Friday, October 12, 2018

Day 6, "Every picture has a story"
As we drove in the country side I observed the Amish clothes dryer!  You pretty much saw this where ever you drove.  In this case it looked like there was some kind of line that went in a complete oval.  They could put wet clothes on the line and then pull it so the clothes went up and then put more clothes on.  One can see that on the end of the line the clothes are high on the line.  One thing that was noted was every farm looked well kept and neat.  Grass was mowed and the buildings were all in good shape.  Somewhere I heard that the men care for their horses on about the same level as they care for their children.  I am not saying that is bad.  The horses we saw in town all looked to be very nice and well behaved.  Perhaps the same as the Amish children!!!

It is now Friday PM and I was able to get on the court at 10:30, not 7:30 as scheduled.  By 11:30 (quit time was 12:00) my body told me that I am not used to the heat and humity!  Still playing at a level that is not 100% but that is OK.  There is a week and a half before our first league match.

Oh my goodness I need to get ALL things in their place as there still are many things begging to be put away.  Maybe some more things this afternoon.

Terry and I went to the library yesterday and came home with about 8 books.  NO books for me that will test the brain but maybe next time.  This time only books that are the kind that you read if you just want to relax and not think much!

A nice nice rain last night and that is the reason tennis was not at 7:30.  I biked over to the courts about 5 this morning and they were pretty much covered with water but were playable by 8:30 or so.  Clay is like that.  My leg is not giving me any problems BUT the wind is just not there yet!

Terry went shopping yesterday and brought home a bunch of plants so they need to go in today or tomorrow.  There actually is a bit of work to do around here I guess.  I have been in the pool twice a day and that is a good way to forget the work!!!

The FP was great this morning as it complimented my ham and french toast.  Done for now.

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