I talked to Terry twice yesterday. The last, which was in late evening, she said her treatment was not fun but not painful. She said the medical team had some problems with things. The needle came out one time etc. BUT it was #2 in the books. Yesterday was the first day I did NOT get a call from a doctor. I felt that may be the case as they have changed the main doctor and they are in the middle of treatments so perhaps no need to call. Terry did say last night that she was kind of crabby. Well if I had been in the hospital for 41 days I think I too would be out of sorts. She has been amazing so far. I do need to talk to a doctor today as I am looking at flying to Naples to get the car and I want to make sure that would be OK given Terry's health. I certainly would think so as one can only communicate by phone so a phone call from Naples is not all that different than a phone call from St. Paul. BUT I do not want to be far away if there is something important that I need to be present for.
Pictures for the day

I took a bike ride down to Highland Village yesterday. I stopped in the coffee shop and ordered my usual Americano 12 oz and then walked to the intersection. I sat and enjoyed the java and just observed our world today vs our world a year ago. What a difference. First I could NOT sit in the coffee shop as all the seats were up on the counters. Then the intersection of Ford and Cleveland would have been bumper to bumper last year in mid morning. Yesterday there was one change of lights and NO cars went through the intersection. A couple of gals came walking and crossed the street. To press the "walk" button they used their elbow as if that was the way. AND I guess it is! Then the ride back home was just wonderful. I guess Terry and I have not gotten to St. Paul this early in May in the past but the blossoms of trees are just spectacular with color. AND the aroma (I really wanted to us the work "smell" as that is the farm way BUT) was heavenly. Made me think that I want to mind my Ps and Qs as I desire to have this beauty for eternity. I know there are more important reasons than that!
So I checked that driver side rear tire this morning and it is good to go. So one day it decides to lose air and go totally flat in less than 12 hours and then it decides to keep air for two days. GO FIGURE
I am thinking that Tuesday may be a good day to fly to Naples. Terry's grandson Zach has offered to help drive back. I could get into Naples Tuesday early PM and start to pack the car. Zach maybe could fly down early Thursday and we could head north. That would get us back to St. Paul sometime on Saturday. Will have to see if that happens like that. I checked one way tickets on Delta for next Wednesday and it was $600+!!! I then checked checked Tuesday and Thursday and it was like $130+. I guess for some reason they do not want passengers on Wednesday. I need to talk to Terry, the doctors and Zach before final plans are made.
I am wondering if I should get my eyes checked. About 30 minutes ago I saw a gal with a bright yellow construction type shirt run by with a yellow lab trailing her. She had the leash tied around her waist. She came back running about 15 minutes ago. Now, just 5 minutes ago, she came running again with a black lab on a leash around her waist. What the heck we have two gals who look alike or maybe, just maybe, this gal has two large dogs that she needs to run everyday. I guess as I think about it many people now days have two dogs but it is kind of unusual to see them walk/run them at different times. Yesterday there was a young person came walking past the house with FOUR dogs on leash. Maybe she is a "dog walker" and does not own 4. As I see all the dogs and think about my growing up I wonder if there are ANY dogs in this day and age that sleep in the barn. I always thought that was the best place for a dog at night. Well I guess IF you live in town that is pretty much out of the question. I guess I could either be old fashion, out of touch with reality, or just kind of naive about our world today. Then again maybe I am none of that and I just like to write!
I actually did get some work done yesterday. I cleared out some things in the garage. I do not have any grand ideas of wood working anytime soon but still the wood shop can NOT look like a total mess. Then I mowed the lawn for my first time. Travis mowed it last Friday I think and it was not very long but I enjoy mowing and also when it is not so long I do not have to catch the grass.
Today, not sure what it will be like. I really would like to get those new tires on the pick up but I need to get a call from Costco first as they had to order them. When I do that I would also stop and get some garden seed. I went through what we have here and some of it is from 2014, 2015. I do not know if it is still good. IF there are any garden experts out there send me a message with advice. I also cleaned out the containers that Terry likes to put herbs in so I need to get seeds for that as well. As for tomato plants I need to talk to Bill or Mary down the street. IF they have too many I may get some from them. Bill always starts his own in late winter.
MY QUESTION FOR THE DAY. WHY, WHY DO PEOPLE WALK OUT IN THE FRESH AIR BY THEMSELVES WITH A MASK ON??? I have no idea if there is a sense able answer to that! I have to admit when I see that I look to see if they have a handbag full of money and then I turn on the TV in case there is an emergency message about a bank robbery.
No that is about it for the morning. I may just get on the bike and go for a short ride. My indoor/outdoor weather station shows a temp of 48 outside with sunny skies! Somewhat cooler than Naples which comes up on my phone at 72 and rain!
Travis is home again today but works tonight. I don't know how he does it with that night job and then when he has his two days off his awake/sleep is pretty mixed!
I am on my second POD of coffee today. I really need to be careful as this POD coffee is pretty darn easy and handy and it would not take long for it to overcome the FP. I do think it is more expensive and I have to save those pennys for my old age.
So it is down the last half cup of the POD coffee. I will get dressed and head out for a refreshing bike ride in what I consider cool weather.