There is nothing new with Terry. It is 7:45 as I write and she is in bed reading the paper. We are looking to next week as she has TWO water therapy sessions and then a doctor appointment for her finger on Monday. That means she will be out on three different days. I have hope that 2021 will bring her back to good health. My goodness she was taken to the hospital April 2nd which is a long long time ago. Please keep her in your prayers that 2021 will be a good time for her.
I am going to venture over to the tennis courts for 9:00 play. IF there are enough guys I would just as soon come home as two days off would be good but we will see.
These masks could make life interesting for sure. We are supposed to wear masks when not playing tennis. Well I had forgotten and left mine on the bike handle. Someone, in a nice voice, asked where my mask was as I walked away from the courts. I politely said I had left it on the bike. Another player was walking by and said, "Just wear the @*@X mask and shut up!!! Nice, right? I would not defend his actions BUT I think he had just lost his match so!!!!
I think I am going to make sugar cookies today. I do NOT have a rolling pin but I think I can find a bottle that will roll the dough out to 1/4". I just think I have to do something that is Christmas. Well I do have a tiny tree up with an Advent candle ring and use it but is just does not seem much like Christmas around here. Well the bad thing is after I make them who will eat them? I think I know.
JANUARY 20, 1955

It is Thursday and it has been a FUN week for us kids. Snow starting falling Saturday night and by Monday morning there was NO way we would get to school. The roads were totally blocked in all directions as far as one can see. After Dave and I finished milking this morning I put on my boots and coat and went out to the barn. I was pretty sneaky as I got out the door without Mom making me put on my cap with those darn ear flappers! The snow was piled by the barn at least 3 feet so it was easy to climb the pole and get to the roof. I made a path on the roof to the top and over to the west side and the sight was amazing! All one could see was snow snow and more snow. Dave and I have had a great time as it is now Thursday and we have been out of school all week. It has been sledding down the hill north of the outhouse, shooting sparrows in the barn, shoveling snow off the basketball court by the barn, playing Touring Card game and much much more in the house. Dad actually had the Ford tractor out as we needed to move the hay rack into the yard for the cows. We were lucky as the storm had been forecast and we had the hayrack full of hay from the field by Rollofs. Finally on Thursday we heard someone coming up the road from the south. It was the county truck with the snow plow on the front. It came up from the main road south and then at the lake it turned around and came back. Here it is coming back for a second run that will make the road passable. However there still is the driveway that Dad said has to be worked on before we can get the car out to the road. Dad said we needed to shovel some but he would drive the Ford tractor back and forth to make a path. Dave and I did not really get his logic as WHY did anyone need to go anyplace??? We had enough food to keep us for a long time. If nothing else we could live on eggs! At this time we are getting about 20 eggs a day. Well it does help when we get a crate full and can take them into Benny Flash to sell but it would not be the end of the world if we could not do that. Mom kind of scolded us yesterday and that did not happen often but I think Dave and I can get a bit loud at times as we play ping pong on the kitchen table or marbles with the empty shells on the floor. As for Dad he seems content to sit in the rocking chair by the kerosene stove in the living room and read his photo magazines or his gun magazines. As Dave and I hurry out to the road when the plow comes by for the second time we kind of realize that our FUN days may be numbered now with the roads open. AND of course we do know that the hay rack is almost empty and we will need to get that Ford out and drive to the hay field to get another load. Dad will do the driving as he thinks we are not responsible enough BUT I would disagree with him on that. Anyway Thursday is here, the road is open and life may kind of get back to normal today or tomorrow. AND I am sure there will be school next week. I am thinking it will be fun to walk to school with all the snow!
Here it is 8:22 and I need to get dressed for tennis and out the door in a few minutes. My FP has me awake and ready to meet the day.
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