TERRYIt is 8:45 AM as I write and Terry remains sleeping. I would say she is doing same same. I thought I would get her to eat more yesterday so without asking I fried a small burger and did some tater tots in the oven. I would say she ate maybe 4 tots and maybe one or two bits of burger. SO her eating remains a major concern for me. BUT over all she is doing the same and I would say OK.
Oh my gosh I have NEVER experienced a night like last night. There was thunder and lighting ALL night long and some rain as well. Still, at almost 9:00 it looks like almost night time with little light. The phone shows that we could get rain this AM but then in the PM it will be only cloudy. I have a rain gauge just outside of the den window and since Monday afternoon we have gotten just a little over 6". It shows 100% chance of rain about 9:30 but then it should taper off. As far as I know rain is the only element we are getting from hurricane Elsa. I have not seen the news this morning so I do not know if it turned into a hurricane cat I or not as it went north.
I would say that today will be a day of indoor activity which for me will be, again, going through papers, cleaning up the den and living room, maybe reading a bit and watching some of the tennis.

Here is a picture taken out of the Naples paper this morning. Here is a guy who is from a different school of fishing than I. Far from Lake Traverse in South Dakota where we would fish for crappies and far from Silver Lake where we would fish for Northern Pike and far from Lake Tewaukon where we would fish for perch this guy is maybe from a different world!!! He was fishing off of Vanderbilt Beach, which is near us here in Naples. The story did not say how far out his bait was but he used a drone to drop the bait! Then he sat on the beach and waiting, for how long I do not know. At 10:30 PM his line went OUT with a whir and the fight was on. THREE hours later he landed this EIGHT foot nurse shark. After taking a quick picture it was released back into the water. I am thinking Terry and I may avoid that swimming beach in the future!!! Now I did read about nurse sharks and the reading says they are among the most docile sharks but I am thinking they got the name "nurse" for a reason so I have no desire to swim with them!
Wow here it is 9:10 and Terry is still sleeping. I am thinking the weather may have kept her up during the night. Most days she would be finished with the paper by now.
Back to Dakota Attitude
This is a story of a 13 year old boy who died in the ND storm of 1941.
On March 15, David was helping their mother start the washing machine engine. His next chore was to pick up some milk from the neighbor's farm about a quarter of a mile away. He was at the neighbors when the folks there told him he better get home as there was a storm coming. Meta says, A little while later the neighbors came over and asked if David returned. They tied rop to each other and tried to find him. They cound not find him. The death was very hard for the family. His casket was in our bedroom. I couldn't even look at it. I didn't want to go near it. I did not want to go to the funeral. I had such heartache. He and I were close. This reminded me of cousin Robert Lee who died in a hunting accident in maybe 1953 or so. I remember the casket was in Halvor and Alta's home for more than a day. It was open and for sure a strange sight for a young boy. Sister Joan told me that Dad, who was in the hunting party when he was shot, did not visit at the home. She also said Dad had to go to a legal inquiry about how it happened. A side note is our family had very little money then and Dad had gotten a brand new winter coat. He had blood on it and never wore it again.
I had a successful day yesterday. I spent much time looking for those darn license tab for Terry's car that is in MN. NO luck and then I thought maybe there were in St. Paul but no. Then I thought maybe I did not even send for them but I did find a paper that told me I did send them in. Well as I was going to get something in the den closet something prompted me to take out this shoe box and in it were the tabs and the soft case for Dad's 22 pistol. I had put things in the box with the idea it would go up north. Well problem solved BUT it was too late to get them to St. Paul by Thursday which is when Kim would have liked to use the car. I do have them in the mail today and asking Travis to put them on the car when they arrive. Job done!
I am out of thoughts for the day so will sign off and still no Terry BUT I do have a couple sips of FP left so will enjoy that and then turn on tennis for a time.
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