Thursday, April 28, 2011

A doll buggy??

Above is the doll buggy that is in the basement.  It looks like someone was playing with it but really did  not know what it was for!!!!!
Terry and I arrived in St. Paul Monday afternoon after spending a great 2 1/2 days with Aaron/Amy/Leo and Ruby.  We arrived to temps that are about 50 degrees cooler than we are used to so it is a bit of an adjustment. 
There is much to do as we are trying to set up house here and really things are every which place as in the last year and a half my single ways certainly invaded my home big time. 
We have 3 vehicles sitting in the driveway and one in the garage.  We need to sell at least 2 of them as we now have 2 seadans, a pickup and a converible.  Anyone in the market for a classic convertible or a 2010 Honda Accord?? 
We also brought home another bike carrier that Aaron got for us at a 75% discount.  It is perfect for what we need it for and we are so happy with it.
We were able to spend a short time with John/Mary and family before they headed back to South Bend, stopped over to Cynthia's yesterday to reclaim Wallace Dog and tonight we will have dinner at Cynthia/Mike's by way of on line Buca's! 
We were also able to spend a short time with Jeanette Krause on Tuesday evening.  Her caring bridge site had a journal today that says she is in much more pain, is ready to meet the Lord and is getting weaker.  With all of that we continue to pray that God will change his mind and heal her.  Of course we know that God can do anything. 
Went to Target today to get a few things we thought.  As we checked out the cashier said, "Another $100 venture.  Well she was off by about 50 cents!
No, much to do, so little time to do it and energy---there is some left.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

Here we are Easter Sunday with Aaron, Amy, Leo and Ruby.  We have gone to church, found the goodies that the easter bunny left, gone on a bike ride and now are waiting for dinner. 
We will head out tomorrow morning maybe around 8 or so and end up at home in St. Paul maybe around 1 or so.  They will be much to do, many people to see so the next days and weeks should be busy busy but it will be good. 
We want to see Jeanette K and Jerry W as they have health issues.  It seems Jeanette may be near to meeting our Lord but we daily pray for a healing.  Jerry should be on the mend but it sounds like it may be a long time in coming.  Lord heal him quickly. 
One of the first things we want to do is sell the convertible and maybe even sell my 2010 Accord. 
We are excited to see John and Mary before they head back to South Bend on Tuesday.  Also am anxious to see the Adkins and of course need to put Wallace in the mix as well. 
No, I do not want to spend time on the computer when we can be with Leo, Ruby and A/A.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


A very short note.
Terry and I stayed in the Atlanta GA area last night and will be on the road soon with reservations in the Indianapolis area tonight.  That will put us 375 miles from Leo and Ruby and 650 miles from St. Paul.  My back acted up a bit from riding in the car the last couple of days so will need to be careful.
We had a good time with Terry's daughter and 4 children last night.  The kids are in the 11,13,15 and 17 age range and of course fill the house with much conversation, activity and noise!!!    I actually trounched 11 year old Josh in horse by the pool and it felt so good.  Too win againist those little kids is so so wonderful!!!!!!!!!! Their dad, who is a pilot for Delta, is out of town on a trip so did not get to see him this time.
We are getting excited to see Aaron/Amy and then in St. Paul to see Cynthia/Mike and also John/Mary before they head back to South Bend.  It would have been nice if everyone could have been together for Easter but that will not happen.  As I have said before it will be great to spend Easter Sunday with A/A because of that wonderful Wisconsin Easter bunny. 
I told Terry yesterday that if a person had a job where you were on the road a lot these continental breakfast would get OLD FAST.  As it is to do them occasionally is OK---not great.  I think way back when---I thought they are really good, then after the 4th or 5th or whatever they became something that saved money. 
No, it is shower, shave, dress and get to that egg/waffle/cold something and actually good coffee.

Monday, April 18, 2011

The last day

Here is Travis when he was here last week.  The Naples dock has many big and expensive yachts and of course the sun set on the gulf coast is always nice.
Today is the last day in FL as Terry and I will head up north tomorrow.  We will leave around noon or so and will spend the night maybe 400 miles out.  Wednesday night we will spend near Atlanta and then Thursday near Indianapolis.  We will get into Madison WI Friday afternoon and plan to arrive in St. Paul Monday after spending time with Aaron/Amy over Easter.
I have several things I want and need to do today.  I need to mail those darn taxes on my way to physical therapy this morning.  This will be my last PT here and I am not sure if I will continue in St.Paul.  I should and most likely will but the therapy here has been so good and I want to continue the same kind of treatment.  I feel the cold laser and ultrasound have helped a lot. 
I got word this morning that a very good friend Jerry Wind was in a motorcycle accident yesterday and was rushed into surgery.  I pray that his injured leg can be repaired and that no permanent injuries will come of it.  I am sure he was riding his son's cycle as he sold his last year but Jerry so loves riding.  Lord please heal Jerry.
No as the time flies here I best shave, shower and get out of the house.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Tax day come and gone

Tax day came yesterday but they were not due!!  Because of a holiday in Washington DC we get until Monday.  I actually worked a bit on mine and am finally finished.  I owe big time as 2010 is the first time I have filed as a single and ouch!
Travis arrived Wednesday noon and stayed until yesterday early morning.  It was fun having him here.  Terry and I usually do not eat out much but did the while time Travis was here as we wanted him to eat local foods in restaurants which are kind of fun.  I think his favorite was the grouper basket Thursday lunch.  We had the Wednesday evening lobster special at the Ale house but I think Travis felt it would be too much work or maybe too messy to have that so he had a shrimp dish.
I did have my MRI last week and then went over the results with the dr. Wednesday AM.  There is a muscle tear in the right calf and today I will go in for my third day of PT.  They are using a cold laser and ultrasound on it and the place we go does PT with the idea that it should be pain free.  I like that.  The PT person is a bit concerned about the long drive to MN but I will have Terry drive a lot and I will drive mostly when I can use the cruise so I do not need to use that leg much.  I probably will need to do more PT when we arrive in MN but in the end it should be fine.  The therapest said NO physical use of the leg for sports for at least 4 months because if I would injure it again it may just completely tear away from the bone and then surgery.  She said that would not be good.
We now have 3 days to get things done here as we head north on Tuesday.  It would be nice if we had 2 weeks but will have to try to get things done in a hurry.  With the climate in southwest FL a person has to do much before leaving a place for 6 months.  If the air would go out and the home was not checked it would be full of mold in a week or so.  That happened to one of Terry's friends and they had to have the entire home cleaned professionally twice and still not sure they got it clean.  One of the things that needs to be done is the driveway needs to be sprayed with bleach so that it is not black in the fall.
I almost forgot to mention that Travis is driving the 1987  Cadillac Allante convertible to MN.  We tried to sell it here but there are just too too many expensive cars and we did not get one call.  This car is in pristine condition and has 105,000 on it but we now have 4 vehicles and we need to down down scale.  We are hoping Travis gets home without incident and after Easter the car sells quickly.
We are looking forward to spending a couple of days with Aaron/Amy and family over Easter.  I am really excited because Aaron said the WI Easter bunny brings good beer to the men.
Leo turned 4 yesterday.  Those kids are getting just too old.  My in a very short time, before the end of the year, those grandkids will be 8,6,4,3,3,2,1.  I think I got that right.
No--work to do today and breakfast sounds like a good deal so will sign off.

Friday, April 8, 2011


This is in the studio which Hemmingway wrote most of his books.  Each morning he would take a cat walk from his home to this second level room and sit at this table and type.  The entire room is plain but very attractive.
I had my dr appt yesterday and then in the afternoon had an MRI of my right calf.  I have a followup dr appt next Wednesday in the morning to discuss the results.  First time for an MRI for me and I can not understand why people who have many of them do not like them.  Not terrible but not a favorite activity.
I need to settle down and finish my taxes.  2010 will be the first time I have had to file as a single and it kind of looks like MUCH taxes are due.  I did not gather all the info I need from St. Paul so will have to call, go on line or something to get a couple of pieces of info.  Paper work is not my favorite thing to do but of course taxes have to be done. 
The temp here looks to be in the low 90's so summer must be close here.  I hear it is 60 or so in St. Paul so sounds like spring has finally come--maybe!
Need to get to work.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Shark Valley-Key West-South Beach

Here is one of the friendly creatures we saw as we took a 2 hour tram ride in Shark Valley.  On our way to the Keys Monday we stopped and took in the tour which was great. 
Key West was fun.  When we arrived late Monday we parked our car and did not use it until we left on Wednesday.  A person can bike any place and actually can get places quicker than driving.  Biking around the different places was really fun.  In Key West the food was great, especially the Cuban place, the sunset was beautiful and the things we did were fun.  One of the interesting places was Hemmingway's house.  The tour guide was great with facts, funny tales and a way of making the history come alive.  I did not know that he lived in Cuba for 20 years, he loved Spain and when Cuba was taken over by Castro he lost his home and many manuscripts which were then never published.  On the way back yesterday we went into Miami and spent an hour on South Beach which was interesting.  All in all it was a fun time.  I did find out that I will NEVER purchase a hotel through Cheap-O again.  Hotels there are so expensive and ours was one of the less costly ones but----not anything to brag about or ever stay in again!!
Have a dr appt today to see if I can get to the bottom of this calf knot that is giving me some problems.  I am hoping that things are clear with my insurance so they can do an MRI or something to see what is happening with it. 
Time is running short here as we will be heading back north on the 19th.  Before that Travis comes next Wednesday and am looking forward to that.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Another sunset and a trip to the Phil

The sunset last night was one of the most beautiful we have seen.  I do not recall seeing those kind of colors in any of the past evenings.  Not often is the horizon clear but last night it was.  The only downer was it did not last long enough but then it never does. 
The picture of Terry and me was taken last Sunday before we were married.  It is a self portrait.    We did have someone take pictures but have not purchased any yet.
Today we went to the Phil to watch Mama Mia. It was a very enjoyable time.  Many many wonderful songs and the play was well done.  It was the second time we had gone to the Phil.  It is a fun place to watch a play or a concert.
Also stopped by Tin City in down town Naples after church and toured the ships Nina and Pinta.  The Nina is the same size as the real one and it is NOT big.  Can not imagine sailing the ocean in a large bath tub but that kind of what it is.  After touring the ships we stopped by the dock cafe and had a bit to eat.
We are headed to the Keys tomorrow noon and will be back Wednesday.  Plan to spend 2 nights there.  It should be a fun time and will try to get some good pictures. 
The weather hit the high 80s today.  I am not trying to make MN people jealous, well maybe I am!!
Will blog when we return.