Saturday, April 30, 2022

Here we are on the last day of April, 2022


Well here we have the last day of April as we spring into May tomorrow.  There is really nothing new with Terry.  As I write she is in bed with the paper.  I would say she is doing pretty much the same as in the last few days.  So it is one day at a time and we will see where it take us.

It is one day at a time and Terry seems to be doing OK.  Terry is doing OK and we will see where it takes us as the days go by.  

Well as the days go by more and more people are leaving and heading up north again.  Our neighbors to our the left headed out today and they have a home in Kansas City.  I don't know when the neighbors on the other side are leaving but I do think soon.  By this time next month I think  of the 46 people in our circle I am guessing two thirds will be gone.  Then it will be a few months of people and quiet until they return starting in October again.  

I do not have any plans for the next few days.  I need to get on the bike at least once a day and spend 15-20 minutes riding.  Other than that I think I need to get things cleaned up around here and make it look like real people live here.  I have not gotten things cleared away for some time so it may be the time to make this people look like people live here again.  

I think I may go back in time for a while.

It was the summer of 1959.  I had just finished 6th grade and Dave and finished 9 grade.  Little did I know that was the last summer Dave and I would spend together.  The next summer Dave would be off to Kulm and we would be together during the school year but not in the summer again.

It was a glorious summer.  There were bike rides to the lake and back almost every night.  There were the boring days of picking rocks.  A task that never ended as for every rock two rocks you picked one more would appear out of nowhere!  There was the harvest of the wheat field to the east of our farm.  Dave and I would eat chokecherries until we could not eat any more.  There was the plowing to the west of the place where we almost burned the entire field.  There was the over the top straw to the east where we almost burned Bert's wheat field.  There was the contest to see who could run right across the thistle patch. AMD then there was the ultimate prize of going to the MN state fair when all the work was done.  

There was all that and more as it turned out that was the last time Dave and I had the summer to ourselves.  The summer after that Dad allowed Dave to go to Kulm to work.  He did that after his sophomore year and junior year and then he was out of the house.  He packed his bags and headed to Kulm and then onto NDSU.  There we again got to getter.  It was golf most of the time.

So I had several years kind of alone on the farm.  It was then that I made my golf course.  It was then that I cleaned up the entire hog barn thing so that it was clean.  The hog barn had been an eye sore for years so it was with determination that I cleared out all the old cement and made it a pleasant place again.  It was there that I played golf on Sundays on my one hole golf course pitting Arne, Jack and Gary against each other and funny things Arne always won!!!

So it was with determination and guile that I weather those years.  And the final act was coming back after Janet died one last year.  BUT then I had my motorcycle which kind of saved the day.

So all that is in the past.  Today, at the age of 75, I am kind of in the mode of kicking back and remembering what was and also what is.  It is a memory of love and not so much.  Of farming and doing things like a walk up to the lake to picking rocks and all the mandate things.  BUT really for the most part is it a story of what was.  No regrets but some items of maybe how things could have been different.  But it is what it is so be it.  

I have no regrets but perhaps maybe some things that could have been different.  But it is what it is to let bygones be bygones.   Here is it mid morning so maybe I should get some work done.  

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

On onto the week as we look forward to the first of May next Sunday


I would say Terry is the same.  Here it is early PM and she is watching TV as she is in bed.  She had lunch and thought the cream potatoes, ham and peas were very good.  So it is onto another afternoon and into the evening.

Not a whole lot to say today.  I have been up and about for most of the day and I am feeling fairly well.  I admit there are times that I ask myself, "Will I feel 100% again as this stroke has taken me down perhaps more than I would like to admit.  BUT here we are on Tuesday and I would say so far the week has be OK.  Of course most of the week is ahead of us!

I do have a doctor appointment tomorrow but I am not expecting any earth shattering news to come from that.  I do think I will get some advise as to the meds that the hospital put me on and DO I need to continue all of them.  I am not the greatest at taking them BUT I have been good so far.  Often when I take them I think of brother Dave and the many many pills he would line up during the few times we were able to visit him and Marlys.  To be honest it looked like a lot of work but then IF you life depends on it according to the medical people I guess you grin and bear it as you down the pills.

For some reason as May approaches I think of our last year at Wood Lake School.  Our last day of school that year was May 24th, the day before Memorial Weekend.  Being the last day the teacher had arranged for us to walk to lake Tewaukon.  There would be a softball game and then a picnic afterward.  That was the end of our country school experience.  For the next 3 months there was much talk about town school and what that may be like.  Often during the summer months I would climb the power pole by the barn door and lie on the west side of the barn roof.  There I would think back on Wood lake and wonder what Cayuga School would be like.  Going from 12 kids in the 8 grades to maybe 15 in my class was scary and made me want to have just one more year of Wood lake.  Of course that was not going to happen but one can always dream and wish!

As things turned out the change was actually for the better.  Even though there were many in our class room that fall things went smoothly and it did not take me long to enjoy the 4th grade.  I even found that it was fun to have classmates and also many kids to play ball at recess!!!  Grade school remained kind of the same until Sargent Central came into being and then the high school kids took the bus to Forman and the grade school kinds had the school to ourselves.   They call it progress and perhaps that is correct but in the changes there was not always a silver lining so to speak.   In the end it had to be the way it played out but as a young boy I did always see that.

Enough for today.  I am going to try and get a nap in as I do find myself getting tired quickly now days.  perhaps things will change and for the better.  A side note is a friend Karl stopped by with some food and would not take any money for it so Terry and I will have a great meal tonight.  Yes, the FP is history as of maybe 5 hours ago so will sign off for the day.

Monday, April 25, 2022

Here we are on the last Monday of April 2022


I would say Terry is doing OK today.  She was awake and looking at her phone when I opened my eyes around 8:15.  Now I do have an excuse for the late wake up!  Terry had needs during the night on 4 occasions so my sleep was like a roller coaster, up and down and up and down.  I may just take a nap this PM.  But I would say no change and with each passing day we hope and pray for healing for Terry.

I am finding it difficult to lose weight with what I am doing--no exercise to speak of.  I have found in the past that playing tennis 4 or 5 times a week was enough exercise for me to lose weight IF I did not over eat.  Really, I do not think I am over eating now but the weight has remained the same over the last week.  Maybe I need to make sure I get in a longer bike ride each day as that would help.

I really do not have much to say today.  For the week the big thing will be my doctor appointment on Wednesday but then I do not expect any surprised during that either.  Perhaps the bigger things is my appointment with Dr. Vickers, my neurologist, which takes place early in May.  He seems to figure things out with his pin sticks etc😋.  I am thinking IF I could go way way back in time I may get 100% well.  Back on the farm when I was in a way of wondering or thinking etc I would shimmy up the light pole by the barn door.  I would then walk across the roof to the west side and lie down.  There I could soak in the sun and gaze towards the sky and that seemed to clear my mind.  Really I am not sure WHY a teenage boy on the farm needed to clear his mind.  Somehow at the time it was the ideal thing to do but as I think about it that may not do the trick at this time in my life.  AND it was free and insurance did not even have to cover it!!!  I might add that an additional benefit was as I took my time on the west side of the roof Mom and Dad could not see me!  Well I should add that seldom if ever did either of them yell to find out where I was or what I was doing.  But I promise those times on the barn roof were great times of relaxing, thinking and planning.  Maybe I need to find some kind of barn around here in Naples!

I have found, I think, a substitute for my premade frozen breakfast sandwiches that I used to eat often for breakfast.  The brand was Jimmy Dean and they were very good but I think my own self made ones are a lot healthier.  This handy dandy machine makes a sandwich in 4-5 minutes.  You just put half of the muffin on the bottom.  You then put some meat and cheese on top of that.  Then the middle plate is put down and on that you crack an egg, pierce the yolk and add the other half of the muffin.  Close it and in 5 minutes you have a breakfast sandwich that I think is much better to eat than the frozen ones you get in the store.  Actually they are kind of pretty I think!!!  So several days of the week that is my breakfast but I should say this for the sake of Judi and John.  The only way to enjoy them fully is to have a side of FP😄!!!  I think about Judi and John often as I am wondering how they are doing with moving things they need into the A frame and then putting their beautiful home on the market.  It sounds like a lot of work but as many of us know along with the aging process comes changes in our lives and often big changes.  The few times we have stayed with Judi and John at the lake are times to remember as it is a beautiful setting.  However time changes things for all of us.  I need to add that it was sad that brother Dave did NOT get to make a lot of changes in the aging process in terms of life style as he went to heaven too young.  I know, 50 years ago the age of 75 would have been considered kind of old but in todays world there are different standards for sure!

No I am thinking a bike ride may be in the short future this AM so will close for now.  I still have half a cup of FP so will bring up the market to see if my $1.98 is up or down and my prediction is down!

Friday, April 22, 2022

 Thursday August 20th, 1957

Dave and I woke up early as this was a big day.  Dad had promised that the crops had been good enough that IF we finished plowing Thursday he would take us to the Minnesota State Fair.  We had never been to a state fair and the idea had been in our mind the last few days.  Usually when we were plowing our rule was when the sun went down it was time to head home.  Yes, the tractors had head lights but we were never much into working late in the field.  However this day was different.  We needed to finish the plowing so we could leave for the Twin Cities on Friday.  If we arrived on Friday that would give us Saturday, Sunday and much of Monday, Labor Day, at the fair.  Dad had written a letter to Aunt Maye and Uncle Philip and they invited us to stay with them.  Dad said they were just a short way from the fair grounds.  So Dave and I were up and in the field shortly after sunrise.  We did not even bother to eat breakfast which made Mom somewhat upset.  Really we did not have all that much left to plow but we wanted to be sure to finish.  The last stubble was turned to dirt by mid-afternoon and the fall plowing was finished.  With huge smiles on our faces we turned the tractors north from Jim's land down south and headed home with the fall work done and nothing but fair and school on our mind.  This fall would be the very first year that we were going to school in town.  Woodlake School had closed in May never to be used for school again.  Even with the trip to the fair my mind could not stay on that all the time.  Here we were no more walking to school but we would have to get on the bus and ride for a long time to get to Cayuga.  AND who would know what school would be like.  Whenever I thought about it my stomach kind of turned upside down and I had these thought about too many people and way way too many kids.  Mom had assured us it would be fun but really what did she know about it?  Anyway that was a few days out as we were headed to the fair and we were excited.  Friday morning arrived and Dave and I were up with bags packed and ready to go shortly after the sun came up.  As we hurried downstair with bags in hand and the fair on on our mind we glanced out of the west window and what we saw we could not believe.  Dad had driven the car up on some blocks and was changing the OIL!  What, that should have been done days ago!  But Dad was Dad and he kind of did things by his time line which often did not mesh with our desires.  But it was not so bad as he finished in a short while and by 10:00 AM we were headed east to the fair.  We arrived at Uncle Philip's place by late afternoon and Dave and I wanted to get to the fair but Dad said we would go early in the morning.  To our surprise Philip and Maye treated us to dinner (in those days it was supper) at the pancake house.  Oh my gosh.  They brought a pile of cakes and there were several syrup containers which I had never seen before.  I know for sure I ate too much but it was so so good.  For the next 2 and a half days we had so so much fun.  We would leave early and have breakfast at the Farmers Union booth and then wander around all day looking, gathering free things and watching booths where they had games.    Well we did spend too much time on machinery hill but it was not so bad.  The fair ended on Labor Day with the stock car race which we watched.  When it was over they proclaimed the winner and we thought another car had won.  Later we found out we were right!  

As we headed back to the car mid afternoon we were ready to get home but when the thought of school in town came to mind I kind of wished it would not be but as everyone knows you can't fight progress, if that is what you call it.  The first day of Cayuga School which came on September 3rd is for another day.

Here we are on a Friday, April 22nd


Terry is reading the paper as I write.  I would say she is the same.  I do know that there are times she is down down in terms of what she can not do and yes that is understanding of course.  So we take it one day at a time and hope that tomorrow is a bit better.

Not a whole lot to say this morning.  I rolled over in bed at 5:45 and just could not get to sleep again so was up by 6:00.  I did my what is normal now.  I had oatmeal with fruit in it and really it was not too bad!!!  I then emptied the dishwasher as now it is fixed and usually kind of full!  I took my meds that now number 6 and got them off the counter and into a pill box.  How exciting that was!!!  Understand I am not complaining as I know those pills are literally lifesavers BUT still there are times I yearn for the good old days when one could wake up, put the FP on and enjoy eggs, bacon, and a piece of toast!  AND that really was not all that long ago but it now seems that the OLD way may never come back.  AND I will not complain if the new way ushers me into the 80 age bracket rather than a box under ground if you get my drift.  Not sure if I am brave enough to venture into a new phase as I just read that coffee is not so good and IF one needs to drink it is a good idea to go to decaf.  That may be getting into way too "goodness" in terms of living.  We will see if I can take on the challenge.

I am off the courts and may just stay that way until after a couple of Dr. appt.  I see my primary Dr. next week and then my neurologist in early May.  I am guessing I may get the word next week that tennis is OK but I may just wait for Dr. Vickers when I see him in May.

With spring in the air my mind goes back to the farm in the 50s and 60s.  I still feel like running around the back of the house and past the outhouse to see if I could yell, "The creek is running, the creek is running."  No I do not want to go back to being preteen BUT the thought is kind of fun.  IF that were possible I do know of a few things I would do differently!

That darn weight is up a pound so I may need to address my eating in a more serious way.  Really I have a goal for the end of April and the way I am going the goal is way way too low BUT I will give it the old college try and maybe, just maybe, I can get there.  I am sure my breakfast of oatmeal this morning helped and that is about the only redeeming fact with that.

As I look at the calendar it appears that the end of the school year is near.  Many years ago that would have meant an uptick in my painting business.  Then later it would have meant going full steam ahead with plans for Servant Camp.  I would say maybe about 1985 or so I met with Louie Grams and talked about camp.  I said I was painting for my summer income and just could not do both painting and camp.  He consented to pay me a salary for the summer and from that time on it was camp camp camp in the summer.  Fun times to remember.  Well maybe not so FUN the summer our camper numbers hit the 400 mark!  With borrowed tents, a number of portable toilets, golf carts to get around etc. etc. camp was a huge summer job but I would say the rewards were wonderful.  Now I am not sure camp was for everyone but for the most part the kids had a blast and I know many came closer to God for the experience.  A good thing for sure.

Before I sign off I will say that I am feeling somewhat better each day.  As I have been on my feet this AM I think my walking is better today as well.  What the heck, with oatmeal for breakfast one should feel like a million dollars I think.

Well I have rambled on enough so will sign off and attempt to clear the dining room table of papers.  I am only hoping that I do NOT find a bill that I did not pay.  I don't think I will but then surprises seem to be part of my life lately.  Enough for the day.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Thursday, April 21st and we head towards the weekend.


Terry was awake before I and as of 9:30 she is finished with the paper and is relaxing with the TV on.  I would say she is OK.  She had her annual wellness visit yesterday and that went well.  It is not an easy task to get her in and out of the car now but she did good!  So here we are another day and life goes on as usual.

I read this on Facebook and thought it was a laugh:

A pastor was winding down his message for the morning.  In a normal voice he stated, "We should take all the beer in the world and throw it into the river".  Then in a louder voice, "And we should take all the wine in the world and throw it into the river."  Then in a very loud voice, "And we should also take all the whiskey in the world and throw it into the river!"  At this he finished and sat down.  The music director stood up and with a hint of laughter in her voice she announced, "For our closing hymn we will sing #365 We shall gather at the river!!!"

Not sure what I should do today.  The kitchen is clean.  The dishes are in the dish washer.  There are no clothes to be washed.  What is a guy to do???  

I did have breakfast.  Of course it consisted of FP.  Then there was a small bowl of cottage cheese with no sugar peaches on top.  Then of course there was the pill taking.  That was done with a bottle of cool water.  What the heck, life is good.

Well actually the dinning room table is NOT cleared yet so I may work on that.  I did get some things taken care of but some remain.  

I drove over to the courts yesterday and WATCHED some tennis.  I may have said already that I will try to stay off the courts until I see the Dr. next week.  BUT Terry had her wellness visit yesterday and at the end I asked her Dr., which is mine as well, about playing tennis and she thought there should be no problem so I may give it a shot.  I really am trying to be careful, careful, and REALLY. careful.  I do not want a relapse or another stroke FOR SURE.

Oh, the desk and the couch in the den are kind of in a mess so I could work on that as well.  As I think about it there is plenty to keep me busy for a time.  AND keeping busy at this time in my life does not take a whole lot as I still am trying to rest once in a while to keep my recovery goes.  So far so good.  I have rested a lot and actually have knot missed taking those darn pills either.  They seem to sit on the pass through and beckon me to do what I need to do.  It is discussing but then at the point of old age one had better do what keeps one kind of healthy.

Not sure if I posted this in the past but it certainly shows a lot about Mom and Dad.  Up to the time this was taken hot water had to be heated on the stove and even perhaps on the cook stove where we burned coal, wood or corn cobs.  One can see how excited  and happy Mom is.  This tiny room was maybe 4 feet by 6 feet and at the end there was a door in the floor and that led to the basement which had dirt floor and walls.  It was down there that Mom stored all the things she canned including canned suckers 😝 and canned chicken at times.  This was the place where I used Dad's razor with his shave cream that was put on with a brush which I started using in grade school.  That was my shaving all through HS and I admit there were times JoEllen's or Gail's checks were red the next day!!!  I know more than one holiday Gail got teased about it.

I am making inroads into eating more healthy.  I am NOT 100% there but do need to clear out some things to leave more room for veggies etc.  I never thought I was terrible at eating but there is certainly room for improvement.

No, I do think I am finished for the day.  Here it is past 10:00 AM and I am finished with my FP so will take a short rest and then tackle some of the papers on the dining room table.  After that another rest maybe!  I do think life needs to get a bit more interesting but for sure not as interesting as several days ago!!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Darn it I messed up


I try to stay on top of my game but I missed Leo's birthday and I will blame it on the hospital stay.  Anyway Leo turned 15 on tax day.  He is getting to be quit the young man.  He is a freshman in HS and being the good student and I think a track guy he is carrying the Lee name in a good way.  Leo, sorry I am late but am hoping Mom and Dad made the day special for you.  May the coming year be filled with fun, successes and new things.  Love, Grandpa and Terry

Embarking on a new road!


TO THIS------ #10 is on the move!!!

Even tho is seems such a short time ago that Grandma and Grandpa took Henry for a ride in the stroller we are at another crossroads.  Henry found out recently that the University of Notre Dame will be his home at least for the next 4 years.  He was accepted some time ago and now found out that his $$ package will enable him to study there for the next while.  At a cost of well over 5 figures a year those packages are VERY important.  I say that because costs at Notre Dame for 2022/23 will be about 72 times more than my freshman year at NDSU in Fargo, ND!!!  OK that was a LONG time ago, only 57 years ago!!!  Henry, a young adult with looks, smarts and athletic skills, will be a wonderful addition to the school.  It will be fun to see how far he soars into the skies of work and business.  I do not know what his major will be but I think it is some kind of engineering.  I do predict that when Henry gets his first job his salary will be well north of Grandpa's first salary of $6,000 which was so generous because he agreed to be coach of football and basketball as well as teach 4th grade!!!  As the oldest of 14 grandchildren Henry is setting the bar very high but I have no doubts that the 13 grandkids that follow will live up to the standard or what the heck they may set it even higher!!!

Well my tennis for the day consisted of biking over to the courts and watching.  This may be the norm until I see the Dr. in early May.  Not a whole lot of fun BUT it is better than a week ago.  It was fun to get on the bike and sit in the warm sunshine outside.  Far far better than watching TV from a hospital bed.  I am more than thankful.

We are experiencing life kind of back to normal.  As I write the washing machine is doing a load of clothes and that is an upgrade from the broken one a few days ago.  Also the dishwasher is now doing the job rather than my hands as it was fixed yesterday.  Now if only this old guy can get back to normal.  Of course nothing these days comes without a price so the checking account is down a bit!

As I read on the internet it looks like our tax refund may come in the summer time.  It was filed about a week ago but it looks like millions of returns will be backed up for a long time.  I guess no worries as we do not need the refund to enhance our life now but of course it is always nice to get those things out of the way.  

Terry has a Dr. appointment this afternoon so will see if there is anything new.  Am hoping and praying that she gets a good report and I think she will.  Before the 2:30 appointment a good shower is in order.

It is a great feeling to see Henry do well and head towards college and now for the 13 that will follow.  It is always fun to see those kids grow, mature and embrace life to the fullest.  EVEN if it makes Grandpa feel kind of like a relic!  At this point I feel so blessed as ALL of them seem to be doing great.  Even little Max, who is the youngest at 2+, is headed towards doing great things I predict.  I do think those kids will far surpass Grandma and Grandpa and that is certainly a very good thing.

Well here it is well past the time I started as there were several interruptions but am finished now and will sign off.  I did have my last sip of FP and IF the hospital coffee was a C- my FP would rate an over the top A++++!  More tomorrow for sure.

Here we are mid week and it is Mike's 42nd birthday today


I admit this picture does not do justice to Mike as it was taken a few years ago.  Now, at the age of 42, he is much more handsome and has that look of wisdom that comes with middle age!  Mike, you are a wonder guy.  I wonder how you do such a super job as a husband and dad.  The Lee's are beyond blessed to have you in our family.  May the coming year be one of fun, things well done and may good health shine on you.  And one note.  The card is still in the making so will come late!!!  Love, Carmen and Terry

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Here we are on a Tuesday and my how time flies


Terry is awake and reading the paper as the clock shows 8:30.  I would say same same as the days go by.  

Well I am a week beyond the hospital and I would say the biggest thing so far is we got the washing machine fixed yesterday!  It has already done 4 loads and is as good as new.  

But about my health.  I would say it is getting better but I do wish things would speed up.  It seems that I am continually tired so I often lie down for a few minutes or so.  I sometimes do something that I can not explain.  An example was about an hour ago.  Terry wanted something from the fridge so I got it and found myself at the garage door!!!  I promise that is NOT where Terry is.  It is not a big thing but it makes me wonder sometimes how long it will be before I get back to what was my normal. I have been over to the tennis courts once but have not decided just when I will be playing again.  I may must wait until I get in a couple of Dr. appt and see what they say.  I would say NO pain, NO physical kinds of issues but I still think my walk a bit off.  Of course good health often takes or always takes it's own course so I will just do one day at a time and see what the time line is.  I have been good about taking my meds etc but that reminds me I need to do that today.

I do have two appointments with Dr. over the next three weeks or so and I am thinking, guessing and expecting I will get the go ahead to be myself again.  By that I mean play tennis, ride bike etc.  

As I heal and get to feeling better I often ask myself, "Is this my stroke or is it a matter of living at the age of 75?"  For the time being I will believe it is because of the stroke and I will return to the old self in short order.  I know some would say "returning to the old self" is not a good idea!!!  Mom and Dad lived into their mid 80s so some of us kids need to be at least that good.  Well Joan is doing fine and she is 5 years older than I and Helen is the baby of the family but really that "baby" term is not relevant now!

I am thinking I may need something to take my mind off of my health issues.  Maybe I should start a new book or the easier one would be to start a 2023 calendar.  I have made calendars for the last 5 years and put pictures of family etc on each month.  BUT as of now I have NO idea as to a theme for 2023.  I may need to get suggestions from Joan and Helen.  I THINK family enjoys them so for sure there needs to be a 2023 one.  I think I have enough pictures for calendars through 2050 but I have serious doubts that I will live to be way way over 100!!!

I am guessing Judi/John are now traveling back to MN from AR.  They have a lot on their plate when they get back as it looks like BIG changes will be made but as I think about that life is pretty much about change and for sure we should welcome changes that WE make.  NOT some changes that happen where we have NO control!!!

Wow, I do need to make a decision about the St. Paul home.  A new roof has to be done.  So here are my options in no order:

  1. New asphalt roof on both the house and garage
  2. New asphalt roof on the house and leave the garage as it is OK
  3. New metal roof on the house and garage which is VERY expensive
  4. New metal roof on the house and leave the garage.
I so would like to do #3 but really it is too expensive.  I do think it is cost effect as a contractor told me IF I did both with metal and sold the next week I would recoup my money BUT the issue is I am NOT selling now so!!!  Anyway this week a decision needs to be made and I would not be surprised IF my delay means a longer wait as the time I talked to the roofer he said early May.  Well Carmen make up your mind soon!!!
I think it is time to sign off, take a short rest and then get onto some things that need to be done.  Really I don't know what to do now.  The taxes are sent in.  The washer is fixed.  I have checked the bank accounts and they are not, for now, in danger of being overdraft.  Oh, maybe the dining room table could use those 100 or so papers taken care of.  I am always "in" for a fun time so to speak.  I do have half a cup of FP left so will take some time to look at internet while I sip the last of it and THEN get to work, maybe!!!

Monday, April 18, 2022

Here we are at Monday, April 18th


As I write Terry is with the paper as she woke maybe around 7:00 AM.  I would say she seems about the same but I have some concern as she has been coughing so we will see.  Another day and let's be thankful for what God has given us.

Well I promise it seems that tennis is a bit out there as I know at this time I could not play.  The only thing that has me concerned is I just can not walk like I should.  Is it getting better?  To be honest I am not sure but I will go out on a limb and say YES.  I guess time will tell

We should have two big things happening today.  The dishwasher is supposed to be fixed and that would be good but the REAL big deal is the washer is supposed to be fixed.  The pile of clothes is slowly getting higher and if the washer does not get fixed VERY soon Terry and I may need to bathe often😃.  Last week both were promised to be done today so we will see.

Terry and I enjoyed a delicious Easter dinner yesterday.  I put cream potatoes and ham in the over about 11:00 AM and then as they came out I put asparagus in for about 12 minutes.  

Terry said everything was delicious and of course I believed her.  It was an enjoyable meal and of course we all know that almost the best of holiday meals are the leftovers.  I admit I had cream potatoes with ham in for breakfast and it beat oatmeal hands down!!!  Not to brag or anything but I too felt it was very good.

My health!  I am doing OK but I do think I should be getting better faster.  I feel fine as I do take short rests maybe every couple hours or so but my walking seems to be in neutral so to speak.  I can walk fine but it just is not the same as in the past.  I am guessing it will change for the better but I do wish it would progress faster.  

I need to call the Dr. today.  The papers say see the Dr. in a couple days and I am just concerned they will say she is busy for the next  weeks.  I will call today and see what happens.  Actually as I look at the clock it is almost 8:30 so I could call now.  I ate breakfast so those darn pills do not land on an empty stomach so I think now it will be pills and then the call.

Not much more to say today.  I am going to lie down for a bit and rest and then get some things done but I will keep the phone near as those appliance calls could come at any time.

Sunday, April 17, 2022



As I sit down to write I hear Terry stirring, my FP is nearly ready to enjoy and I am ready to celebrate the risen Lord.  Terry is still sleeping but I am going to guess that she is OK today.  We will see how she did when she wakes up but I think she had a good sleep.

As I went out to retrieve the paper I thought to myself this 70 degree weather is somewhat better than the 25 in St. Paul!  Well not so sure I am excited about the projected 84 this afternoon but by that time Terry and I will be seated at the table in the AC house enjoying cream potatoes, ham and asparagus with apple pie for dessert if needed/wanted.  With my limited culinary skills it may be a challenge to get the potatoes and ham ready to eat at the same time but I will give it my best try.  I had peas in mind but Terry mentioned that it would be nice to have asparagus so that we will have.  Not sure I have ever prepared asparagus but will give it the old college try.  Wait a minute what am I saying about college???

I was awake way way too early so I decided to get out of bed at 5:45.  I still do not hear the TV on so I am pretty sure Terry is sleeping.  I have things figured out for our about 2:00 PM meal.  IF I am correct I need to start things about 10:00 AM.

I talked to both sisters last night.  Joan is with son Quinn for a while as he has been very very sick.  I think he has/had a brain bleed.  Joan let hubby Ron at home and has been with Quinn for some time.  Sounds like maybe another week and she will head home.  Quinn does have a special friend to be with him AND he needs much help in daily living but Joan thinks he is slowly slowly improving.  

Well I did my thing this morning and again ate a healthy breakfast.  No, I did not have oatmeal as I think I can only take that every other day.  So I took some no sugar canned peaches and ate them with cottage cheese.  A far far cry from my favorite sausage/eggs/hashbrowns but at least for the short while it will have to do.  BUT I did snack too much yesterday so my weight was up a pound.  On days like this, Easter, I think back on what Mom had to prepare for dinner.  I think much of the time she had a ham that Dad had won at a trap shoot.  I know for sure there were cream potatoes and yes Mom made the best.

I find this interesting.  My calves continue to be very very sore after being in bed for several days.  However they do seem just a bit better today so maybe in a few days that will be gone.  I do continue to stay off my feet for a few minutes every couple hours as I think that is good for this stroke thing.  I should add that I am now on day 4 I think of being home and I have been very good about taking those darn pills etc. that I am on.  I kind of do not want to think about doing that for the next many years but then the alternative may not be so good!

For some reason we did not get a Sunday paper so ventured out to Walmart for one.  It is a beautiful day and perfect for Easter Sunday.  On days like this I tend to think back on my early years on the farm and yes, give thanks as I now feel my childhood was very good.  Not a lot of money but much love which of course is much much better.  

I think that is it for this Easter Sunday.  It is strange to think of family now and what family was way way back.  Then it was church and home to Mom's great meal.  It would be Mom, Dad, Joan, Dave, Helen and if we were lucky some years Ronald/Glorine and Janet/John.  Today, oh my so different.  Glorine is in Rapid City playing the piano for Easter Service I am guessing.  John/Judi are in Arizona and getting ready to head back to MN.  Joan and Ron, well Ron is most likely at a family dinner so he does not need to cook!!  Where Joan is taking care of son Quinn in another state.  I am thinking maybe Marlys is with one of the kids but I do not know that.  Helen is in Arkansas and maybe having friends over for a delicious dinner.  May goodness how time has a way of making BIG changes in lives.  I might add that our farm where we grew up and had so many Easter Sundays is now a grain field as the fire took all.  Lord we do not understand your ways but try to embrace your will for our lives.  

I close with a "Have a wonderful Easter and may it launch you into a year of blessings."

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Here we are at Saturday AM awaiting the risen Christ tomorrow


I would say Terry is SAME today.  She woke before me and looked at her phone until I, sleepy head, woke up.  Here we are at 8:40 and she is reading the paper.


  • Yes I did the ultimate thing this morning and had oatmeal!!!  With each bite I could see and hear the ploop of oatmeal hitting my dish at Grandma Lee's place.  I often slept over after a late BB game and breakfast was always oatmeal.  After the very first time when I made the mistake and told her it was very good (another ploop of course) I always remembered to say I was just not all that hungry!  But today it was really not too bad.  Well I cheated a bit and put berries in it but I do think they are healthy.
  • YES I proudly drove to the post office yesterday PM to drop off our taxes!  AND again we will be getting a refund but it felt so so good to put things in the mailbox and say "until 2023".
  • YES as I walk around this morning my calves are very sore.  I am guessing my body is telling me that I had been in bed for several days and yesterday, for the first time, I was up and about a lot.  For sure I will continue to be lazy and take it easy for several days BUT I do need to finish one job.  Yesterday the dining room table was almost piled high with papers.  I worked on it for some time and today will finish it off.  I thought one can just NOT have such a mess on Easter Sunday as we celebrate our risen Christ.
  • YES I drove over to the tennis courts yesterday and arrived just as some friends were walking off the courts.  At this time I am NOT getting on the bike for a few days just to be safe.  It was great to see them again and we did talk for a time.
Well I have been very good about taking meds but really that is a nasty job.  I have 6 bottles of pills on the pass through from the kitchen and they are organized so wonderfully.  But really give me a break and just reduce some of them, please!  I need to make a Dr. appointment and maybe she can help me with that.

Growing up the kids loved to color Easter eggs and here is Aaron to prove it!

I need to double check to make sure I have things for tomorrow.  Well I say that but really how simply can a meal get when the menu is cream potatoes, ham and peas??  I debated about putting a glaze on the hame.  I have never done that so I consulted Terry and she said not to worry about it.  Oh I did buy good bread for ham sandwiches as that is often our favorite meal.  I still hold it against Gail when she sent leftover ham and homemade buns with our Easter guests as they left!  Well I guess not really but there was a time or two that I held back in my comments.

Well here it is almost 9:00 and the day, so far, has been almost like pre-stroke.  It has been get up, get the papers from the driveway, make hot water for FP and then eat.  Well the oatmeal was not the OLD normal but I am afraid it may need to be the NEW normal and I am sure I can live with that.  Well I had better be able to LIVE with that.

I am going to close for the day and get working on the rest of the table.  Terry has said she would really like a salad with iceberg lettuce today so will need to get to the store for some things.  Other than that I will spend some time with the Bible and prayer on this Holy Saturday in preparation for celebrating tomorrow.  I will add, as I sign off, that it is GREAT to be home, feeling pretty good and being with Terry.  Thank you Lord.

Friday, April 15, 2022

Here it is 6:21 and I have been awake for 2 and a half hours and up for one and a half.


Terry is awake and in bed watching TV.  She woke about 6:00.  I would say she is doing fine and is about the same as yesterday.  There may be a shower on her schedule as that has not happened for some time.

Here I am starting day 2 from the hospital.  IF I improve today as I did yesterday I could be back close to "my normal".  I have yet to put out the banquet of pills that are now required!!!  OK I am not a fan of pills but am thankful for the benefit they are to ones health.  

Yesterday was busy for a sick old guy!  I did some work in the morning like washing dishes (remember broken dishwasher), straightening some things etc.  We then had a gal over talking about home care.  After that the washer machine guy came and gave us the news that a blade in the drainer of the washer is broken and he will be back with the part MONDAY.  We needed him to say Friday but that was not the case.  AND we are waiting to hear from the guy who ordered the part for the dishwasher.  So things are happening even if I am not so happy with some!

That is just part of the clothes that are waiting to be washed.  Come Monday I suspect it will be a bit taller!

I would say that the first 2 hours of today are an improvement over yesterday so progress continues and I am happy about that.  Yesterday was the first full day Terry and I have been solo since my stroke and I would give the day an A- so am happy with that.

What about today.  Well an e-mail said UPS will deliver our completed taxes so we can send them in either today or tomorrow.  That will be beating the deadline by maybe two days.  I have not seen them yet but am expecting and hoping that there will be some sort of refund coming and NOT any payment expected.  I sent ALL the papers in maybe three weeks ago and they finished them with NO phone calls to me so I must have been GREAT in my work!!!  I hope it is OK to occasional give ones self a pat on the back.  That is usually the case but then one never knows.  

I received an e-mail from John Mouw yesterday and he said they will be selling their beautiful lake home and making the A frame house their summer home.  The A frame is on the back part of their lake lot.  Their home is very very nice but they have decided to make AR their new residence with the lake A frame their summer home for a few months.  Oh my life and family changes as the years go by.  As the years go by time has a way of forcing us to make changes and I guess that is not always bad.  

With the move that John/Judi are bring to my to mind family and how things change.  I had to sit back with I admit, some tears.  Recalling days long long ago was kind of fun but then thinking about how many many changes have taken place the memories were not always so good BUT yes I am thankful for the memories of childhood.

  • It brought  to mind the many days of fun on Lake Tewaukon which often seemed like our personal playground.  During the weekdays it was Dave's and my bathtub and on Sundays it was a place where many came to recreate including some pretty girls with nice swim suits!  It was the place we learned to water ski behind either Ronald's or John's boat. Today it is a NWL where the birds and fish get to be and fishing, swimming etc are forbidden.  Life brings changes, indeed.
  • I remember back when all 6 of us kids were home.  Ronald and Janet were going to HS in Lidgerwood with the rest of us in grade school at Wood Lake rural school.  Now where is family?  Well Mom, Dad, Ronald, Janet and Dave are no longer with us.  In laws live in South Dakota, North Dakota and Arizona while siblings enjoy life in Utah, Arkansas and I am in Florida!  I guess time also has a way of creating space between family!!!  As I sit at the computer this morning I think back at my days on the farm when I would shimmy up the light pole by the barn and lay on the west roof side of the barn roof wonder/dream about "where might that jet in the sky be going.  Well I knew it was going some place I had never been BUT what happened.  Now family is in places far away and I have visited all 50 states so no more wondering!
  • I sometimes bring out the old HS annuals and reminisce about the glory days and sad days of that time.  The football games won and lost.  The basketball days of tournaments and even to state.  AND I would be remiss if I did not say yes the girl friends as well.  Going to the homecoming dance as a freshman and taking a girl home when I had NO idea what or how to do that.  I should add that my lack of knowledge in that served me well as I was a pretty good boy!!!
  • Going off to college with NO idea what I should study.  AND as I have said in the past the aptitude test said I would be a good undertaker, yikes!
  • Buying our first house for the HUGE sum of $17,500 and Gail's folks thought we were crazy to spend that kind of money on a house.  But they said nothing when 7 years later we sold it for $34,000.
  • I could go on and on about kids and their activities.  Perhaps one of the biggest surprises when at parent conferences another parent informed us our son John had broken their son's arm.  Well I guess maybe he learned that you just do not call others names.  The story was this boy went off on the name "Lee" and called John "pee lee"!  I think it only happened once!!!
OK as one might guess I could go on and on and on but perhaps another day.  I might add that there were so many many highlights in HS sports.  Of course one can not get a highlight better than being state champions and all three boys experienced that but as good as those times were Cynthia provided one of the best.  In the district BB tournament the game came down to the last couple of minutes and as Cynthia launched a shot you could hear the coach say something like, "Cynthia no--way to go Cynthia". Coming down the floor half a minute later again, "Cynthia no--way to go Cynthia".  They went to the state tournament on the wings of those two shots but lost their first game.  

Yes nice memories to live with and fun times to remember but be assured that there were not nearly as many sad moments but for sure there were some!
Enough for this AM so will close with a sip of FP and a heartfelt thanks to our Lord for good health.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Here I am again several days after my last blog


Terry is pretty much the same.  She is in bed all the time with spirits up most of the time.  So as we doing one day at a time and things are pretty good.

Here is pretty much my new life!!!  Several days and maybe a week after a stroke I am home as of yesterday.  Look at all I have to do!!!  I will do what needs to be done but I do not like pills!!!  Well now I may have changed my mind as they say they are important.  The upside down one is that way because I had some kind of test just before I left the hospital and they say NOT to take that one for 48 hours.  I will be safe and wait 60 hours

But I am feeling well with one exception and that is at this point I am somewhat unstable on my feet.  When I say that I am saying I will not be on the tennis court for some time but there is no danger of falling etc.  I am driving and at this point am Terry's caregiver.  

In home things we have a broken dishwasher and broken washing machine but am hopeful of getting them fixed soon.  We had better as the dirty clothes are kind of in a pile!

AND I might add the I am told to adjust my eating as I am just above the line that puts one as a diabetic which is a NEW thing.  Dr said in my case it can easily be reversed at this point. I think a good plan would be to go on a 7 day fast!  Well that is not really true but the new diet seems like that!!!

This is short as I do not do well looking at the computer for long periods of time so will sign off for now.  I should say that being sick is a way to lose weight but really I would not recommend it.  There has to be a better way but I am down 15 pounds but no worries my clothes still fit which most likely tells you where I was before!

Hope everyone who still reads this is doing well and looking forward to a wonderful Easter Sunday in 3 days.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Here we are at Wednesday, April 6, 2022


I would say Terry is same same as I try to write she is reading the paper in bed.

I will make this short today.  I was in the hospital from 3:00 PM to midnight on Monday.  I was able to drive home after that.  I have been dealing with lack of balance as it has been hard to walk.  I did not get any answers while in the hospital so it still is an issue.  I would say it is a tiny bit better today than 24 hurst's ago.  I did have an interesting conversation with the Dr. and here is how it took place:

The robot came walking into the room all by itself.  When it stopped at the foot of my bed the Dr. appeared on the screen that I circled.  After a conversation she said good-bye and the robot left the room and went down the hall!!!  It actually almost made me more dizzy than I had been!!!  I arrived home about 12:30 AM Tuesday and have been kind of lying low since.  I cancelled tennis today as I do not feel up to it.  Am I OK???  I am not sure as I feel kind of out of it.  IF I am not better tomorrow I may need to revisit the Dr. but am hoping that is not the case.    Now the good thing is over the last 36 hours I have lost 4 pounds but I would not recommend losing it in that way!

I have a hard time looking at something for very long so will sign off for the day.  Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

I am enjoying my FP for the first time in two days so maybe, just maybe, that will make the difference!!!

Monday, April 4, 2022

Here we are at the first Monday of April in 2022


I am thinking I may need a nap today!  Terry had some needs at 2:30 AM so I took care of them and then again at 6:30 AM so by the time I finished I figured it was time to get up.  Terry is doing OK as it is unusual for her to have needs in the middle of the night.  I am hoping I was nice to her as waking up like that usually does not set well with my mood!!!  Anyway as I write she has the paper to read and the TV on.

Not a lot to say today.  I am going to give tennis a try today as I have had that darn dizziness for a few days but I do think it is gone this morning.  Well for sure I will see when I get on the courts at 9:00.

Not much in the way of plans for the week.  We are only 2 weeks away from Easter, wow.  After Easter Terry has her wellness visit with her doctor but really that is about all we have this month.  Next month we have the wedding and I am concerned about that as it is a 700 mile trip and a few over nights which could be a challenge for us.  I do think it will be OK but we have not traveled at all since Terry has been in a wheelchair.  I thought about trying to get her on the walker again but I think she is not strong enough at this time for that.  BUT the really big thing is what to wear and how to make her finger nails pretty!!!

I have not played tennis much lately and nothing since last Thursday so I will see if old age has crept up in those days!!!  Does it happen that fast???  I really don't know. 

I really am trying to lose some weight and have been marginally successful so far.  I think in the last two weeks I am down 6 pounds and that is not nearly enough BUT every little bit helps for sure.  My goal is to drop another 20 which would put me at the weight I was several years ago.  Really all it takes is a little or a lot of discipline and often I have not enough of that.  BUT we will see this time.  

I am still in a quandary about what I should do with the roof on Niles Ave.  It seems like a metal roof would be a good investment but then the COST!  Yesterday I thought about it and then asked myself "What am I saving the $$ for?"  Well the answer was kind of scary so will not share what I thought!

No here it is 8:36 AM and with tennis at 9:00 I need to find something to wear and get ready.  I just hope I feel well enough to play.  I should be good to go as as have finished my FP and the usually gives me some get up and go!!!  I will not take time to proof read as time is short so hope there are not too many mistakes in my writing.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Here we are at April 3rd, the first Sunday of the month.


Terry woke me up about 7:00 AM and is now reading the paper.  I would say she is same same.  Yesterday she said she would be open to going on a wheelchair ride today around where we live so I may take her up on that, we will see.  It is currently cloudy so we may get rain.

Well it is Sunday so I may just dial the clock way way back and write about a major decision Gail and I made in the spring of 1972 and what came of it!

I started teaching in the fall of 1969 and immediately took to the idea of using visual ads in teaching as my students were deaf.  I read an article in early spring of 1972 about a workshop in Lincoln NB for teachers of the deaf which focused on visual aids.  I applied and got a grant to go to school.  That was the first step towards getting my MS degree.  Actually I guess that is not correct.  I had taken the GRE test a year earlier so I had that out of the way.  

We found a person who would rent our home during the summer and we took off to NB with the idea of camping during the 6 weeks I went to school.  I have written about that but can say camping and sleeping in a tent with a 2 and half year old and 6 month baby was an adventure but we lived through it with no damage so to speak.  That launched me towards my degree.  Over the next two years I took some classes at Lake Region Community College and then in the summer of 1974 I enrolled at UND in Grand Forks with a goal of majoring in learning disabilities and a minor in administrative work.  Over the next three summers 74,75 and 76 I spent in Grand Forks taking classes during the summer.  One summer I stayed with Gail's Aunt and Uncle.  One summer I stayed with some community people and the last summer I rented an apartment.  We intended to have Gail and the boys stay in Grand Forks with me that last summer but it did not work out.  During the school year of 75-76 I conducted my research paper which compared test scores of students who had an educational program in the dorm with students who did not have a program.  Finally with cap and gown, Gail and the boys AND Mom and Dad I received my MS in the summer of 1976,  It was so nice of Mom and Dad to come and take it in and then we had a picnic afterwards to celebrate.  Mom and Dad even gave me a graduation gift, a gun case which I still have.   I then settled into the office of Director of Education at the school for the Deaf.  I served in that capacity until we moved in the fall of 77.  

As I think back on those days I tend to wonder how we did it all with me being gone during the week.  We needed to plan and save as at that time I was not getting paid during the summer months so it was a HUGE challenge to plan ahead so that the summer bills could be paid but we made it work.  Gail had the boys by herself and they were more than a handful at times.  I only remember once where she called me and said I had better get home before she killed someone.  I will not say who!!!  We felt that we had things under control at that time.  I was now getting a better salary and I really loved my job.  BUT as life has a way of changing, our desire for a Christian Community grew and we decided that God's plan for us was NOT for me to stay at the school but rather move to St. Paul where I was offered a job out of the blue.  We immersed our selves and family into People of Praise.  It also brought new things for the boys in terms of school and sports.  AND I should add that it also brought into Gail's life her dream, a baby girl!!!  I would not say Cynthia was God's reward for pursuing what we felt God intended us to do but I will not say it was an accident!  There may be more details in later readings.  BUT I will say that the move was a total life changing event for us.  Yes, if I were able to go back to the fall of our move, 1977 I would so some things differently BUT what use is there is saying, "what if?'  When I weigh the good and not so good of that move the scale is way way up on the GOOD so we will leave it at that.  

Here was our home for 6 weeks at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln.  We only used the pick up camper if it rained for cooking.  Other wise we cooked over the fire pit.  As I went to school during the day Gail took the boys to swim lessons at the Y.  We even invited some of our new friends over for dinner! Taking the tent along was a last minute decision but it was a life saver as we slept in in the entire time.  The camper was too small.  We left a day earlier than we wanted as a huge band of gypsies moved in and took over the camp ground!  We did not like the cages with snakes in!!!  We were forever grateful to Grandpa and Grandma Saunders as they lent us their pickup and camper.  To this day I am amazed that Gail would put up with me going to school like that.

We have a cloudy day with temps near 90.  The weather shows that by late afternoon we have a 90% chance of rain which could mean no tennis tomorrow!  I need to get on the courts as I have not played now for 3 days and this old body does not take long to get rusty!  I think we got put on overflow again on Tuesday. 

Actually the NO tennis for a few days came at a good time as I have not felt well for three days now.  I do think I am feeling somewhat better today but I have had this dizziness for some time.  Today I have been able to be up and around for over an hour with no signs of it so that is good.

Well here it is a bit past 9:00 and I am finished writing.  I do have some FP left so will linger on the computer for a time and look at Facebook which I admit is often a waste of time but!!!

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Here I am at April 2nd and I skipped April fools on purpose!!!

 We start with Mr. Liam who turns 17 today-----HAPPY BIRTHDAY

Of perhaps the 200s+ pictures that I have taken of the grandkids this is one of my all time favorites.  AND I say that about the picture but also about Liam, a special guy for sure!  Happy birthday Liam and have not only a special day but a special year.  AND keep being the great guy that you are!!  Love Grandpa and Terry

It was a late morning as I tried to sleep in until almost 8:00.  I have not felt well for the last two days and it is strange to put it mildly.  If I get up and about after about 10 minutes or so I get dizzy.  No jokes as there may be people who say that is always the case BUT for real it is not good.  I stayed in bed most of the day yesterday and today have been careful to not be up much.  I wanted to go to the store but did not trust driving like this.  Tomorrow, hopefully better.

No tennis yesterday or today or tomorrow and am hoping by Monday I feel ok again.

I have spent some time on the computer today as for some strange reason the North Dakota School for the Deaf came up and I just got into it.  I worked there from the fall of 1969-the fall of 1977.  The first 7 years as a middle school and title 1 teacher and the last as the Director of Education.  It "for sure" was the very best working days of my career.  In the summer of 1977 Gail and I decided to move to St. Paul and join People of Praise.  Yes, that was a good move and the right move but in terms of work it was a downer BUT I made it through 30 years of teaching in St. Paul so no complaints.  Anyway as NDSD, North Dakota School for the Deaf, came up I spent time today reminiscing and recalling those days.  They included much from teaching a group of 4th graders to spending time in grad school to being in charge of the entire educational program at the school.  It is interesting as the year I left there were 130 students and today there are about a dozen but the school has become a center and resource for Deaf Education in all of North Dakota.  

I found several things that were pretty interesting.

As one can see this is payroll at the school from July 1 of 70-June 30 of 71.  AND by the way there were 70 people on the payroll.  In that year my salary was something like $6800 which included helping to coach football and basketball!!!  How times change, right!  As I looked at NDSD website of today there are at least 3 people listed on it that were there when I left in 1977.  Lilia, who was hired as my full time aide in 1971 I believe, is still there and has done many many different jobs.  I think the job in my classroom was her very first which means maybe she is 70.  As I read about what she has done I do think the school may have fallen apart if she were not there.  I still can remember many details of Lilia, Marci and I working on an automated slide show to sell to the legislature for more funds.  We finished it on a Saturday by working ALL day.  Gail never did say what she thought of me working with the two gals all day!!!  By the way it was very well received and got us the needed money.

This is more like the bus we had when I was driving at the school for the deaf.  We had a wired small fan to keep the windshield clear in the middle of winter!!!

One of my many jobs was bus driver for basketball games.  I KNOW this is a more modern bus than the one they had when I drove!  It was bus driver, calling in scores when Steve B was the highest scoring basketball player in ND with a game average of 35 points per game being the scorekeeper during the games etc tec.  Steve took us within one game of the state tournament.  In terms of NDSD the stories could go on and on and on but will stop for now.

This is pretty much what my letterman's jacket was like except for the color.  I wore it until a neighbor boy in Devils Lake dropped it into my oil pan which at the time had old oil in it!  To this day I still feel that the pins and bars on it were well earned and deserved!!!  Of course why would I feel differently?  But IF it were in good shape look what it may be worth?????  I think back then we had to pay something like $30 for it and I got mine my freshman year as I lettered in football.

Well it is PM and I got a late start but will sign off for the day.  Actually I am just sipping the last of the FP that I heated up.