I am pretty sure we were once again the North Dakota Governors band but I do not see any writing about it. I continued to be the guy who carried the big sousaphone but my skills in playing it were really not very good. Band was a fun activity as we usually took trips to homecoming parades of colleges. It was always a conversation with Mr. Piehl as many of the boys did not want to miss a Saturday of hunting in the fall.
Chorus was fun also. We would do a Christmas concert in the towns and then a spring one in school. I was a bass and we had great bass singers a year ahead of me so I never got in the quartets. Also Mr. Piehl was not fond of my voice and I never figured that out. I thought it was great!
This was our first year out of the Wild Rice conference and into the conference with towns to our west. Our quarterback Jack G and I were out for the last game. Jack had a shoulder injury and I got spiked in practice by a teammate who did not check his shoes that had a cleat out so there was just a screw on the bottom. I was not a happy camper. We went into that game undefeated at 6-0. We had defeated bigger schools like Oakes and Ellendale. We failed to make any extra points and lost 12-13. We still tied for the conference title and the superintendent treated us to a bus ride to the Twin cities to watch the Vikings and Baltimore Colts play on a Sunday. Of course we left early in the morning that Sunday and came back late at night and sure, on the school bus! I was standing near the tunnel as the players came out and was almost within reach of the famous Johnny Unitas! I am not sure I ever forgave coach Hansen for not allowing me to play in the last game. I had my leg taped and wrapped so that the stitches would have been safe---I thought! By the way I am in the second row way to the left. I think I had a suntan to outdo anyone else! I think that is still consider a farmers tan.
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Our basketball record as we entered tournament time. |
My year book picture and I would say not the best
Of course letterman's club again was in the picture. Did we do much, not really but it kind of was a status symbol if you were in it. All one had to do was letter in one sport. I should add that during my high school days there were NO girl sports
The year was important in another way. I asked Gail Saunders on a date in January. We dated the rest of the year and then called it quits when she went off to college. In the end we married 3 years later!
Here we are kind of in the middle of holy week, April 7th. Naples is in a heat wave with temps being mid to upper 80s for the rest of the week. As for me I am kind of doing a lot of nothing.
I did have an exhausting day yesterday. After hours (really hourS) on the phone I finally was able to make an appt to be tested for this darn covid-19 thing. I have to get tested and get the results before they will let Terry come home. IF I am positive then she can come home and we can be sick together. I have an appt for tomorrow at 9:00 downtown. They said the results come take 3 or 4 days which means Terry will not be home until at least after the weekend. Really with her sickness I don't think she would be able to come home anyway. In talking to her yesterday she is not feeling any better but no worse either. Again I looked up the symptoms of covid-19 and what she is going through is nothing like the virus. She has no temp, no cough, no shortness of breath so not sure where the diagnosis of covid-19 comes from except she did test positive. Strange for sure. As for me I do not have any ill feelings. Having that test tomorrow I kind of look for symptoms in me. Usually in the morning I have a cough so today I sit up and say "is that it?" Then I sit back and say no that is what I have had in the morning for the last many years!!! I do not dare go out and run because for sure I would have shortness of breathe!
I had to go out to get the Dr. paper for the test yesterday. I wore a mask, reminded me of being in my wood shop. I am going out to mail Kona coffee to John and Judi this morning and I will wear that darn mask for sure. I have to mail them some GOOD coffee as they, in their mature years, are still drinking Folgers!!! Thank goodness they are not drinking the instant Folgers like Mom did. There you have foam on the top as if it is a good beer! Of course I in no way look down on people who drink Folger I just love them and would like them to have the GOOD life!!!!!!
Enough for now as I may get myself in trouble if I continue or do you think I am in trouble already?
No breakfast this morning but of course the FP was super as always.
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