Sunday, September 24, 2017

Is fall here?

A sign of fall, buttercup squash outstanding in their field
So the garden is history and I think Terry and I have some ideas to make it better next year.  This year the vines from the squash took over as if they were bandits.  That made it almost impossible to find the cucumbers which only showed themselves when they were big enough to be used as bombs against North Korea!  The vines also choked out tomato plants to the extent that the tomatoes were beaten into submission and only showed their smiling faces occasionally.
Today we have the third to last of our social things before we head south.  A friend, who loves and follows God in a wonderful way, turns 50 so we will join in his birthday party today.  Tomorrow I will have breakfast with a friend and then on Wednesday we will entertain  friends from Florida who used to live in Hudson WI and have spent the last month around the Twin Cities.  After that it is nose to the grindstone as we pack and get things ready.  I am afraid by the time we leave my nose may only be a stub.  Most of the outdoor things are finished.  My wood shop is closed, the camper and Terry's car are stored and in the next 2 days we will take care of the pick up so that is in storage.  The AC unit in our bedroom will come out tomorrow after our 88 degree day today!  We will be leaving many projects undone but what can I say, that is kind of the story of my life.  Joe H will put in the 4 new window inserts next month (the last of 18) so I need to do ZERO storms this year.  First time ever!!!  Well I will need to pay for them so maybe I should keep my joy down a tad.
I put winter fertilizer on the lawn yesterday while it was 90+ outside but starting tomorrow our high temps will be in the 60s so I think I am fine.  Travis will do a bit during October so the lawn is good for the winter.  I have a couple of minor patches on the west foundation to do but that is about a 25 minute job so will take care of that Monday.  One does not want to allow any tiny hole for those mice to get in.  After a HUGE mouse problem perhaps 25 years ago this old house has been relatively free of those little creatures.
I sent out a note to tennis guys yesterday so that kind of got my juices flowing.  I project that when we arrive in FL it will take a WHILE to get into tennis shape after not playing and putting on some pounds. I hate to use the word diet so I will just say I need to cut back on food a bit.  I have found that doing that is much more of a challenge after 70 than it was before.  I could be temped to complain but getting up each morning is a blessing that I am so so thankful for.
We had a fun lunch with the Winds yesterday.  We have been able to go out with them a few times this summer which has been fun.  I will go to my last men's group Wednesday.  They decided that because my birthday is in January they will send me off with an early birthday wish.  I was blessed by that.  We will go to a brewery that I have not been to and Mike S. says it is great.
Enough for now as I finished my FP hours ago.

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