Sunday, May 27, 2012

The last Sunday in May and Terry's birthday

Grand children and camper bunks

more grand children and still bunks!

I knew Henry needed a brick on his head--too big now

Liam the expert biker

Terry by the Chattanooga engine in Chattanooga TN--remember the song??
 Just a short note this morning.  We will be headed into Peachtree City this morning for 11:00 church and then hang out for a time with Kim/Dave and family and celebrate Terry's birthday.
The morning is unreal.  There is a hint of firewood in the air from all the fires last night, the sun is bright as it peeks through the tall pines, the pines' fragrance is always part of camping, some parties are stirring, some tents remain quiet as a church mouse, as I look around I can see kayaks, canoes, bikes, boats and more.  All things that make camping so fun.  In between thoughts I sip french press coffee. The Starbucks coffee that I have had this trip says it is DARK french roast which is intense and a bit smokie!!  Now how could life be any better at the moment?
It would almost be possible on a camping trip to forget the holiday weekend but we did not.  It seems to me that Memorial Weekend has evolved into a time to remember not only people who gave their life for our freedom but also loved ones who have died.  I especially think of family, Lawrence (Ronald or Red), Janet, mother, dad, grandpa Saunders, Charlie and Gail.  It is easy and actually comforting sometimes to sit and wonder "what if?"  Especially about brother Ronald and sister Janet.  Their lives were so full yet their time with us was so short.  I remember so well how their deaths affected mother and dad.  For some reason I remember that after Ronald died mother never made filled cookies again.  Funny thing I didn't even like the cookies!!  Maybe as time passed she made them but I kind of think not.  I also remember that after their deaths not a holiday went by that mother did not shed a tear as we blessed the meal.  It is interesting that as one ages and matures life, death, happiness take on different meanings.  For me one of the things that has happened is the downs become less of a down and the ups become less of an up.  I guess I could say that life changes from a roller coaster to small hills and small valleys.  Is it good?  I would say it is but I have to watch myself so that can catch the meaning of the moment regardless if it is an UP or a DOWN.
To my left a kayak is being put on the car, a bike just went past and there is activity down the hill where it looks like half of GA is camping so time to move on.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Day 7 of our camping trip

camping in lake Geneva WI

Zach, first grandson to graduate from HS

How sweet it is!!
Sitting at the state park campsite trying to get over a short but VERY hilly bike ride.  Got the fast bike carrying a slow body up to 34.1 MPH.  I know that for the serious biker that would be a good speed on level ground but for me--that is fast enough.  Reminded me of looking down at the chain on my motorcycle, many many years ago, and saying that 80+ mph was a bit fast just in case that chain broke!  We are at Chattahoochee Bend State Park in GA and it is the nicest state park I have ever been in.  It is new and certainly looks the part.
Took in Zach's graduation last night and now are getting ready to head back into town for the afternoon party.  Then it will be some kind of celebration for Terry as she has a birthday tomorrow.  On Monday it is towards the north where we will take in Niagara Falls on our way to friends north of Toronto. 
So far we have had wonderful weather and a safe trip. 
Don't know if we will be ready to arrive back to real life next Sunday.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Just a quickie for now
We are camping 20 miles south of Nashville TN.  All is well and things have gone so well.  Had a great time in South Bend with John/Mary and kids.  Will arrive in PeachTree City GA early afternoon tomorrow and will set up camp in a state park for the next 4 days.
More in a day or so.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

A picnic with mountain climbers, princesses, soccer players and a cute baby

5 month old Ben and Mommy

Little girls can do this!!!

Can I go to school with you?

Yes, picnics with grownups are fun but we are hungry

Can we walk/run all the way down?

It is too far to walk up!

We are happy wheel people can come to the park

It's not Pikes Peek but it is my mountain
A morning at the park with grand kids and kids!  Viewing the falls, kicking the ball, eating dogs over the fire, having ice cream and more, you can not beat that.  Grandma Terry, myself, Cynthia, Faustina, Leo, Jude and Ben spent about two hours at the park yesterday.  It was a grand time.  That place, Sea Salt, is the place to go it seems as we met several people we knew. 
The afternoon was a different story.  To Penny's for a short shopping trip, a stop at Costco for gas and then to Lego Land where Leo was able to pick out a Lego set.  Luckily the one he wanted was too old for him (well the price was $79:(  ) so that one got to stay on the shelf for a time when a more generous parent or grandparent might happen along. After arriving home it was a test of wills between Leo and grandpa.  Grandpa's way was to follow the directions step by step (Like I always do!) but Leo's way was to look at the picture and follow that.  Grandpa's way won but really there are some tiny parts that still lie on the table!!!!  Finally after the thing was together we got Leo to eat--but not much.  Then it was Star Wars in the camper with an overnight there too with Grandpa and Grandma Terry.  Well after the movie and we were all settled in Leo quietly said he wanted to sleep in the house!!  So in we go and of course there were no objections from ANYONE.
As I sit here this morning blogging Leo, of course, is watching Star Wars in the living room.  I am not sure why as last night he explained the whole movie as we watched it!  I know that if Mommy were here she might say "have we not watched enough movies, how about going for a walk!"  BUT mommy is not here so we will finish the movie!!!!!!!
As we entertain Leo today we also need to get our act together as we will head out in the morning for places east, north and then back west again.  It is kind of fun as the oldest grandchild, Zach, graduates from HS next week and the youngest grandchild, Ben, just smiles at you in the best "5 month smile" in the world.
No, Terry is hemming some hiking pants, Leo is busy as I said so grandpa best be getting off the computer and into something that leads to work which needs to be done--AND the french press is gone.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Valhalla 27 is in action

About to leave on our first trip with Valhalla27

Lake Bemidji State Park was Valhalla27's first stop

Cynthia made 2 beautiful placemats for us.  With our initials on them they will stay with Valhalla27 forever

Nothing like a cup of coffee around the fireplace early in the morning.  I know my morning leisure wear and clog shoes, what can I say.

Well, it is a bit chilly!
 Well, our first trip is history.  We left St. Paul Monday morning with camper in tow.  Lake Bemidji State park appeared on our navigation about 4:00 PM.  It turned out to be a wonderful camping spot.  We stayed only one night so we did not put up the side tent but the site was very nice and we had a wonderful time.  We brought our bikes along so yesterday morning we rode the 17.85 miles around the lake.  It was kind of cool and very windy but we made it and had fun.  Valhalla27 towed perfect and we found that the Odyssey does a great job on the road with Valhalla 27.  It does cut our MPG down a lot but still were able to do a bit over 21 MPG so not too bad.  I know the MPG is a guy thing but for me it is fun to follow.  Some of the things we learned on our two day trip are:
  • Bemidji weather can be windy and cool
  • It is not a good idea to wait until 10:00 PM to settle in your camper for the first time!  For any first timers in the world I suggest you get to camp, set things up, go through what the night will be and then do any activity you want!
  • We do not like Minnesota travel delays
  • We need to renew our plan to stop every 2-3 hours to get out and stretch.  We drove none stop to and from which is about a 4 1/2 hr drive.  Not really that bad but what the heck, slow down and live
  • There is nothing like a campfire.  Of course we knew that but it was reinforced
  • We will really like our camper and so enjoy using it
We did want to do a short camping trip before we leave this Sunday for about two weeks but the reason we traveled to Bemidji was to say hi to Terry's mother, Dorothy.  At 86 she lives alone in this cute little one bedroom home and is doing very well.  We brought her a couple of iris plants that are purple and smell like Shasta grape pop.  She was happy with them.  One of Terry's brother also lives in Bemidji so we visited him and then had a discount oil change as we bought the car from him last fall.
We arrived home last night just before sundown, a bit later than we had planned.  We stopped at Itasca State Park on the way home. to visit the source of the Mississippi River.  This fall as we do the horse shoe camping trip north, west south and east again we will stop where the river empties into the Gulf.  We purchased a little state park book and will see how many state park stamps we can get over the next few years, kind of a fun thing to do.
Well, today will be just as fun as our trip.  In about 2 hours we will drive to Cynthia's with camper in tow.  We promised Faustina and Jude a movie in the camper.  We will have to find some treats that are not sticky and will not show up very much when little fingers open and close all the doors and windows!!!!
Terry and I should have been up for a short run this morning but 44--maybe another day.
A side comment.  If one does not know what Valhalla means---well I had to look it up too.  The 27 is there as Terry's bd, my birthday, our marriage and our camper pick up day all happened on the 27th of the month.  In fact Terry's bd is this month.
Well my french press is not finished but I am upstairs and the rest of the coffee is in the kitchen so.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Yesterday, an important day for Henry

Mary sent us an e-mail a few days ago and let us know that Sunday, May 5, Henry would be making first communion.  We were so thankful to know about his big day.  It is difficult to miss those important times in the lives of the grandchildren.  When we called him yesterday and talked with him he said it was a special day!! As one can see the first picture was taken a few years ago but the bottom was taken Easter weekend.  Big change but same sweet smile and such a handsome guy.  Grandpa wonders what God has in store for such a good guy.
The last few days have been rainy.  Thursday-Saturday we had around 3 inches of rain.  Things looked green but for sure now they will be green green green.
Yesterday we went to the People of Praise Community Meeting.  They had a slide show of people and things way back in the late 70's and 80's.   Terry and I stayed after the meeting a bit as they had a video of a theater gig they did in 81.  It was so fun.  And I should say informative too.  We found out what Eve's phone number was in the garden.  ADAM 8 1 2.   With that number it must have been a cell phone!!!  But it was fun to see what went on 30 years ago. 
For the week we are planning to get the driveway patched up and continue to plan how to fit the camper as two weeks from today we will be headed to South Bend, Georgia, Canada, the great lakes and back home in 12 days or so.  Terry will have the BIG birthday on our trip and am counting on her grandson Sam to help plan how to celebrate on the 27 as we will be at Kim's place.
We had a bit of water in the basement yesterday, maybe a gallon or so but some things got wet.  We took the time to clean some, recycle some and order some things. It was not what we had planned for half of the day but it was good to get some things done.
No, it is almost 7:00 which means I need to put the water pot on, grind some coffee for the french press and even venture outside to make sure I get the recycling out in time.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

When is down good??

There are times when down is good and times down is not good.
Yesterday the dow was down 160+, not good
This morning the temp is down, not good??
The number of hurts I have today from yesterday afternoon is down, GOOD
In the last few days there have been a few times I felt down, not good
IF we could sell a car or two our number would be down, GOOD
Well the real reason I am talking about down is my weight.  I had my annual physical Thursday.  All my numbers were good but the number I liked the best was DOWN.  As Dr. Thule and I looked at all my numbers and the history of them standing out almost in red letters was my weight.  There have been some down and up numbers of my weight but since 2003 to now the number is down 38 pounds and really the number from 2009 to now is down 30 so that is GGOOOODD.  For the last 30 years or so I have felt that I wanted my weight to go down but I just never was very successful.  Too busy to exercise, so busy that I ate on the run, so stressed out that I snacked much of the time and of course the excuses could be listed for a long time but---really I think the bottom line was I just never disciplined myself and never took time to take care of myself.  Well in the last years I have taken the time to bike more, walk more, run some and cultivate better eating habits.  No diets but just eat less and exercise more. So at this time in my life it is good.  I do want to lose a few more pounds but if that happens over months that is fine. 
My old work habits came out yesterday.  Terry and I went outside with the mind set of working in the yard a bit.  We ended up taking out a 9 foot section of the driveway that was buckled up about 4" or so.  I had wanted to remove it or repair it for a long time but never did.  There was a huge maple tree there for years and the roots grew under the cement and the tree won!  So now it will be some work to frame, level, put rebar in and get some cement.  That will happen early next week.  We did also get some yard work done so that was good.
Travis came over last night for dinner.  It was good to see him and visit.  He is looking good.
Today will be filled with several trips.  We need to use the pickup to get some things and in the process return some items as well. 
Really some of our time is used by thinking and trying to figure out what to put in the camper.  We may just put in the minimum and then on our May/June trip find out what we need or what we could use.
We have gotten about 3/4" of rain in the last three days which is nice.  Yesterday in the rain I unclogged some rain down spouts so they work again.  For sure I wanted the one in the back of the garage unclogged so the rain barrel would fill up.
I have done a tiny bit of wood working and that has been fun.  Just to start the saw or the drill press and hear the sound is a joy.  Also to smell the aroma of the wood is nice. 
I need a third cup of coffee so I am done.