We had a successful outing yesterday. Terry got blood drawn so that should go to her doctor. On the way home we stopped at CVS and got pictures taken for our passports. I admit I am getting soft as 10 years ago I took the picture at home and then spent a long time getting it the right size. Well I found out it is MUCH easier to get it done at a store. AND yes it does cost but in my life today easy was the way to go. So after we got home and Terry, very tired, got into bed I finished the paper work and sent our passports in with the request for new ones. It will be interesting to see HOW long it takes. My guess is maybe by Christmas!!! This morning as I write Terry still has her eyes closed but I do not know if she is sleeping. The paper, read by me, is still on the kitchen table waiting for entry into the bedroom.
A couple of pictures today

I am certain nobody would come up with the answer if I asked how are these pictures connected? Well here is the story. The top is of course our house on the farm. Up until the early 50s we used the wind turbine on top of the house for electrical in the house. There were batteries and the wind turbine (charger) would charge the batteries and then at night a light bulb in the living room and maybe a plug in for the radio would work. As the night went on the batteries ran out of charge and it was then DARK. You can not see on the top picture but the stand on top of the house had a wheel with blades on that worked when the wind blew. In the spring of 1956 a storm blew it down and I know the picture was taken way after that as the car in the picture is a 1970. Well the final words to the story and how they are connected. I would say the blades on our turbine were maybe 3 feet long or so. The blades on the wind turbine in England are 262 feet long. I guess from 1956- 2021 times changed.
Well I continue with my 2022 calendar and today is #6 of 6
AND yes Helen followed the footsteps of her older sisters and was Homecoming Queen. Come to think of it I do not think any of the Lee boys were kings??? I say that but maybe Ronald?
Not much planned for the day. What the heck I worked hard yesterday. A trip to the clinic, a trip to the store and then to the postoffice to mail the passports so maybe today a day of rest. Oh, I guess it is not Sunday so will find something to do. I would be ready for a bike ride but Terry is still sleeping so will wait until she is awake.
Well I started thinking I would become rich! Pfizer is all over in the news as they have full approval now for their vaccine and that is a big deal. I thought "I have shares of that company and now they will go up up up and I will have a lot of money to spend"!!! Well I came down to reality and realized that I have only 40 shares and they are up to a whopping $49 so Carmen, forget the Bentley or other fancy car and continue to be happy with your 1991 pickup and your Honda!
I am going full steam ahead for a 2023 calendar. I have not started one but I think the ideas are going to be very good. At least in my mind they will be. BUT before I get to a 2023 calendar I probably should be looking at getting this house clear of papers etc. Now that is a great idea.
I had my last cup of FP out of my grinder. I do not understand but my coffee grinder just gave up and stopped working. It seems to me I just bought it maybe a couple of years ago. But I can not get it to work so what did I do? Amazon came to the rescue and will deliver a new grinder today. Well yes, I had to pay for it!
So as I enjoy the last sip of FP from the old machine I say let's get on with the day, time is precious.
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