As I sit down to write it is 8:45 and my Terry is sleeping yet. She has been having some of her coughing spells this morning but it has not caused her to wake up. She had her usual spell last night about 6 PM where she coughs and spits up so I need to call the Dr. tomorrow to see if I can get her an appointment soon. Other than that she is doing the same.
Well I am giddy this morning! Why? Well I checked into LuLu which is the publisher that did my book and it shows that they send a check out late last week!!! I thought maybe it would, this time, make me rich but then I saw it is only for $30.25! I am trying to figure out what special thing can I buy for that amount? No, it is just kind of fun when I get a check for the book. If I really want to be honest I am guessing I MAY have recouped 10% of what it cost me!!! That is fine, better 10% than nothing! BUT if I were to write another book I think I would go with a different company. Note I said IF!

Here is the cover and the month of January of my 2022 calendar that I sent out to family. I am already thinking about 2023 but really that is way way in the future. Maybe I need to slow down a bit! I did feature Mom and Dad in January and February as of course they are responsible for the entire Lee clan. I want to note that somehow they must have instilled good judgement in all the kids as I would say ALL the in-laws are A++ at least. There are certainly no outlaws in the in-laws.
I will attend church on line today as I have for so many weeks. Of course Terry does not get out except for doctor appointments so we stay home on Sundays.
John and Mary have the distinction of having a very first in the family. Their son Henry will be getting his Eagle Scout award this month. A first for the Lee family. For his project he redid an outdoor seating area at school with plants, several outdoor tables etc. The pictures looked like he did a wonderful job. Henry will also be looking into colleges too as he enters his senior year.
I did get in a bike ride yesterday and will do so again today as I have said tennis is kind of on hold for a few weeks.
I need to find out some answers to a strange happening in the house here. Terry and I do not do big meals at all and if fact we probably nibble more than eat BUT it seems every time I walk into the kitchen there are dirty dishes ALL over the counter! How in the world can that be??? Big problem and I have no answer other than to clean it up every day!
No time marches on and there will be things happening with several members of the family. Joan/Ron will be celebrating their 60th this fall. That will make them the FIRST in family to get that far as a couple! I am thinking time goes so fast Judi/John may pack up their fancy pickup and head to AZ in a couple of months. As for me, well Terry and I have been in Naples the last 13 months and I do not see us going any place soon. I would, in the worst way, like to head up to Minnesota and take care of some things with the house in St. Paul BUT that will not be possible with Terry's health as it is. Travis did say he plans to paint the south side of the house as the sun blisters the paint over time.
Well it looks like Travis is making use of the garden space and this carrots are not big but I am guessing they taste good. He did mention that he has not gotten ALL the weeds out yet!!!
It looks like we have pretty much missed tropical storm Fred but Grace is on the way and we may not be so lucky, we will see. Grace is supposed to arrive in our area mid to late week.
No here it is 9:15 and I am about finished. I do have some Kenya FP left so will enjoy that when I sign off but I am surprised as Terry is still sleeping. Unusual for sure this late. I did peek in and she seems to be going fine.
So let's all enjoy Sunday which should lead us into a good week.
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