Day 59, "Every picture has a story"

In case anyone does not know what that is, it is a valve stem from a tire. It happens to be the stem from the right front tire of Terry's car. As I arrived home from my bike ride yesterday I saw that the tire was flat. When I looked at it I could not see any reason it was flat except there was NO valve stem on the wheel. One can see that it was clipped off with some kind of wrench as the metal is a bit flat. In almost 41 years of living here it is the first time that I know of where we have had a car vandalize. Would some kids have come by and done that? It is hard to believe a neighbor would have done that but whatever the question most likely will never be answered. It took me about an hour to get the tire off as the wrench with the car is not the greatest. Finally after putting a socket wrench on it and a pipe for leverage I finally got the final 3 nuts off. I took the tire to a local tire store and they put a new valve stem on and did not charge! I asked the guy if he had children and he said he had 3. I insisted he take a $5 tip and maybe treat his kids at the Dairy Queen. As I was leaving I thought I do not know what you can buy for 3 kids with $5 but then maybe he could kick in a buck or two!
Yesterday was a day of sweat and work. Yes, I certainly make it sound like a big day, right? I watered the garden, went on a bike ride, went to the compose and screened about a bushel of dirt and then spread it on a place where there was a huge tree and tree and the soil tends to sink. I did get the ceilings in the front entry, the back entry and the stairway painted. I am hoping to get the walls painted today but not sure as I have a breakfast gathering, a trip to the bank and Terry needs to go to the sewing store. I need to go to the bank as everything I make in my wood shop I put a quarter of the year embedded in the project. I have no 2018 quarters. The reason for that is I then know my wood is NEVER worth nothing!!!
I said short and sweet so time for FP and a bike ride before my 7:30 breakfast.
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