Tuesday, July 30, 2013

from that to this!!!!

The bedroom is at a place where we can move back into it.  The birch floor enjoyed the finishing coat last Saturday so we can now, Tuesday, put the dressers and bed back into the room.  There is still an outlet and cable I need to put in and a new shelf in the closet but that will have to wait.  Also the closet doors need to have a new coat of stain and varnish on but again that needs to wait. 
I dealt with our camper all day yesterday.  We came to the conclusion that the battery in the camper is dead and then I found out that it would be best to get a different kind of battery so that will happen today. 
No baby in South Bend yet.  I talked to John Sunday and it is a wait and see situation.  Mary is doing fine, the baby appears to be fine so they would like to let nature take it's course.  According to John/Mary the baby is maybe 9 days late and that was when Liam decided to come so maybe today!!!!
Two days ago I needed to change the blades on my planer and found out that my blades that were sharpened several years ago were not usable.  Not because it happened some time ago but rather one should not sharpen those blades, they are throw away.  Why the place that sharpened them did not say that, I have not idea.  Anyway there are now new ones waiting to be put in.
We attended the funeral of a Friend Don who died last week.  He was 65 and I never will get used to going to those things.  I just have a difficult time being reminded that life is all to short for some people.
Enough, FP is gone.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Last Saturday in July

As I sit here looking out the window with the computer in front of me I am waiting for Pete.  He should be here about 8:00 AM.  I am sure in short order he will put the final coat on the floor in the bedroom and then it will be wait to dry before we start to put things back in.  We have been out of the room for 3+ weeks.  There are clothes scattered in every room, dust all over the place but the bedroom is really nice.  Terry, Travis and I put many hours in (I should have counted them) and the blood, (yes blood as Terry stepped on a needle and it went through the side of a toe!) sweat and other unmentionables are all worth the effort.  I am hoping to get a head board made for the bed before we head south in November.  That sounds easy but we will be gone most of August and September.  I am guessing that tomorrow or Monday we will walk around and touch up some places and then arrange things in the room.
No baby in South Bend yet.  Will talk to them tomorrow again so see if anything is happening.  I think of Mary a lot as I know she has been ready for the little girl for a long time.
Chilly this morning but for me it feels good.  I am guessing it is 59 or so.
Cynthia and Mike have a house to move into in mid August.  It looks nice, big and I am so happy for them.
FP is all gone.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

One day at a time

I am ready to paint the last of the doors/trim in the bedroom upstairs but at this moment it seems so unimportant.  Early this morning a friend, Don, died.  We didn't lose him, he did not pass away, he died and I am sure is in heaven as I write.  All his health problems are behind him, he is renewing friends at this time and I am happy for him--for family and friends here it is a sad sad time. 
I received a phone call with the news this morning.  I knew he was near death yet I guess one is never ready for news like that.  Don turned 65 in April so by today's standards he was not very old.  Just a month ago Terry's sister in law died at the age of 65.  I know I could not count on both hands the people I have known in the last 5 years who died in their early to mid 60's.  So the redo of the bedroom is important but really it is not.  The upcoming camping trip is important but really it is not.  The THINGS in my life like motorcycles, rifles, woodworking, photos and the list goes on---are important but really are NOT. 
When Gail died it did not take so very long for me to realize that life goes on for the living, it does not stop for anything or anybody and when the sun sets the only thing that is certain is it will be dark for a time but the sun will rise again.  It also became so very clear that family is so important in times of death.  They need to be close, they need to be supportive and their love covers much but in the end when a spouse dies one needs to seek God "one on one' in a special way so that life continues in a good way.  For me, today on July 25, 2013 life is full, life is good and life seems to have much to offer.  Lord, may you ever be present in my life.
No, perhaps I have said what I wanted so maybe wetting the paint brush and painting the walls is in order.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

From 1977 to 2013

The first picture is rolled up carpet that Travis took out of the upstairs bedroom that we are redoing.  The second picture is of the sanded birch floor which was underneath and the third is the finished product.  The final coat of finish will be put on next Saturday.
As we moved into the house in 1977 every birch floor was covered with indoor, outdoor rubber backed carpet.  Most rooms downstairs had green carpet on except for the kitchen which was adorned by orange!  Upstairs the pattern was more fancy with gold/green and yellow!  By 1979 all of the carpet downstairs was removed and the floors were done.  The west bedroom carpet was taken out in 1998 in the fall of Cynthia's senior year of high school.  The green stairs were uncovered in 2011 and yesterday the last of the major carpet was send to carpet heaven.  What is left?  Only the stairs leading down to the basement have carpet now.  Why?--the carpet is glued to the stairs and the stairs are made of old wood so that will be a project for another day. 
In the coming days the ceiling, the walls and all the woodwork will be painted in the bedroom and with the final coat next Saturday the room should be ready to be put back together.  It needs to be done as we may have 10 people sleeping over in less than two weeks.  Travis worked on the ceiling and walls in the room this last week.  He did an amazing job and when they get painted this week much of the credit will go to him.  There were days when the temp in the room was in the 90s and Travis was willing to sweat through for the final result.  The only problem was it is always difficult to know when to stop patching and sanding.  Plaster that is 100+ years old just is not at a place to look perfect BUT as we looked at the rooms downstairs that we done by professionals there are imperfections all over the place but one does not see them when the finished product is viewed. 
Now the room really needs a headboard for the bed.  There never has been a headboard so it will have to be a brand new one fresh out of the Niles Ave wood shop.  It seems that it may be walnut and maple laminated with fabric and copper making up the color.
We are still waiting for that latest Lee baby to arrive in South Bend.  The due date was July 11 and here we are July 21 and no arrival.   Maybe today but then I have said that for the last 2 weeks.
With all our projects it almost seems like time is running out for things to get done before we leave on our WEST camping trip.  We will get things done that need to be done but I guess there will be no down time for a while.  As I say that I am thankful to be busy.  A friend who is a year younger than I has been in the hospital for the last week.  I seems like he is in the last days of his battle with cancer which has been going on for many years.  We pray daily for a healing and for sure God can that that any time but!  Brother Dave is recovering from heart surgery and is doing well but I am guessing he is not concerned about projects.  I use those examples to say that I am busy, maybe too busy, but I am thankful for being that way.
I have a finished wood project on the dining room table.  I can not say what it is as it is intended for people who may read this but I have wanted to make this item for maybe 20 years and now it IS.  Not a major item but never the less a dream come true.
With our house turned up side down I happen to be sitting in the den looking out the window as I type and we are getting a light rain.  It is greatly needed as the weather this last week certainly dried things out. 
No more FP coffee.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Weekend camping

We spent last weekend camping on the shores of Lake Michigan with Aaron, Amy, Ruby and Leo.  It was a fun time with good food, good drink and perfect weather.
We continue on the path of bedroom work, wood shop projects and WAITING.  The waiting is for that new Lee baby to arrive.  The due date was July 11 but so far that little girl is a no show.  I think Mary said Liam arrived 9 days late so maybe this weekend.  I do try to carry my phone 24/7.
We have a bit of camper trouble.  It appears like the charger for the camper battery is dead.  Travis will travel to Necedah WI Monday to have them look at it.
We have been toasting in the weather this week.  The last few days have hit 95+ but they say today is the last of the heat blast.  Tomorrow maybe 85.  I have had to curtail my work in the shop as the last few days the temp has hit 98 or so in the shop and with that sweat drips on the machines and wood--not good. 
Brother Dave should be on his way home today.  He was released from Mayo yesterday and they spent one last day in Rochester.  The report is that he is tired and weak but doing very very well.  In 8 days fome lying in a bed with your chest cut open to traveling 430 miles--modern medicine can do many things.  We hope and expect his life to improve greatly in the days ahead.  I am hoping that all who know him will totally refrain from any pig jokes!!
Time to get to work.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

A snapshot of LIFE

Life goes on in all ways, in all shapes and in so many ways.  I am in one of those melancholy moods tonight.  They cause me to think, to reflect and to ponder life and all it encompasses.
What does that mean tonight:
  • Brother in law Cabot lost his wife of 30+ years a short time ago.  There was a memorial service for her yesterday and many family and friends came to remember Carol and to express their love for her.  People left last night, his two sons will be back to work early this week and that will leave Cabot alone to remember, to think, to ponder and to struggle in his effort to get on with his life in some kind of normal fashion.
  • There is daughter in law Mary who is due to have baby #4 this week.  New life, new experiences, changes in family--a life changing happening for John and Mary.
  • Don, he is dealing with cancer and end of life issues unless God intervenes and heals him.  I can not imagine what he is thinking, what he is dealing with but his life is part of life as a whole.
  • There is Jen and Bill.  They are excited to have a wedding in the family, the first, this fall and that will mean new things and new experiences for many.
  • Cynthia and Mike.  They sold their home and are now looking for a new home, a larger one.  Changes are coming and in the coming weeks they will experience joy, decisions will have to be made but for sure their life will change in a big way.
  • Brother Dave.  He is scheduled for surgery Wednesday.  He has hope that it will impact his life in a very positive way. 
  • I can not forget about Travis.  He has done so many positive things in the last few weeks and he is looking at a life that is changing in big ways but yet there are many obstacles yet to be conquered.
I look at these and many many other people and I say it is a good thing God is real, that he is a loving God because we all need him to be the center of our lives.
Terry and I are looking forward to a camping weekend on Lake Michigan with Aaron and Amy and family this coming weekend.  We have not used our camper since we came to St. Paul in late April so it will be fun again.  As usual life is busy, life is full, life is challenging and life is changing.

Monday, July 1, 2013

July 1st, 2013

It is almost impossible to believe that July has arrived.  We still have too much to do and see and too little time to do it and see it.
I found this bike on Craig's list and decided to buy it.  I am going to fill it with wood and tools and go around Highland Park hawking my skills.  No, on second thought ( really I have had 2 thoughts today) I can not take the time and money to pick up the bike as it is in China and most likely is the primary form of transportation for the owner!!
It looks like a busy first two weeks in July.  There will be a memorial party for Terry's sister in law, two nights of guests at our place, a two night camping trip with A/A, hopes to get the bedroom skim coated, sanded, primed and painted this week and that is just a start!
Brother Dave will have open heart surgery next week in Rochester MN.  He is hoping one or more new valves will solve his water build up which is serious at this time. 
Cynthia and Mike have their house on the market and by the looks of the pictures on internet it looks very nice.  Let's hope Remax can get it sold SOON.
Travis has another job interview this morning, Lord may you grant him a second part time job.
A friend Don is in the hospital again with very very serious cancer related things.  Lord it would be so wonderful if you would see fit to heal him.
Time to tip the Northern Highland American Legion coffee cup up for the last drop of FP and get on with the beginning of July.