In my mind yesterday was a "good Terry" day. Early in the evening she decided she wanted to start using the walker again. I said something like maybe tomorrow and she replied now. So I retrieved the walker and she walked from the bedroom to the living room and then turned around and walked back. She said her legs felt tired. I had the belt around her and followed her with the wheelchair but today we will leave the wheelchair out of it. I will be right beside her with my hand on the belt and we will try to do it AM and PM. I would say that is a VERY good thing.
As I sit down to write I have retrieved the paper and read the car and sports section, I have my FP in hand and have enjoyed a slice of french toast with a side of two sausages and a glass of milk. I think I am ready for the day as there is tennis at 9:00 and for the rest of the day I may just pick up here and pick up there as I tend to leave the house in carnage much of the time!!! I might also tune in the TV at noon to watch football and then again at 4:00 when Minnesota vs Wisconsin game is on. I have a feeling the teams I would cheer for will end up on the short end of the score so my TV watching may be short lived.
Well I are looking at a week from now and at that time Christmas will be history and we will be looking towards the new year. It does not seem possible that we are going to be in 2021. It seems just a short time ago that many people were gearing up for what they thought may happen as they counted down the minutes to when we would enter into the 21st century. Well I think none of the suspicions can into play but my goodness here we are 21 years later.
I had a moment of reflection back in time this morning as I read the car section of the Saturday paper. There is a long article about the new electric hatchback Ford mustang. Without even blinking an eye I planned to get a scissor and cut it out to send to Dave. Then I came to my senses and remembered he may even be driving one!!! Well to make things clear I do not think that is true BUT.
I MAY get into the pool later today. I checked the temp yesterday in the morning and then again in the late afternoon and it went from 72-79. IF it gets up to the high 80s MAYBE I will jump in. I know I have turned into a wimp as I am sure Lake Tewaukon never got into the upper 80s in the summer and to us at that time it was really nice. Does an old man really need warmer water?
Christmas Break in the late 70s-mid 80s
We really did not do any special things during the Christmas breaks when the kids were young but we did have a wonderful time. The center of everything was around the fireplace where the kids would often sit and play games or eat. The fireplace would be started early in the morning actually before the kids got out of bed and it would burn embers late into the night. There were times when all I had to do to start it in the morning was get some paper and small wood scraps from the wood shop and put them in the still hot embers. Then by the time the kids came down stairs we had a fire that not only was fun to watch but warm to be by as well. AND of course many meals were roasted hot dogs, smores and much more. Mom and Dad may even stay up later than the kids and indulge in a drink of peppermint ??? for a midnight drink! Of course every year we would cover the dining room table with at least one puzzle and then after many hours it was a race to see who could put in the LAST piece! Don't even think that anybody ever hide one piece until the last second!!! Of course pretty much all of those Christmas breaks had that darn paper route in place. AND around Christmas the papers were usually very big. Of course the biggest paper was the Thanksgiving one that had MANY adds for the next shopping day. I should add that there were also trips up to St. Kates campus which was only a block away. There was a great hill to sled down towards the ice covered pond. As the years went by things tended to change. The older the kids got into more activities during Christmas. There were SPA basketball games during that time as well as interests that older teenagers have If you get my drift! BUT those days of course live on in the recesses of one's mind and provide many fun thoughts and often put a smile on one's face with just the memory.
Here it is almost 8:30 so time to get some tennis clothes on and think about biking over to the courts. My phone shows the temp at 52 so a bit cool but warmer than yesterday. It will be interesting to see who shows up and how things go this morning given what happened last Saturday. I have half a cup of FP left so will savor that as I get dressed. Terry is awake and reading the paper. When I return from tennis we will do our first trip to and from the living room.
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