Day 56, "Every picture has a story"

We are in the middle of a very warm and dry spell. Not super warm but temps in the upper 80s to low 90s. Maybe some relief by Tuesday. Our window AC unit helps but does not cool things all that much when warm nights turn into hot days so we are using and enjoying our new ceiling fans.
Some painting got done yesterday and Terry got the coat of sealer on the maple hand rail. That darn thing, 14 feet long, is a bit cumbersome to handle in the house. It is on saw horses upstairs for now. I went to the paint store and got another gallon of oil enamel paint for the woodwork. That darn paint is so so expensive. As I walked into the store I said I had just stopped at the bank for a loan so I could pay for it. I have an account there and get about a 2% discount, huge! Anyway as the guy came with the bill he said he picked a can that had a tiny dent in it so he gave me a 10% discount. I asked him if the kick hurt his toe! Enough savings for a Starbucks Americano for sure! I needed a gallon as I am currently painting some woodwork in the front entry and then I have the living room to do and the 4 windows in the kitchen. As I think about and list the projects that have/need to get done I asked myself am I normal? I looked in the mirror and it seems like I am like any other guy so I think the answer is yes. I do get it-----for sure this house is not normal. For myself I am sure every male in America has a morning FP, an afternoon craft drink and then a couple of ice water drinks before bed, right? Oh and then too a snack of version when it is available!
I am going to challenge myself this morning on my bike. I purchased a watermelon yesterday and it is NOT eatable so will take it back this morning on my bike. I will see if I can balance on my bike while carrying a large watermelon with my left hand on the handlebars. I THINK I can to it. If I fail I may end up turning left with the melon as I try to head to the right. As long as I don't fall and scratch the bike I will be fine and of course I need to get to the store.
Enough for this morning as I will down the last of the FP and get on the bike with that melon.
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