Friday, February 1, 2019

Hello February 2019

Day 107, "Every picture has a story"
Well there could be a book about these pictures.  I have written about all of these so will not go into detail except for a sentence or two of each.  The out house, well story after story after story.  One has to think about catalogs from Penny's, Sears and more.  AND one can not forget the nice soft paper from the peaches in the fall.  Oh my that was the best toilet paper ever!  The 1000+++++ rocks by the creek east of the farm.  The big bike and little bike gave us 1000s of miles of fun.  Up to the lake with no hands Mom.  The gas pump.  No doubt it was a farm icon from day one.  Before we would go to Fargo Dad had to "put gas ON".  The day ???? backed into it and put a dent in it, oh my Dad was off the chart for sure.  Enough for the picture today.

I was not scheduled to play tennis yesterday but as I was talking to the club pro I was asked if I would like to play at 1:30.  Well a friend had asked me to have lunch at 12 and I can tell you that eating lunch at 12:20 and playing tennis at 1:30 is not a great idea!  I do have to say.  One of two things is happening with my tennis game.  Either I am just going through a lucky time OR I have actually upped my game quite a bit.  Thank you, I will take the latter.

I tend to get nervous before a tennis match.  That tends to make me tighten up in my swing which then often has me hitting long as I don't follow through.  Below is the cure.  I found it in the Wall Street Journal and I think it will do the trick!  Oh, I forgot to mention that each chair cost north of $2600 so I guess it will not fit into my budget and I will just have to WILL my nerves away!

I also found the perfect hunting place for great hunters like Dad, Ronald, John M and others.  I am not sure they ever hunted quail but there was often geese, ducks, pronghorn, deer, pheasants, cottontails, rabbits and more.  Below is a picture of a perfect place to purchase and use for hunting!
I guess I forgot to mention that the location is not so great as it is south of Atlanta GA and oh, the price, happens to be $39,000,000.  Maybe that is out of range for most people and I am guessing there is nobody I know who would invest that money, or have that money, just for hunting!!!

It is fun to read the WSJ as on Fridays they have a section on BIG time houses etc.  Of course it makes the small investments I have made on Niles Ave look like pocket change when one goes on a vacation cause most of the time they are talking about a lot of money.  There was an article on Monaco saying the average price of a place there is $5,000,000!  AND to think I had to second guess buying ceiling fans for $200 a piece!

I have finished breakfast and now my FP is down to the last drop.  I have decided that today I will be especially mindful of all the wonderful amenities most of us enjoy daily but perhaps do not take the time to be thankful for.  Things such as cell phones with no long distance charges, indoor bathrooms with toilets that flush, hot water that comes out of the faucet, a furnace that keeps us warm or AC that keeps us cool, television's that give us movies on commend or news and weather 24/7 AND so many many more things in todays world that decades ago were not the norm.  Thank you Lord.

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