Day 9, "Every picture has a story"
This is the 3rd and 4th grade in the school year of 1956/57. It was the first year that Wood Lake School was closed so we were bused to Cayuga. As I look at it I see one person who I am surprised is in the picture because he was a freshman in HS when I was a senior!!! I am on the far right in the first row and my best friend through college, Larry, is in the front row 4th from the right. I could go on and on and on about that school year. The boy in the front row, third from the right left Cayuga after that school year as the Cayuga bank closed! Hard to believe there was a bank up until 1958. I can also promise you that I had socks on that needed the toes turned under because they were too big!!! The stories, memories, go kind of like:
- the story of two guys who jumped me as I was getting on the bus. I got back at them over the next few days, one at a time! It never happened again.
- Being the first student to hit a home run towards the school house, oops I broke a window! The 3-6 graders had home plate to the north of the school so the hitters always were hitting towards the school. The 7 & 8 were on the other side of the school and they hit away from the school.
- Finishing my 100 math facts while Joe was still on his second row of 10!
- Running off papers with the ???? machine for the teacher as I was done with my work and most everyone was still working.
- The memories of walking into the basement classroom of 24 after I had just finished grade 3 in Wood Lake where we had 12 students in 8 grades! Oh my!!!
- Standing my ground when I was accused of being the teacher's pet just because I finished my work and was asked to correct others.
- Trying to cheat on the spelling test as I could NOT sound out anything. I had memorized the spelling words in first grade and had the same book the next 2 years in Wood Lake!
- Getting in the bus to go home while all the Cayuga boys were getting ready to play ball after school.
- Finding out that "teasing" the boys about certain girls was the norm although that mostly happened in 5th and 6th grade.
- Going along (I did nothing but watch) with some boys who put a mouse and some ink in the teacher's purse. YIKS!!!
Another hot day yesterday. So what is new? We had a lot of rain last night around 9. I am thinking the courts will be fine today but will find out in about 40 minutes. Was planning to get on the bike and ride over to the courts just to make sure BUT the front tire is flat. A lot of work was done around here on the roofs and I am guessing I picked up a nail. I have found several in the driveway. Not a big deal as I had Aaron purchase 2 new tires and I need to put them on. IF one goes to the bike store to buy tires here you may as well use the same amount of money to put a new set of tires on your car!!!
Finished my second book so one can assume that it too was a NO THINKER kind of book. I am going to start another book today but of a different kind. Really, I think I need to get a bit more choosey about what I read sometimes.
My FP looks a bit odd on the surface as I am using heavy cream that I froze by mistake. It still is good but looks a bit different. AND there still is enough left of that heavenly drink that I can sip as I dress for the court.
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