Saturday, January 1, 2022

HAPPY NEW YEAR & may 2022 be a year of good health and happiness for all


We are almost eight hours into our new year as I write this morning.  Terry is awake BUT as of now there are NO papers to read.  I am thinking she will turn on the TV as she is awake.  We are now without any OT or PT so it will be up to us to go it alone.  The big thing is NOT staying in bed all the time so I will do my best to get Terry into the wheelchair and out into the living room a couple times a day.  So, as usual, it is one day at a time.

Wow the last several days have been a whirlwind.  BUT as I write I think most family is in the new AirBNB.  I heard Mike and Cynthia come back here late last night and I think a couple of kids came with them.  John said they would come over this morning and then hit the road about noon today.  That will leave Cynthia and family and Travis here until the 4th I think.  

Agatha, Elspeth, Veronica and Audrey spending some "girl" time by the pool in the evening!  I promise you during the day it is filled with kids most of the time.

The adults went out for lunch yesterday.  The older kids were left with the young ones.  We went to a waterside cafe called "The Dock' which is a bit south of downtown Naples.

OK I admit a terrible picture but here is the gang at the Dock.  If one could see out the window you would notice many million dollar boats and of course none of them belong to us!!!  The food was very good and I was surprised the place was not packed.

We had a very GOOD and FUN meal on the 30th.  I went all out and ordered 4 lobsters from Maine which came in a ice filled box and yes they were alive!

After about 16 minutes in boiling water they were ready.  I wanted the kids to experience lobster as I know none of them had.  They were VERY VERY good and actually we had some left.  Agatha was able to get a whole tail out of the shell in tack.  We had cream potatoes to go with it as well as a salad.

There is nothing specific on the plans for the day.  I am guessing Travis and John's family will get here this morning around 9 or 10 and then it will be some swimming before they pack up and head north.  I do think Cynthia and Mike will then settle into the AirBNB so for some of the time starting tonight Terry and I will be back to just the two of us.  

John and Benedict prepared a 9 pound brisket and put it on the grill for about 8 hours.  We had that for dinner last night so as one can see we will ALL probably gain some weight as we enter the new year.  BUT I did write my weight down this morning and I promise by the end of the month it will be kind of reasonable again!!!  I would say that we have some fabulous cooks in the family.  

I think for the first time ever I bombed out on my fudge.  It did not set firm so I must have done something wrong.  I am guessing I have made it 100s of times and never before but then there is always a first time.  I have not tasted it so maybe it tastes OK but that may not even be the case.  ðŸ˜–😢

As one can see there has been people all over the place which has been fun.  Actually it reminds me of the Christmas of 1977 which was the first Christmas we had in St. Paul.  We had most of the family there and there was food, games and people ALL over the house.  A grand time for sure and this New Years reminds me of it.  Yes, we are missing the Lees from Madison as they could not be here.

It looks to me as if there is some kind of game going on in the pool.  That is a popular place for the kids during the day.

No here it is a bit past 8:30 and there are some people up and about so time for me to get some food ready.  The cereal went to the BNB so it is eggs this morning.  BUT those South Bend eggs that came to Grandpa are off limits!!!!
I will enjoy the last of my FP as I get breakfast.

Liam, the farmer, promised Grandpa home grown eggs and he came through.  I tend to be kind of a generous guy BUT those eggs are going to be eaten by only ME or maybe Terry as how often does a person get eggs home grown from a grandson???  They look wonderful!

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