Terry slept in until almost 9 this morning. As I write she is reading the paper. We found out yesterday as we talked to Dr. Vickers that she does NOT have early dementias so that was wonderful news. She does have some short term memory issues but of course that was not news to us. I suppose I could add a question here: How many of use in our 70s do NOT have memory issues??? So we keep on the journey of life with hope and excitement and plans for new things!
Today we have two birthdays. I did write about son Aaron earlier this morning but today also would have been brother Ronald's 85th birthday. I could write on and on about Ronald (or Red as many called him) but I have done that in the past so will refrain today. I will share a couple of things. I love my Winchester 22 rifle mainly because Ronald gave it to me. I think I must have been 10 or so. He purchased this target rifle and then cut the barrel down and redid the stock so it fit me. Pretty special as that is the ONLY gun anyone every gave me. I am pretty sure that is the only thing I have from Ronald. There was a second item that is really really silly but important also. I had this tiny metal thing that you get at fairs or some place where you stamp your name etc and out comes a round coin like thing with the info on. For some reason I had one from Ronald. Well as a goofy HS kid I thought I really liked this girl so I gave it to her as something special from me!!! Well anyone can guess what happened! The girl for some reason decided she liked someone else better!! Can you believe that??? Well I lost the girl AND the metal coin thing with Ronald's name on it! I guess you might call me pretty immature at the time. Anyway at this time, 2021 I could write about Ronald, Janet and Dave as people that were so so special and are no more with us and Ronald and Janet were so young we missed out on a lot with them. A couple of pictures of Ronald that are special.

Great Grandma Lee on the second step of the stool making it look like she is washing Ronald's face.
I am not sure of the year but maybe 1961 or 62. I think we could hunt deer at the age of 14 but not sure. In the picture is Dave, Ronald, John and Dick A. a friend of Ronald and John. As one can see it was a very good hunt! AND maybe that is the reason for the picture! I think a BIG part of why Dave and I grew up to be who we became was in large part because of John and Ronald.
Well I got a phone call last night and found out that with not many guys around this summer AND a couple that I usually play with are going to be out of town for a while there will be no tennis until after Labor Day. I may be asked to play a few times with the guys who play at a higher level but no promises so for the next month I am thinking I may need to ride bike and practice alone on the court with my serve.
I cancelled our meals for next week. I am not sure if I will order them again or not at least until Sonia comes back. Terry asked me if we are going to have Sonia back when she returns and really I am not sure. I THINK we are kind of getting along without her but yes, there is more for me to do as the laundry room shows proof with clothes, clean, piled up on the washer!
It was fun to get phone calls from sister who liked my calendar. It is always fun to do but as they get near completion it seems to be work and I often then ask myself if they are worth the effort but then getting comments that are positive makes it worth while.
I am enjoying coffee from Kenya this morning. A friend has gone on trips there and she came back from her last trip a short time ago. She brought this coffee over and darn it, I had the grinder almost full of coffee so I had to wait to enjoy it. Well I did this morning and I highly recommend going to Kenya and getting coffee!!! Well IF you figure in the cost of the trip with the cost of the coffee it may be a bit expensive! BUT if John M happens to read this I promise it is better than Folgers!!!
So here I am finished with the blog for today. I was so excited to taste the Kenya coffee I actually made pot #2 so will be wired for a while but a nice wired I might add.
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