it went well but I am guessing I made 75 trips from the second floor to the wood shop.  My body did not like that very much! I will finish the floor tomorrow and then I will give the wood shop a call that built the vanity and tell them it can be installed.  After that they will cut the granite and that will be put in along with the back splash.  After that the mirrors can be hung and the vanity light put in.  I am hoping the tile can be finished by the end of next week.  Things are beginning to come together.  As I say that there is a ton of finish work to do including having the wood floor finished.  BUT it will get done.  I forgot to mention that the new windows need to be primed and painted and of course the old baseboard needs to be cleaned, painted and installed.  The list is actually a bit longer but I will stop there!
The big thing here in the Twin Cities is the Ryder Cup of golf.  It is on the news all the time and of course it is a BIG deal.  It is going on all week but the play goes Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Fall is in the air.  This morning the temp was 49 and there certainly was a chill in the air.
I had a funny experience at the paint store today.  I purchased a gallon of paint for the bathroom on Saturday.  As I painted the room I would say there was a small glob of paint in every second or third roller.  I ended up taking the tiny glob off the wall and just wiping it on my shirt as I was in a hurry.  This morning I took about 4 tiny globs out of the paint and put them on a paper towel.  I brought the paint can and the globs into the paint store.  They credited me for the gallon of paint but it took some time as I needed a bit of the paint back for touch up.  As I was talking the finicial guy in the store asked if I was a minister!  He then said I should not have ruined my shirt with the paint globs so he gave me a new shirt!   By the time they were finished with my refund etc. the guy said if I spent any more time in the store they may adopt me!!!  Not sure if that was a positive or negative comment.
We are still up in the air as to what to do about getting to Naples and wrapping up things here.  Perhaps a few more days and it will be more clear.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Excited but tired for sure

No need to say what is before and after!  Here is what is ready:
  1. The towel shelves are built and ready to install
  2. The floor is ready to be put down (walnut boards are upstairs)
  3. The tub is ready to be put in (it is sitting in the sunroom ready)
  4. One mirror is ready to hang (in my wood shop)
  5. The toilet is ready to install (that is IMPORTANT)
  6. The vanity is built (not by me) and ready to be installed after which the granite will be cut and installed
  7. The tub/shower area will be tiled by a professional and that will not be done until maybe in early October
The only thing that needs happen before any of the above are done is the final coat of paint needs to be put on and that will happen today. I have HIGH hopes that 1-6 will be finished by the end of next week.  Most of them will be done by other people.  I have been overwhelmed by the bathroom, by home things that need to be done, by car issues and the list goes on and on. 
Terry had a fall several days ago and she is dealing with MUCH pain and that needs to be addressed in a big way.  Our plan is still for us or me to be in Naples by October 22nd or so.
I am still dealing with fatigue a bit.  I would say it is old age but I am not yet 70 so I will say it is still that Lyme thing hanging on.  I will see the doctor before we leave.
I forgot to mention that a BIG thing that needs to happen is clean up and then of course we need to get Pete over here to do floors upstairs.  That may not happen until 2017 but maybe this fall!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Another super weather day

I start each day with a smile
A busy day ahead, I think!  20 years ago or so a day like today would be a walk in the park but now, it means a busy day!  I will run to the store this morning, put another coat of finish on some boards, do some sanding and mudding in the bath, drive to Burnsville to get tires on the Honda, take Terry to an appt, get home and work on the boards again--that is all by dinner time! 
I put the second coat of mud on the corners in the bath yesterday and to my surprise it is starting to look like it could be finished soon.  I tried to get someone to finish the mudding for me but no luck. 
Not sure my day will be that great as when I went to pour my FP my cup was in the wood shop.  So I had to take the second best cup for this morning.  That cup, with tents, boats, trees etc on it is the best ever so we will see if sitting in the wood shop this morning affects my day. 
We have tomatoes coming in too fast so will give some away.  One of the "Big Boy" tomatoes weighed 15.3 oz.  What the heck, that is a meal.
No, the day must begin and it must begin now.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

NO, it is not the last half of September--yikes!

I'll be better today than I was yesterday, I promise!

Farmer Jones--no actually a model educator and woodworker excellent!
Some things I have learned since the top picture was taken a few years ago.
  • A good deed is never done in vain
  • a smile is easier than a frown and with it you get more bang for your buck
  • If you work up a sweat, you usually feel good about what you accomplished
  • The world does not revolve around me or any of my friends
  • As you age, do what you need to do in order to be a positive person in the lives around you.  In other words if you are overweight lose some, if you can not hear very well get hearing aids, if you are bored find something good to do, if you are angry think of something fun or pleasant, if those letters you are reading get difficult get some glasses, if you feel like not doing what you need to do dig down and do it anyway and much much more
  •  stay as active and as healthy as possible
  • be nice and positive towards family and friends--even if they seem to not be that way towards you
  • stay in touch with those you love
  • if you are on the "outs" with a person first ask how you can change
  • if you don't have the $$ to purchase something you LIKE wait until you have the money
  • if you meet someone on a narrow path be the first to step aside
  • don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today
  • be the first to say:"I love you", "I am sorry" and "forgive me"
  • In any conversation always give the other person the "benefit of the doubt"
  • If you have friends or family who are elderly and alone, visit them
  • Accept your body for what it is as you age--youth is a fleeting moment in life
  • If you have serious concerns about your health get to a doctor
  • as you age always remember that youth can be a reason to forgive
  • Use the past as a history lesson but live in the moment and look to the future
  • Today may be a difficult time but remember that tomorrow is a new day
  • Remember that God is in charge but he expects you to love him and do your part
  • Harsh words are often said in a moment of anger, forgive and forget
  • It is often better to listen than to speak
And my word for the day, it is better to work than to sit at the computer!!!  I did enjoy a cup, not 3, of FP this morning so I should be ready to hit the road running or better yet mudding and sanding!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Seven years ago

proof that you can never have too many clamps!
Gail died 7 years ago today.  Little did anyone know how life would change for so many.  I drove over to Cynthia's today and brought a cup of java in honor of Mom--by the way she did not drink coffee!  As I reflected on her death today I also thought of so many friends and aquatints who have died since then.  Bonnie, Dave, Mark, Jim, Ken, Diane, another Jim, Bruce, Ron, Tom, Mike and the list surely could go on.  Some lived a long life and others, in our today world, did not live into old age. When I think of old age I think of Amy's grandpa who is 101, my cousin who is 97, another cousin who is 89 and Grandma Saunders who is 95.  It is interesting to think about who lives a long life and who does not get to do that and of course we will never have an answer if we ask why.  As for Terry and I we both will be 70 next year.  Today, that is not old and my hope is that we will live into old age.  To 95 or so, not so sure I wish for that but what will be will be!
More progress on the bath.  I am hoping to get the last of the two walls up tomorrow.  It is then a matter of finishing them--easier said than done.  One is a fairly large piece of dry wall and I am not so sure I can get it upstairs by myself.  Terry strained her back and I do not want her to lift.  I also finished one of the small windows that will be in the bath and also another storm that I redid.  Perhaps I should make a list of things that have gotten done this summer.  That may make me feel better about all the "catch up" that needs to be done around here.  It would not get any more done but it could be a reminder to me that there is progress happening.  It is so easy to look at a list of things that NEED to be done and get discouraged but I tend  to think on the positive side MOST of the time.
I am still on my "no FP kick" so I figured I could blog in the afternoon!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Not in the mood for a picture

I just finished reading the obituary for our friend, Bruce, who died a few days ago.  He was 75.  Two years ago a good friend, Tom who was 72 died in the summer. Last year a fellow tennis player Ron died just before he was to leave for Naples. Terry and I are going to be 70 next year!!!  I really am not concerned about the age but really these deaths over the last 3 years have me so sad.  I supposed on the other end we visited Grandma Saunders last Wednesday and she is 95!  She is expecting her 40 great grandchild this year.  Not sure what end of the ages Terry and I will end up on.  As one gets older deaths of friends become more common and more difficult to accept.
We continue to have super weather and such nice green lawns. When we arrived home from ND the rain gauge showed .9" again.  I would say that means we have gotten at least 3 inches of rain in September.  Usually by now the lawns are a bit brown but they look great.
The bathroom, it continues to get better but probably not fast enough.  I did get one of the storm windows that I am redoing up on the house yesterday.  That means there are 2 more to go.  I am making slates of wood that are 3/16' X 1/4' and then painting and cutting them to size. I am using them instead of glazing as I think they look better and last longer.  For the 3 windows I needed 36 pieces 12" long and 36 pieces 9" long.  Some how cutting, priming and painting them seemed like a lot of work.  On the 2 windows upstairs I need 64 pieces about 4" each.  Perhaps someone can tell me why I am living in a house that is 110 years old!
Time for breakfast and then back to work.  I am experimenting with NO FP for a few days, maybe that is why I have been kind of "out of sorts".

Saturday, September 10, 2016

My heart is heavy

Terry received an e-mail this morning that a friend and fellow tennis player from Naples died suddenly yesterday.  Bruce was from Massachusetts and lived there with his wife Linda during the summer.  Last summer Bruce started experiencing shortness of breathe and had to stop playing tennis about the end of April.  It was confirmed that there was a heart problem but not to the point that death was near.  Bruce did so so much for his wife Linda and I am not sure what she will do without him.  I am thinking that she will stay up north with family.  We have known way too many people who have had serious health problems or died.  Our neighbor, Diane, who is from Toronto Canada had a serious brain tumor this summer and we are not sure how she is doing.  Our friend Ben, who is from Ohio, had a stroke and is doing better.  Will he play tennis again, it is difficult to know.  These are friends who are in their 70's, and Terry and I will be 70 in 2017, yiks!  It is so difficult for me to hear of these situations and it almost breaks my heart.
On the positive side I did make strides in our projects around here today.  I was awake at 4:00, up by 5:00 and in the wood shop working  before 6:00.  I finally had to call it a day about 3:30 but not before I did some sanding on the ceiling and walls, some mudding on the walls and getting 4 more panels of drywall in place.  I also got some painting done for some windows.  We picked up some art glass for windows in the bath and sunroom and Terry is so excited about it.  I am a long way along in redoing 5 windows and that will be nice when they are finished.  When the bath is finished, that will be a 10+ day!
We ordered tires for our car.  I had thought that the last set of tires would be the last on this car but really the Honda has been so so good there is no reason to trade it for a new car.  I am hoping it will go for many many more miles.
I think the rain is over for a while and the lawn is looking very nice.  Is it not where I would like it, but it is so much nicer than it has ever been and that is exciting.
Terry and I accomplished a lot yesterday.  In the morning we drove to Hudson WI and got some glass and the mirror, then we drove to Savage and got red birch for the mirror trim, we dropped of some legal papers that were important and then used a BOGO at a local cafe before we returned home.  It was a good day.  I also managed to get some work done in the bath.
The time is short before we head to Naples so each day is important.  Well after hearing of Bruce's death I would say, more than ever, each day is important.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

a fun trip

it seems that it stretches forever

standing on the rock pile that holds MANY memories and 1000's of rocks
We took a 3 day trip to SD and ND and had a wonderful time.  We stopped in Veblen, drove by Mom and Dad's old house and then visited cousin Arlene.  Her daughter Laurie was there to help her celebrate her 89th birthday the next day.  From there we made a stop at the Bergen cemetery where Mom, Dad, Ronald and others are buried.  After that we stopped in Cayuga and brought home a rock from Grandma and Grandpa's old stone house.  Mary and Mark Saunders are on the Saunders farm and we had a delightful 30 minute visit with them before heading towards Jamestown to visit Dave and Marlys.  We made a short detour into Jude where Terry's mom had lived for some time.  We were unable to find the house she had lived in but we did get a laugh out of an old faded sign on main street which read "Jude Mini Mall".  I would say the mini mall faded away a LONG time ago!  Finally at about 4:30 we arrived in Jamestown.  We had a great visit.  Dave and I played pool on Tuesday with several of his friends.  They do that every week.  I was by no means the star of the games but I was not embarrassed either which I feared would happen.  On our way home yesterday we stopped and had lunch with Grandma Saunders.  It was a short but fun trip.  Below is the rock from our rock pile that has many many 1000's of rocks.  We will give it to some friends who will celebrate their 50th next month.  They requested no gifts but instead a rock that they can put along their sidewalk to remind them of their many friends.  After picking 1000's of those darn things I would not want them to remind me of anything but each to their own!!!
   It is almost time to leave for an appointment and the FP that I missed the last few mornings is now settled into my being!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Fall is in the air and that is corn picking time!

Having fun on the corn wagon
Fall was one of the best times of the year.  Corn picking was great.  No dust, no heat and it was always fun filling the corn crib with cobs.  Shelling corn was also a fun time as the golden kernels would fill the wagon or truck and the brown rusty looking cobs would pile high on the ground.  As I would watch the cobs pill up I would think of the fall church festival.  Dad would sometimes give a nickel for several buckets of cobs that were brought into the house to burn in the cast iron stove. Those nickels would be used for ice cream cones at the church festival or saved up to purchase baseball cards!  Mom would also get Dad to put squash seeds in the corn planter so when we picked corn we would also harvest nice yellow and green squash!  I would love to have a picture of Dad's corn field.  He would "check it" so the rows were straight in several directions.  A great picture that would be!  Also after the corn was picked we would string a one wire electric fence around the field and put the cows out to eat the corn that was on the ground.
Fall was also a time to harvest millet.  Again it usually was cool, no dust or itchy thistle flowers in the air.  I do remember one year there was so much rain that the millet was harvested with snow on the ground after a deep frost.  And of course there was the time Dad was cutting the millet and drove too close to the slough.  He buried the Ford tractor up to the axle.  It took many many links of chain, several days and the M tractor to rescue the Ford from its muddy dangerous predicament.   The millet was also fun to play in as it was soft to sit in or dig your toes into the seeds.  Given all the fall fun, along with the slough burns, I miss it but would not want to go back to the past!!! 
Enough of this rambling as my FP was history hours ago.