Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Let's get Er done!!!

I feel like I have some Get Up And Go this morning!

As I write the indoor-outdoor shows that it is 57!  A far cry from what it was 48 hours ago.  I think mother nature finally decided she would act her age.  We have gotten just short of .75" of rain over the last 36 hours and it was needed so that is nice.  I did get the lawn winterized and Travis will do a couple of things in October so we are good to go.
Terry and I accomplished some things yesterday in terms of getting ready to leave.  The north 2nd floor bedroom had been in disarray since day one of summer so that was cleaned up.  Terry did much in terms of getting other things ready.  We will have company for lunch tomorrow and that will be it as far as social before we leave on Sunday.  We have not seen Barb and Terry all summer so it should be a fun time.
I had the truck in yesterday and it came back in great shape.  The heater and radiator hoses were replaced, they were original!!!  The oil pan gasket, which was also original and in terrible shape, was replaced so now there should be no oil leaks.  The price was steep but only half of what I was quoted at the first place.  When I picked it up at the service place the guy said, "Where did you get that bad dog?  That truck is in great shape.  We do not see trucks that age with so few miles in that kind of shape!"  Of course he said that after giving me a bill for several hundred dollars.  At the age of 25 years to have 74,000+ miles is nice.  Of course I need to do upkeep on it pretty much every year but then I am 70 and I need upkeep too!!!  Travis is coming over this morning and he will follow me to Prior Lake where it will be stored for the winter.  I am hoping he has a little time as I need to do a couple of short things on the way home.
I have come to the conclusion that I am beyond hope in some ways.  As one goes upstairs you are in the sun room which has two windows facing south.  ALL summer it has been a MESS from all the work but when I cleaned it up last week it seemed to make the world better.  Then the north bedroom was even worse from all the work.  I cleaned it up yesterday and what do you know the world is even better yet!!!  Like I said I may be way way beyond hope in some areas but if you happen to meet my Terry please do not bring up the subject.
I forgot to mention that in the cab of the truck is Mark's, Terry's son, Christmas present as I finished it in the wood shop and Terry wrapped it.  Mark will put the truck in the shed for us.  Merry Christmas!!!
I seemed to have gotten a bit of renewed energy over the last several days.  It may be because I do my best work when there is a goal close at hand that has to be met but maybe, just maybe, my body decided to wake up a bit.  If my body decides it is better the world will be even better yet!  We will see as time goes on.  BUT I still went to bed before 10 last night--I could get better at that.
Terry and I watched a movie, What Happened to Monday, last night on netflix.  Different but interesting.
The FP is gone and I will sign off.

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