It is 7:00 AM and I have been up for an hour. The Naples paper has been looked at (notice I said LOOKED at) and the WSJ has been paged through as well. AND as I write Terry has not made a sound. I am hoping she sleeps in a bit as I think she has been waking up at night. As I leave the bedroom the door is always open but this morning I did close it to almost shut hoping she can catch some much needed sleep. Health wise, about the same. Again I mentioned a cover shot and she said she wants one and would let me know when she is ready to go in for it.
We had an interesting evening last night. Our normal mode of operation is to watch Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy from 7:00-8:00. Well just as they got to the final question in Jeopardy the TV went out. Most of the time when that happens it comes on right away but not last night. I tried several things to no avail. Finally I encouraged Terry to go into the living room to watch as I tried to fix it. I finally called our service and they decided that our little black box like this

went out and we needed a new one. I said I could come in tomorrow (that is today) and get a replacement. Then I had this idea and I would say it was kind of smart!!! We have a small TV that can be turned and we can watch it from the kitchen table. I am guessing it has not been turned on in several years! BUT I went into the kitchen and presto there behind the TV was the very same box. After a few minutes of disconnecting and reconnecting we had TV in the bedroom again. So Terry had her "go to sleep aide" again and all was good. I will go in this morning and exchange the bad box for a good one but we will have no need for it now. I mean as long as we keep the kitchen TV it should be working even if we never use it.
I do not have tennis today. One of the guys texted and said he could not make it this morning so my next tennis will be Saturday as far as I know.
OK you can call me weird if you want but I was so excited to see this picture. Dad is on the "M" tractor and I am not sure who is on the haystack bucket but this picture tells HOW we did our haying. EVERYONE else in the neighborhood baled hay but we stacked it. We had the highest stacks of anyone. Dave and Joan usually were in the stack in the late 50s and early 60s. Dave would relate to you how UPSET he was one year when he had to stack hay on his birthday!!! Pretty funny I would say.
I an trying to figure out who all these guys are. I would say they look like trouble for sure! I know Dad in second from the right and Halvor is second from the left. I think on Dad's right is Harold but not sure. To Halvor's right it could be Rollof as it kind of looks like his son Roger. I am wondering if the man on the far left is George but not sure and the guy on the far right I have no idea. It is a wonderful picture.
That is about it for this morning. I (almost promise) to get more work done today on the papers that are ALL over the house. I am almost finished with the FP so I should be able to work.
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