Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The big "PD"

Halvor, Dad, Ragna and Amanda with Grandpa and Grandma Lee
I don't know but maybe taken in the mid 40's

No importance to using that picture today I just felt that a picture spices my writing up some!!!

That is right it is the "PD" (packing day).  We will head north tomorrow as soon as we wake up so by tonight the house needs to be buttoned up and the car packed.  I think 98% of things going are waiting to be put in the car so it should not be difficult but still it takes time.  News says that Memorial Day weekend is one of the most traveled times and according to news it starts on Thursday so we will see.  I think the majority of people headed north have left but weekend travel may be heavy with the "first" of summer vacations starting.
When we arrive in PeachTree City we will stay in a hotel for 3 nights as we take in HS graduation and the the party the next day.  I don't know if I have ever stayed in a hotel for 3 nights.  I am not saying it will be exciting but just a first.

Terry and I had a kind of date day Monday.  We know older people who use a visit to Costco as a "date" but we did not do that.  We drove north 25 miles and visited SW Florida's only Airstream dealer.  I had never been in an Airstream trailer.  We walked through about 4 or 5.  They are quite impressive.  The last one we went through was a class B motor home.  It is on a Mercedes frame with an Airstream body.  I think they sell for about $150,000.  The salesman said that for most people who buy them they do not use them as a camper but rather just a travel vehicle.  What the heck, they spend that kind of $$ and then 90% of the time on the road they stay in a hotel.  He did say if they were to go visit their kids they would stay in the vehicle.  Not sure what that says about mom/dad and kids!!! Airstream came out with a small camper called the "Nest".  It sells for $47,000.  Makes our tiny camper look like a REALLY bargain.  Regardless of the cost it was a lot of fun to walk through the campers and see how they are made and what quality they are.

I am in the middle of my FP but pretty much at the end of my blog for now.  I am thinking it may be a week+ before I blog again as I will not take the computer out on our trip and I do not use my phone to blog.  If all goes as planned we will arrive in St. Paul next week on Friday.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Happy birthday Faustina

Faustina is now double digits!!!  Happy birthday Faustina.  We hope you have a super super birthday.
Love, Grandpa Lee and Grandma Terry

Saturday, May 19, 2018

I did it!!!

I played tennis for 90 minutes today and:

  • I did not fall
  • I did not get hurt
  • I did not embarrass myself
  • I lost the first set
  • I won the second sets
  • I did NOT jump over the net to celebrate
  • I came home and jumped in the pool to cool off
  • I did not play very well
  • I did not play too poorly
  • I came home with sore legs
It was a good first try.  I think my partner and I should have won both sets but lost the first 2-6.  We did come back in the second and won 6-1 and were well on our way 3-0 in the third when our playing time was up and actually my body told me that after the first hour!  I played about how I expected but I was surprised at how good my body held up and I did not get very winded.  We will play again Monday and that will be it until next October.
We are in the middle of a very very heavy rain.  All the doors are open and it feels and smells great.  I think it is confirming that the rainy season is here.  Brings me back to the farm and how much fun it was to play in the muddy driveway after a rain.  I never did figure out WHY Dad did not fill in the low spot in our driveway as it always flooded during a rain and would be a mud bath for a time after.  Oh well all the better for me as it was fun to play in.
Now that my body is good enough to play tennis some I should concentrate on my weight.  I need/want to take off a few pounds.  With my eating habits I HAVE to exercise.  Notice I said WITH my eating but I could have said I should cut down on my eating!
Terry watched the big wedding this morning and I did watch some of it.  The royality in England have quit the life.  I think I read that security was the biggest expense as it was in the millions.  I loved the horses in the parade as they went some place after the ceremony.  
I downed my FP before I played tennis this morning.  Enough

Friday, May 18, 2018

THE day is here!

129 days ago, 3,096 hours ago, 185,760 minutes ago and 11,145,600 seconds ago I had surgery and today is the day I THINK the Dr. will say you are done with the medical side, you are on your own to finish rehabbing that hamstring.  The thinking in terms of healing is 84 days out from surgery the hamstring is attached back to the bone.  THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE IN HEALING DONE AND THE MUSCLE BACK TO NORMAL.  My appt is at 9:00 AM and I have not decided how I am going to celebrate yet.  I would say my left leg is about 80/90% well.  No pain but of course it is always stiff and sore after a PT session like yesterday.  In the 8 days we have left in Naples I will swim 2-4 times a day and then it is normal activity leading towards 100% strength.  I may get on the tennis court once or twice before we leave but if I don't I will be ready to go next fall.  If there are any people who read my blog you should know that very little if any notes about that darn hamstring in the future.  I think by next fall it will be so strong I will feel like a normal 71 year old again! (normal is in one's mind of course)
The packing and the getting ready to leave are in full "forward".  It seems that I always look and say can we get all this in the car and then while packing it does not seem like all that much.  I am into the mind set that I do not want to take a lot of things back and forth so somethings will stay here this spring.  We do have some things that are headed north that will stay there like the box we (I) forgot last year!  Today is the last of the recycling as next Friday we will be out of here so for the next 6 days EVERYTHING goes in the garbage. (I mean everything that normally goes in the recycle of course)
We have found out that hurricane Irma did a lot more damage than people were aware of.  We had a construction guy walk on the roof yesterday and according to him we, along with most of the villas here, need a new roof.  The price they are putting on new roofs are ridiculously high but what is one to do but get it done.  Of course insurance covers most of it but still....
No the FP is history and I think I will go for a dip in the pool before we head to the Dr. office.  I think I have confessed before that I have become a wimp and have the pool set on 91 but this morning, as the temp goes down during the night, it may be 86 or so.  Still a far cry from our lake near the farm where at this time of year it probably was 60 or so?  Then of course by the end of the summer it was a nice warm GREEN.

Thursday, May 17, 2018


Me on January 9th

Today my PT person telling me she thinks I will be fine now that my PT is finished!!!
This is a week to remember for sure.  Tuesday I took my last guitar lesson here in Naples.  I plan to continue with guitar just not sure which way I want to go AND not sure how much time I am willing to put into it.  I have found out that you HAVE to put in the time if you want to improve!  I am sure that is news for most people.

This morning I had my last of 34 PT sessions!!!  Am I totally healed?  NO but pretty much ready to stretch the limits to running a bit and playing a little tennis at half speed.  Not sure how you play a sport at half speed but will try to find out.  Dr. appt tomorrow and am thinking he will OK the half speed thing.  We will see.  I brought some treats for the PT staff and then wrote a short note to them.  They are a terrific staff and certainly know their stuff.  I ended my note by saying I liked them all but hoped to NEVER see them again.

We leave a week from today and certainly are in the packing mode already.  I would like to have things ready to go Tuesday so all we have to do Wednesday is double check things and pack the car.  I THINK that is a way to NOT forget important things--but in my world that may not be possible!

We are in for thunder boomers today and it sounds great.  The rainy season has officially begun and it certainly is welcome.

I had my FP this morning before PT so the pot is empty down to the last drop.

Monday, May 14, 2018

No I did not forget May 12th came when we were out of town!

Happy 18th anniversary Amy and Aaron.  I think you are a better looking couple now than even 18 years ago.  Keep up the good work as a married couple and as parents of a couple of young full of energy kids!
Love, Dad and Terry

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Another Cayuga Coyote has left us

I have posted this picture before but will do it again as I just heard that Chuck Haring died.  He was a grade ahead of me.  I do not know all the info but here is some of the sad news:
Chuck is standing in the back just below the M on the sign.  He died a few days ago.
Carl died a couple of years ago.  He is standing in line with the right side of the fish house.
Greg Haring died in 2016 and he is standing in the second row just to Carl's right.
Joey Flash died and he is in the front row with his coat open on both sides.  Also Marvin Wagner died and he is in front in the blue coat.
Of these 5 guys Carl was the oldest and he was born in 1944 so as one can see many of the Cayuga guys died way too young.  I could also add that of the girls Janet, Pat, Collen and my wife Gail died way way too young also.  Don't know what it was about Cayuga???
Terry's second oldest grandson Sam graduated this weekend with highest honors.  In the picture is Terry with her daughter Kim and her husband Dave

Judy Fredrickson (name in HS) with her Hubby Don

Judy and Terry
We had an exhausting but fun weekend.  We left at 8:00 AM on Friday and returned Sunday about 11:00 AM.  In that time we drove 1400 miles, were in the car were in the car about 14 hours, visited Judy and Don, took in Sam's graduation, had lunch with Kim and Dave and spent 2 nights in hotels.  As one can guess I am happy to be home.  It was an uplifting time for Terry as she is so so proud of her grandson and of course should be.  It was so fun to see Judy and her hubby.
Judy was a grade ahead of us in HS.  I think most of the boys had a crush on her as she was such a cutie.  She left our HS after her junior year as her family moved to Fargo.  Terry had not seen her since 1963.  I could add that I did not have a crush on Judy but that may have been only because she was a year older and underclassmen just did not measure up to the older girls, at least that was true for most of the time!!!  Judy married hubby Don in 2000 and they have a lovely home in Winter Haven FL.  Don retired as an MD 20+ years ago.  It was fun seeing and kind of catching up on life.  Judy is a gifted writer and the book that she has put together is awesome.
BUT really the weekend was about grandson Sam.  Terry remembers Sam coming home in early elementary school and just saying his homework was too too difficult.  Here he is 14 or so years later graduating with a total of ONE B in college!  What the heck I got a C in my freshman year!  IF I WANT TO BE TRUTHFUL THERE MAY HAVE BEEN SEVERAL!!!  Anyway Terry looked for people to tell about her grandson and why not!

We are about to get into the "north" mode as we leave in 11 days.  Before that we have some Dr. apt, some PT appt and other things to take care of so it will be a busy time.

That is about all for now.  I did not get my FP this morning as we stayed at a Hampton Inn and of course they do not serve that.  I can hardly wait until tomorrow AM to get my FP for the first time in 72 hours!!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

I need to look!

What the heck.  Here I am retired and everyday this week I need to look at my calendar to see what I have going for the day.  This is supposed to be a "free and easy" kind of life yet here I am saddled to "what do I HAVE to do today".  Of course I am kind of joking as there can be NO complaints if you are scheduled for a needed Dr. appt or an appt with a financial person or even a hair cut.  Perhaps I should contain my "complaints" to things like I need to go out and buy a walker or cane or I need to check out the local nursing home.  I WANT TO ADD NONE OF THOSE THINGS ARE ON MY AGENDA AT THIS TIME.  As I looked at the schedule for today Terry has an AM appt. and the two of us have a PM appt and that is it for today.  TOMORROW is a different story as we get several things done before our mini trip this weekend.
I had a "mundane" day yesterday and then it all came to me this morning.  As I got the FP coffee pot ready for the morning I realized I DID NOT MAKE any FP yesterday as there were still dry grounds in the pot waiting for hot water.  It then came to me that yesterday, just before I was to make my morning java I decided to go to the courts and practice my serve and then when I returned I forgot.  That could be a red flag when I forget my FP so I will stay tuned to my mind set!
As I ride my bike around trying to get miles on to rehab my leg it seems like each day there are fewer and fewer cars parked in the car ports.  Of course that means summer is almost upon us and the people who have north homes are hurrying away before the humid season hits here.  Our weather has been dry dry but that will change soon.
Terry and I went over to some friends, Betty/Carmen, yesterday afternoon as they are leaving for Michigan Thursday.  They needed some help in eating some of their food before they left!!!  Betty is 85 and Carmen 82.  It seems like they are in good health but this is the first time their family insisted they NOT drive but rather fly back home.  Perhaps that signals that a time is coming where they will turn over their home here to other family and remain in Michigan year around.  They have a son who lives on Lake Minnetonka in the Twin Cities.  For 85 Betty is remarkable in what she does.
I have only about a tablespoon of FP left which means it is time to be up and about for the day.

Monday, May 7, 2018

You CAN teach an old dog new tricks--it is just difficult with a guitar

As I get ready to head to PT I needed to have my everyday breakfast.  So I had something new and something old--it was delicious.  On the bottom is a helping of hash browns with cheese on top and an egg on the bottom.  The top dish is a 1/3 pound burger smothered with guacamole and of course there is FP to wash it all down.  As always, the FP is drank out of the "End of the Alaska Highway which Terry purchased for me in Delta Junction, Alaska.

Now when you start a warm sunny FL day like that even PT can not dampen it!!!  BUT as I look at the food and feel it in my body I may need to skip lunch (dinner in ND) and go on to eat light at dinner (supper in ND).

Terry and I start out on a kind of busy week.  I say that because as I look at it things appear to be busy but then if this was 30 years ago I may say we have hardly anything this week.  Well there are things like PT twice, guitar lesson, an appt at the bank, a haircut, a Dr. appt, an appt to have the AC checked for the summer and a Terry luncheon are all on the calendar before we head out Friday to visit a HS friend of Terry's who lives in Winter Haven FL and then on to Milledgeville for Terry's grandson's college graduation on Saturday.  We will head back to Naples Saturday and will see how far we get before we crash.  I mean crash as in a hotel, not the car!  When we return on Saturday or Sunday we will only be a few days away from seeing our Dr about Terry's feet and my leg.  I THINK he will cut me loose to do more things (as in tennis maybe).

No I carried my FP to the computer and it is gone.  Need to shave and get to 8:20 PT.

Friday, May 4, 2018

A day in Naples

What I saw this morning as I headed out on my rehab bike ride.  For some reason the flowers this time of year are really beautiful.
I had kind of a scary but fun time this morning.  We have some pine trees in back of our screened in pool area and they drop needles into our gutters which of course then get plugged.  I have not dealt with the issue as my leg said NO.  Well I think I am well enough now to take care of it.  HOW?  Well it involves getting out the 10 foot ladder and setting it up by the screen.  Then it is climb up and get onto the roof.  From there it is CAREFULLY crawling around to get the bunches of needles and then getting down before I stretch over with a 12 foot pole to get all the needles and throw them down on the ground.  MAYBE I should not be on the roof at my age or at this time BUT the experience of getting the work done and then sweating to no end was kind of fun!  Next year may be another story, we will see.   I find it difficult to give up the fun things in life but I also realize there is a time to say that is enough.  A neighbor down the street says he has been abiding by his 50/50 rule for some time now.  He explained it as when I turned 50 I will pay $50 to get some things done!!!

Anyway it is one thing crossed off my list of things to do before we head north in about 3 weeks.  My list is long so I have a ways to go.

I did not have PT yesterday.  The clinic cancelled it so the next time is Monday.  My leg still is telling me that there is a ways to go before all is well.

Enough for now.  FP was great this morning.  I am thinking that little Agatha is having a fun birthday.

Another writing day

     Dave and I headed down the driveway and headed east to our land which was called the Haramsa land.  (I don't think I spelled it correctly)  The story was there used to be a farm on the hill several hundred yards east of our place.  Dad's version was there was a fire which destroyed the buildings and after the fire the family and most of their possessions were never seen again.  Was that true?  We will never know but it was the story as we grew up and any work we did on the land was always explained that we needed to do this or that on the Haramsa land.  
     The day had gotten off to a somewhat rocky start.  For starters Mom had called us out of a deep sleep to make sure we got to work.  As Dave and I stumbled downstairs I was taken aback by the kettle on the propane stove.  I knew what that meant.  In times of little money Mom was resourceful enough to feed us at every meal.  Unfortunately this morning breakfast consisted of soaked wheat berries and then cooked.  For the healthy mined I am sure it would be great but for a young boy who savored eggs and bread the wheat was almost a deathblow!   Dad was gone, as was often the case, but had left orders with Mom that we were to start plowing the Haramsa field.  Dad had planted rye on it in the fall so we had a pretty easy summer on the land.  With fall planting it meant that there would be little if any rock picking as the rye would be up early.  It also meant that there would not be the once or twice over it early with the drag behind the Ford.  We usually had to pick rocks and drag before the crops emerged but with rye it was not the case.  What it also meant is there would probably be, at least, several patches of Canadian Thistles to deal with.  Those darn weeds ALWAYS matured around harvest time which meant there would be fluffy sticky itchy flowers in the air as we combined the field.  If one was lucky and the wind was blowing in your face it would not be bad but if otherwise you could count on flowers in your hair, nose and other unmentionable places.
    The Haramsa land was not your "cream of the crop" land.  Oh it was plenty fine soil but there were several pot holes, a large shallow hole (maybe where the old house was) and plenty of rises and dips in the land.  As I remember it was probably better for hunting ducks than raising crops.  For sure it always had a bumper crop of rocks but they didn't sell well at the grain elevator!  It did have one redeeming value and that was mid field to the north it had a straggly looking groove of trees BUT in those trees were some of the best chokecherries in the country.  They always were ripe about harvest time so all was not lost as we worked the land.
     On the north side of the the Haramsa land was our creek.  It came from the west, went under the bridge north of our place and then meandered a bit north, then a bit south until it exited on the northeast corner of the land where it headed north towards the east end of Lake Tewaukon.  At this time of year the creek was pretty much dry.  There may have been a few shallow places where there was a mud puddle but by August the rain water from the south, that fed the creek, had pretty much stopped and the creek looked like a snake that had shed it's skin and was lying dormant for some time.  By now the weeds on each side had grown tall and were dry as tinder.  
     Such was the state of affairs as Dave and I turned our tractors east past the shelter belt and then headed towards the rock pile which bordered the creek for several hundred feet.  It was there that we would start plowing the rye field.  Dad had talked to us the day before and mentioned that if needed we could burn some of the field as harvested rye fields always had a soft thick layer of straw which could make plowing difficult.  If too much straw the plows would plug up and a person would have to stop, get off the tractor and pull the straw out from between the plow lays.  We stopped by the rock pile to discuss how to attack the day.  We would be plowing east and west and that was the way we combined so we knew that the straw might be an issue.  As we surveyed the land we could see that our neighbor, Bert, still had his entire wheat field to cut and harvest.  It looked like it could be a bumper crop, perhaps one of the best in several years.  The golden heads of wheat waved in the breeze as if to say they were ready to be had.  By this time the sun was mid sky to the east and it seemed to show it's golden light on each tiny head of grain.  It was a puzzle as to why the field was not yet harvested but then we knew, as well as everyone in the county, that when Bert did his work was dependent on a whole lot of factors and that is not up for discussion.
     Dave climbed onto the M tractor and said he would take the first turn east.  We would start perhaps a couple hundred yards to the south of our field line.  By the time we would get to the edge of our field to the north we would be in the middle of the entire field and that would work well for the south half.  Dave got about a hundred feet in and stopped.  His three bottom plow was plugged.  As I stopped behind him my two bottom plow looked the same.  Off the tractor, pull the straw out and then on again.  We arrived at the east end of the field after several trips off the tractor to unplug.  We turned and headed west towards the rock pile which would take us past the chokecherries and up to the rock pile again.  About a hundred feet from the rock pile Dave stopped for the umpteenth time and got off the tractor with a look of disgust and anger on his face.  Enough is enough he said as we contemplated how to start a burn of the straw.  Always thinking ahead Dave had brought matches with him just in case!  It was an easy task to start the tinder dry straw on fire.  We sat on our tractors while we decided how to proceed.  In short order the fire took off and the flames leapt high in the air. Slowly the smiles on our face changed to fear as the fire quickly gained ground and also made its own wind.  We stood as if frozen when the slight breeze from the southwest turning into a wind created by  the fire and headed straight towards the creek bed and there, across the creek was Bert's golden wheat field ready to yield him his winters income!  We pulled our plows out of the ground and drove ahead of the fire to the north.  By putting our plows in the ground ahead of the fire on the north we intended to stop it but to no avail.  Again we got ahead of the fire and again we put the plows in the ground and attempted to plow a dirt path that would stop the fire.  Our second dirt path stopped most of the fire but some jumped the path and flared up.  As I tried to put it out Dave took the M tractor and tried to make a third dirt path.  Each time we inched closer to the dry tinder of the creek bed and as that happened it also inched closer to Bert's field.  Finally, after the fourth dirt path had stopped most of the fire, but not all, we took off our tattered T shirts and were able to smooth the last of the flames.  As we stood panting and sweating near our field line and the creek bed we looked at each other and let reality set in.  IF that fire had jumped the last dirt path and hit the creek bed Bert's wheat field would have been history and perhaps we would have too!  
     A way to close call and a lesson learned.  Of course Dad never did hear about it and why should he have?  For the next few days it was plow, unplug, plow, unplug as slowly, oh so slowly the golden rye straw turned to a rough plowed field with shafts of brown straw sticking up almost like a bad hair day.  A disaster averted and a life lesson in fire all combined into a day on the farm.  I guess one could say that what happens in the field stays in the field.

How does your garden grow?

Agatha and her gardening endeavors!
Oh my goodness Agatha is 5 today.  She is a little sweetheart full of fun and perhaps a bit of mischief but that is only GOOD.  Happy birthday Agatha--Love Grandpa Lee and Grandma Terry

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Good-bye and Hello

Good-bye to April

Welcome to May!
While April was kind of a vanilla month here May could be different.   I was going to say May may be different but that looks kind of weird for sure.

Perhaps the biggest thing for me in April was on the last day I did my 30th PT for my leg.  I would say after 30, a person gets more than a bit tired of it.  BUT as I step, jump, pull, bend and then repeat and repeat the hamstring sure lets me know that I NEED to do that.  I have five more sessions scheduled before we go.  I think at that point the Dr. will cut me loose from PT.

For May it is kind of full of things.

  • Over Mother's Day we will be out of town. 
  • On that trip we will see a friend from HS 
  • Both Terry and I see the Dr. on the 18th
  • The week of the 20th it will be packing to go
  • The week of the 20th I am hoping to play one or two tennis matches.  Nice and easy but really just to get on the courts and prove to myself I can still move a bit would be wonderful
  • On the 25th we take in our 2nd graduation of the month
  • On Terry's birthday, the 27th, we will be at the Grand Ole Opera Hotel in Nashville
  • Planning to spend 2 nights with Helen in Holiday Island AR
  • A night in IA to see Terry's son and his wife 
  • Then home to Niles Ave on the 1st of June (I know that doesn't qualify for May but)
Then as we get into June it will be all about plaster, painting, tearing out, planting and the list is pretty much endless.  Even though I am getting to the point of wanting to spend less time on the house and more time in my wood shop I still have to remember to be thankful for the physical ability to do things.  In PT I see so so many people who I am sure they will be happy IF they can get to the point of just walking normally.

I will be off to the courts at 8 this morning for 30 minutes of hitting the little yellow ball with the pro.  I went over to the club yesterday to pay the April bill and oh my those court times add up.  Today will be the last time I hit with him as any more and it may put me in the poor house!

Breakfast is history, FP is almost history so I am on to items of the day.