Day 83, "Every picture has a story"
Left to right: Helen, Dave/Marlys, Ron/Joan, John/Judi, Carmen/Terry
This started out as the Lee clan with Ronald, Janet, Joan, Dave, Carmen and Helen. Our birthdays ranged from 1936-1950. We then added Glorine, Charlie, John, Judi, Ron, Marlys, Gail, Terry, and Mike. Glorine

lives in Rapid City and was not able to come but Charlie, Gail, Mike and siblings Ronald and Janet are not with us anymore. It is such a blessing that there are 3 LONG marriages. Joan/Ron are at 57, Marlys/Dave are at 53 and Judi/John are at 49 which adds up to 159 years of marriage. Terry/I come in at 89 but we count months because we were so old when we married! For sure with that many people and all those years of marriage there are stories upon stories upon stories. The lives of people are also all over the map. Homes go from Naples FL to Holiday Island AK to St. Paul MN to Lake Park MN to Jamestown ND to Sandy UT and to Mesa AZ. I am guessing that one could pick from 1000s of happy stories to 1000s of sad stories. BUT the weekend was a grand time. There was catching up to do but I think the focus of the time spent was mostly the "good old days" and sure, some "sad times" as well. It seemed to me that everyone enjoyed themselves and truly treasured the time together. Dave and Marlys were great hosts while Joan, Helen and Marlys made great food and I should not forget Dave's grilled steaks which were superb. We missed Glorine as she would have added so much and for sure she could have added stories about Ronald or as John would refer to him as Red! I could add that the ages range from 68-82 and I would say we all are looking pretty good!!! Not sure if that is a fact or only my opinion!!! There may be stories in the days ahead.
After driving to Jamestown on Friday, having a great time and driving home yesterday Terry and I are ready for a busy week. There is work to do, floors to be done by Pete, appt to be made etc but we THINK we will be ready for Gail's siblings next Sunday. We will not be 100% ready but ready enough! Then a week from tomorrow Norma and Wayne will come for lunch. After that it will be tie up loose ends, finish some projects and pack for the trip to Naples. All in all it looks like a busy time for the rest of September. One can say life is too busy or one can say what a lucky person I am to be able to do and do and do and be and be and be!
I should add that Terry and I had perfect weather for driving both Friday and Sunday. It is so much fun to drive in ND as one can view the vast prairie and expanses of land that you do not see in many places. We did see an unusual sight on I 94. Every quarter mile for about 20 miles there was a huge round bale of hay in the middle of the freeway! Well I should say that it was on the west bound lane which was closed. I am guessing they intend to use the hay for cover as they plant grass in the ditches. It was kind of a strange sight seeing bales on the road!
Dave pointed out to me that in my blog I should mention caulking the stairs and not chalking the stairs! I do appreciate the input Dave.
No, Travis has already been here to help move furniture so that is finished for when Pete arrives. It is now up to me to finish my FP and get to work. I have to admit that I missed my FP at the hotel but their coffee would have had a rating of maybe B- which is not bad but not so good either when you consider my FP is an A. However I still deny being a coffee snob and that is final! So here I go, one last sip of FP and I am ready for the day.