Terry did not go to therapy yesterday and not sure she will go again. She just is tired of getting ready, getting in the car and going. She feels we can kind of do the same thing here BUT we need to get the pool fixed first. She is still walking with the walker a few times a day so that is good.
I start out today with a picture that Lilia, my teacher's aide at the school for the Deaf in 1976-77, sent me. I think that is the only picture I have seen of me in my office at the school. Willie Hartal, the woodworking instructor, made a very nice walnut desk for me when I was given the job. My office was on the second floor of the three store school. One can not see but out the window is the football field and track around it. It is fun to see but oh my goodness a LONG time ago, forty-five years.

It actually looks like I am working! Well those were the days that I put in well over 40 hours a week as I was in charge of dorm life, the nurses, the night watch as well as all the education programs. If one looks at the long paper hanging on the wall near my right arm, that is a two page list of the students that year. There were about 130 that year. Now, 45 years later they have about a dozen students. The school building is rented out to Head Start of Devils Lake. The woodshop is used by the grounds people for repair. The print shop is empty. What used to be the girls dorm is now used as the school with the basement of the building used as an outreach to communities in ND. The boys dorm was demolished and the house that the superintendent lived in is not used by the school as there is a person who works with the school for the deaf and the school for the blind that comes around from time to time. Lilia, my teachers aide in 1976-77, is still working there and I think she is in charge of outreach to all of ND as a resource person as well as sign language person. I am actually surprised that the school is still open but there must be some political things in the works that keep it open. After spending 6 months of my senior year at the school I then worked there for 8 years. In terms of my working career it was the very best of times. As in all or most work situations there were bumps in the road but teaching was fun and the year I served as director of education was the very best year of my professional life. It is amazing to me as several staff who worked with me are still there. OK, enough of the old days and on to April Fool's Day of 2021.
As Terry and I talked this morning before getting out of bed I said, "I just do not feel like playing tennis today." Well as I looked out the window it was raining. I drove over to the courts and at 7:00 they were flooded so here I am happy to be home.
It looks like we are in for a cool down in temps. A high of 81 today but then in the mid 70s for the next three days. That will be a welcome relief as it has been in the mid 80s with humility as well.
I think I am going to try and clean up the den and living room today and then get a package off to a friend for his birthday. I do need to make some calls as well.
Here it is 8:25 and Terry is finished with the paper. I am also as I finished the sports and the WSJ so enough pleasure and on to work of the day. I had my FP in a large cup so I am ready to go.
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