April 27th, 2012, we hooked up our tiny camper to the car and headed home to St. Paul. Over the next several years and 50,000+ miles we were on an adventure. Our black Honda Odyssey was flawless as we journeyed from Minnesota to Alaska to California to Texas to Florida and the keys to Maine and all the New England states and pretty much everywhere inbetween. National Parks were our goal and we visited ALL of them except the new ones added this last year! I think our Honda had more adventures in mind but it did show wear. A ding here, a ding there, a need for tires, a minor fix in the rear axle etc. So after much thought, a lot of research and some back and forth conversations we took the plunge yesterday and drove home in a NEW EX-L Odyssey. Our first Odyssey was labeled an Elite but we decided the extra cost was just not justified. We can certainly live without the in cabin entertainment center and the fancy wheels are only for looks so we decided to save money. Of course we could have used the new way to open the back. In the Elite you just kick your toe under the car and presto it opens. I figured at my age I probably should not be kicking much anyway so we let that go! The new color is deep scarlet but I would say a dark red. As everyone has experienced we GOT A GREAT DEAL! Pretty funny I think as pretty much everyone who buys a new car gets a great deal. I wonder if those sales people are trained? However I will say it was interesting. I did home work and went into the dealership with a figure in mind. Amazingly the first offer they came with was within a $100 of what I had in mind. Before we signed on the doted line they came in with another $1000 less so we were happy. We shop at Costco so our starting point was the Costco membership price and we went down from there. Now the only thing left is to decide on an extended warranty. From what I have read it seems that is NOT a great idea but I still have it in mind. I should find out if anybody I know has gone for that.
Another day of this virus stuff and it looks like all of us could be in for a LONG ride. I hope and pray that that long ride is not in a fancy big car if you get my drift! I hope people are being careful as the illness seems to have NOT peaked as of yet.
We are pretty much staying at home. That may be difficult now with new wheels BUT we will do our best.
With no tennis I need to get on the bike and get some exercise so will do that soon. My FP is gone so I am good to go.
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Sunday, March 29, 2020
March 29th, last Sunday of the month
June 10th 1963
I rolled over in bed and stared at the ceiling. It was Monday and I was not all that excited about the week ahead. I looked at my clock radio and saw it was already 7:20 and I hardly heard anything coming from downstairs. Mom had not called and did I really want to get my body out of bed? Usually IF there was work to do Mom was at the open stairway door way before this. I knew what Dad had said I should do today. He had mentioned that he wanted a load of rocks picked from the "south" land that we farmed but belonged to Uncle Jim. I actually did not think it was necessary as it seemed there were few rocks on that land. It was so so different than our land east of the farm. That land seemed to grow rocks. I know that is not possible but it sure seemed that way. Anyway I knew it was time to get out of bed and see what was happening downstairs in the kitchen. I rolled out of bed and walked to the west window. I opened it half way and saw that there were dead flies on the window sill. I opened the screen just a bit and with a dirty cloth that was on the floor I swept them out into the open air and watched as they blew away in the wind and onto the ground. Good I thought, now the window is clean! I put on a pair of cut off jeans and the T shirt that I had worn the week before. No socks as I seldom wore shoes in the summer. The field dirt still felt hot under my feet but I knew in a week or so I would not feel it.
As I opened the stairway door to the kitchen, it was empty. Dad's darkroom door was shut so I knew he was working or writing. For a second I hoped he had forgotten that I was supposed to pick rocks but really I knew his memory was better than that. I was surprised to not see Mom in the kitchen as she certainly was up and about. I walked into the living room and looked out the east window and there was Mom in the garden tending to the new plants that were already up. I retreated into the kitchen and then out the SE entry door into a sunny warm morning. As the door shut behind me Mom looked up and asked if I wanted her to make me some breakfast! Of course, that was not even a question! Not only would I like some eggs BUT it would also delay my trip down south with the Ford and rock wagon.
As I was finishing breakfast Dad emerged from his dark room only to say that he was going to Geneseo but I should get down south as soon as I could.
I backed the Ford out of the shed and hooked up the rock wagon. While I pumped gas I reflected on the summer. It was only starting and it already was too long. Dave was OUT and I knew he was happy about that. Actually this was the second summer since he had graduated. I missed doing the farm work with him. Now, most of the time, it was me, myself and I! Back then it was the two of us and we often could make a game of whatever we were doing but it is pretty difficult to make a game of ONE. Anyway, as the Ford gas tank filled, I made up my mind I HAD to made this summer interesting in some way. There had to be a way to make life fun and it seemed to be up to me to make it happen. Sure there would be work BUT to be truthful Dad was an awful farmer and he often let things slide or go which meant I had a lot of free time. Now of course I could have made things happen on the farm in a positive way but I just did not have the interest. So with the Ford gased up and the rock wagon behind I headed down south to pick rocks.
I knew there would be a way to make one rock wagon last the entire day. What a rotten attitude that was BUT I could justify it by telling myself Dad had little interest in the farm so why should I? I did make one load of rocks last all day and it kind of went fast. Well I knew Mom would be expecting me home for lunch. I had no watch but I was pretty much an expert at standing facing north with the sun at my back. When my shadow was straight north it was noon and time to go home for lunch. AND guess what? I arrived home at 12:10, pretty darn good! Well IF one is trying to stretch work lunch needs to be at least an hour and really what matters as Dad still was not home. There were the standard fried egg sandwiches with a side of dill pickle and then a short trip upstairs to my bedroom to see if I could get the Twins score from the day before. I had not heard it on the radio as I woke up. The only thing I could get was Paul Harvey so I turned off the radio and decided it was time to visit the outhouse before heading down south again. By the time I started the Ford and headed out it was almost 1:30 and still NO Dad.
As I drove around the summer fallow field, the wheat field and oats field during the afternoon I slowly formed a summer plan in my head. I would make myself a one hole golf course with the fairway being the grass between Mom's garden and the road coming into the farm. I would make a sand green in the ditch just below the mailbox and then make a tee off area near the biggest rock in the line of rocks where we parked the car near the house. We had sighted in the rifles enough there so I knew it was about 90 yards. I would hitch the scoop behind the Ford and get sand from the lake shore. Of course that was a no no but nobody would ever know. I could drive the Ford up to the lake some morning when Dad was not home and of course there never was anybody swimming or boating in the morning. Then after I had the putting surface done I could take used oil from the 5 gallon can in the shed. The only use Dad had for that was to oil the chains on the combine during harvest so there would be no reason he would care if I used some of it. Yep, that was a plan and it was pretty much set by the time the sun set in the west and I headed home with the rock wagon loaded up to the sides!
So it happened. By mid summer I had my golf course in place and it was my "go to fun place" for many many Sundays over the next couple of years.
It probably was my finest example of "when life deals you a batch of lemons make lemon aide and enjoy"!
I should add that those summers of 62, 63, 64 and 65 were some of the best and some of the worst. There were times that I was so lonely and it wasn't only Dave that was not there other people were involved too!! another story some day It actually was some of the best as well. It was a time that I learned to rely on self to make things thappen and make life worth living! During that time I found out that a person has something deep deep inside that If or WHEN you realize it and make up your mind to do things life can be worth living even if it is not the best circumstances. It is a lesson that I have tried to remember in adulthood as anyone knows we ALL have times in our lives where we need to be resourceful and resilient. I am not saying I have always been successful with that but those years stuck with me and served me well all through life.
A breakfast of eggs with cheese and bacon accompanied by FP has he feeling good today.
Saturday, March 28, 2020
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Yesterday on the tennis courts |
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Today on the tennis courts |
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God's creations still are beautiful |
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A sign of the times |
Well here we are, day one of NO tennis. There are a lot of unhappy people and some even are saying that with no tennis it may be time to go north. Not sure that is a safe idea but. I know many are saying that IF you drive where will you find a eating place open or a hotel that is open. IF you fly IS that safe and what will happen when you get off the place? There are many IFs out there.
I would have to say that I do not agree with the closing of the tennis courts BUT then I can't really argue with it either. I am not sure they needed to take the nets down but then maybe if they did not there would be people trying to play so I guess I kind of see the point. There was little left to be dangerous BUT of course all 4 players were touching the balls. Anyway it is so one needs to move on with life in the way that things are now.
I did go to the grocery store this morning and I would say the traffic is now maybe 20% of what is usually is in late March. That is kind of nice! When one goes to the checkouts you are supposed to stand 6 feet back. In one store they had home made plexiglass between the checkout person and the buyer. I should have had my woodworking tools here. Maybe I could have made a lot of money with no place to spend it!
So here I am at 11:30 AM and most of the day in front of me. No tennis so I am not sweaty but still maybe a dip in the pool is in order. Then I need to figure out the rest of the day.
I thought about some more history but I need to think some more before I get into that. Maybe a story about those boxes from California that Ragna would send. Sometimes there were hidden nuggets that were kind of nice. I remember a shirt that was special!
I had a light breakfast this morning and FP so I should be good for whatever I want to do. I could go for a bike ride. As I drove around where we live here there were MANY people walking which is nice to see.
Enough for now but maybe later!
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Not sure about this!
Terry needed a prescription yesterday. The easiest and the closest was Walmart. In her Dr. call it was decided that the person in the Dr. office would send it to Walmart which is about 3 miles away. I had a package that I wanted to drop off at UPS and said I would wait until her meds were ready. It was about 2 PM so I wondered if it would happen that afternoon. Sure enough about an hour later Terry received a text that the order was ready. Here is what is hard to believe. The paper work stated that the CASH price for the meds would be $181.00. Terry's cost was $3.00. I guess all I can say is I am VERY happy we have insurance!
Another day of "W".
Another day of "W".
- When will this end?
- What will be the news today?
- What IF tennis is shut down?
- What should I do today that is productive?
- What can I do and what can I not do?
- What is happening to my family and relatives?
- What, What, What and it goes on and on
Well another day and tennis again. I would not be surprised if they shut the courts down so each day they are open is a blessing. Charlie and I went down to defeat to Al and Rich. Kind of close but then not really! I arrived to play tennis at 9:00 and I did not think to bring water. They have turned off the ice/water machines. Well I went old school and used the hose by the courts. I drank very little as I am not sure that water is good but with warm weather and high humidity I did not want to play for 90 minutes with NO water. A few short sips during the 90 minutes and now hours later I am not sick so all is good. The good part was when I got home and out of the pool my weight was down big time but then I ate breakfast so did not get on the scale after that!
I have started a project on the computer so will see how it turns out. One has to keep busy or go crazy and I pick the busy thing!
I had a hot cross bun with ham before tennis. The grocery store here does them during Lent every Wednesday. After tennis and after a swim I enjoyed left over cut up steak on hashbrowns with an egg on top. It hit the spot as I also warmed up the last cup of FP to go with it.
Enough for today. Hope everyone who may happen to read this is healthy and doing fine with mostly home activities.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Another day, tennis again BUT
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
You may not want to read this!
As I sit at the computer at 7:10 AM on Tuesday, March 24 I am kind of in a melancholy state of mind so I promise NOTHING as I write and it may not be of any interest to anyone but still I tap the keys and write on!
No reason for the picture other than to say this is a great day. How can one say other wise unless there is something in friends or family that is sad. But for me here I am. It is true that going and coming is restricted. It is true that they have shut off the ice/water machines at the tennis courts BUT one can bring their own. For sure there are many who are suffering from this darn virus but really in the long scheme of things most places are mild. I understand that for those who have it or for those who have lost loved ones it is a tragic time. AND I also understand that it could be me, Terry, a family member or anyone tomorrow but for today lets be happy! This is perhaps not a good thing to share but I will. My thoughts today drifted towards those moments in time that were so difficult/sad and I allowed my mind to go there because it actually helps me appreciate the good time in my life. BUT here are some of the darkest moments in my life and kind of in chronological order, I think.
- The event that most often comes to mind is the death of Robert Lee. The hunting accident that was so tragic and the effects it had on so many people. I still can visualize his body at home and I can feel the people milling about the house. There was much food on the dining room table but little was eaten. There were tears and some laughs but they were few. The effect it had on Dad was tremendous and lasted a long time.
- I remember Grandpa Sampson's death. I missed Grandpa and his tobacco offerings and it seemed kind of like a gruff loving voice but mostly I remember how sad Mom was. She so loved her dad and missed him.
- I remember some of the events when Grandpa Lee died. Mostly I remember how sad Dad was. I actually believe that in Dad's life Grandpa was almost the most important one. I say that looking at family and saying Dad looked at Grandpa in a way that he may have only looked at Ronald in the same way.
- Grandma Lee died in the summer of 1965. Mostly I remember visiting her in the Veblen hospital over the last month of her life. Of course the $20 she pressed into my hand as she lay in the hospital bed was a memory that lasted. If I had a count of all the nights I stayed at her house after a high school ball game it would be in the high double digits.
- Well one would say that ALL the sad events in my life revolved around death but that is not true. It may be true that MOST were around death but not all. Some sad moments centered around those darn girl friends in high school but I will not get into that!
- I remember the sad days when we were told that Wood Lake School would be closed and we would be riding the big yellow bus to Cayuga. It almost seemed that a big part of my childhood was gone. AND getting on the bus that first day of 4th grade was like getting into a hearse while you were living!
- I remember walking up the stairs of Bud's grocery store with Chuck, Walter and Jack to apologize to Mrs. Fox for putting ink in her purse AND I was not even involved. To this day that is one of the most dumb things and perhaps sad things I did!
- I can not even explain the empty bottomless feeling when Mom and Dad came home the Saturday morning of Ronald's death. It was perhaps kind of like the feeling I had when the farm burned and in the morning as I stared down into the charred ruins of the house and there in the dirt basement was Mom's beloved piano. As I sat down after Mom and Dad came home it felt like I was in this BIG hollow hole with no way out. The funeral possession from Kulm to Bergen cemetery was about the longest journey I ever had.
- The empty feeling when Janet died was no less. Even though Ronald was my hero in so many ways Janet was this loviing gentle women who seemed to be the perfect daughter, the perfect wife and sister as well. I still remember the blue sweater she knit for me.
- I could go on and on with this. Perhaps the most unusual feeling I ever had was when Dad died. Dad had been sick for a long time and so it was not unexpected BUT I did not anticipate the feeling of having no parents any more. It was an empty feeling that is not possible to describe.
- The death of Gail, I can not go there. To see death come slowly as limbs become cold and then to hear the last breathe of a loved one is something one can not forget. It kind of stays in the recesses of the mind and then pops up at odd times. Of course as time moves on it is less frequent but it really never goes away forever.
I maybe should end this by saying that sadness, death or unhappy events should not and does not in my life define who I was or who I am. In each life event there comes a time when one should and does put things in the memory bank and then one is ready to enjoy life once again. So here I am today. How can I be sad with my life. I have family, I have Terry and life is good in so many ways BUT I would be remiss if I said that sad events of life just go away. They do not. They simply have to be stored in a reservoir kind of place only to be touched when something triggers them and that happens less often as life goes on. So today I remember but I also rejoice in the life that God has blessed me with. I will put on tennis clothes and have fun this morning. Then I will come home and cool off in the pool and enjoy the day. The virus, the stock market, the kind of locked down life we have will not keep me from raising my arms like in the picture and saying, "Lord you are so good and I thank you for my life today!"
I had my FP, a bite for breakfast so I am good to go.
Monday, March 23, 2020
Cheap gas but nowhere to drive!
How about that. Here is what I found at the Costco pump yesterday. I think I said $169.9 yesterday but I was wrong. But where is one to drive to in this age? I do not remember the last time I paid that for gas. I remember paying $25 a gallon when I had my motorcycle BUT that was 50+ years ago! I know people have posted on Facebook when they found gas under $2.00 BUT this! I do know that in the last maybe 5 years once or twice we have found gas at $1.99.9 but I was in shock yesterday when I pulled up to the pump. I thought maybe we should go out and buy a new car just so we could fill up! Maybe that was not a very reasonable idea.
Each day I play tennis I think to myself if this is the last day of tennis for a long time but as of now it still goes on. I have a 10:30 court time this morning.
I have a couple of envelopes to mail today so will get those out before I play. I am wondering if the post offices are open, I would assume they are. There is a gift shop in a strip mall just about a mile from here and in it is a post office. If I remember they open at 8:00. I am debating if I should ride the bike over there or drive.
Terry was out of note cards so I made some for her. A person has to have something to do or life could get crazy.
This is what I saw at the local grocery store. I am thinking they could at least update their signs!
As I look at the weather cities on my phone (I have all the places siblings and kids live) Dave and I win this morning. We have the high here at 67 and Dave has the low at 19! I think Naples is kind of in a heat wave as we are projected to hit 90 on Saturday! As I look at St. Paul by the weekend it is supposed to be in the low 60s
Yesterday Costco was actually not a bad place to shop. It seemed that there were a lot of cars in the lot but when one got into the store you could walk around without bumping into people. When I got in line to check out there was only one person ahead of me. Maybe a first!
When a person has time on their hands one of the things that often happens is you sit back with a cup of coffee or other beverage and dream/think/remember etc. With this coronavirus filling the papers, the airwaves etc I remember back to when Ronald was in college at Ellendale. Of course this was not a wide spread thing but he came home with the mumps! I do not know if this is true but I think he was home for a few weeks and he was concerned about getting behind or dropping out of college as he missed so much. I THINK he pretty much stayed in the living room while he was sick. I am guessing it was kind of early in his college days as I don't remember a lot of details but then it also could be that I am getting kind of old and don't remember things so well! Regardless I do remember it was kind of a fun time for me as big brother was home. Yes, he was in bed much of the time but still just to have him home was special. IF it was his first year of college I probably would have been 8 or so.
I just may do this "remember" in the days ahead. I could have several things about Ronad such as my rifle, my baseball glove, the trailer he made, his Legion ball game, hunting and it goes on. I am guessing I have said this before but as I think back on Ronald and John I am hoping I can be half of what they were/are to other people.
Not much for breakfast this morning. I diced and sliced a hard boiled egg, mixed salt, mayo, and spicy mustard and then slapped it on a slice of bread. It went well with my FP. Oh my John mentioned that he had Folgers yesterday. I just may have to grind some REAL Kona coffee and send to AZ! I think Folgers puts him in the generation with Mom and Dad instead of our generation. I think John reads my blog from time to time so if you are reading this John I am not serious. You are a great guy, Folgers and all!!!
Enough, FP is gone and I am out of the house.
This is what I saw at the local grocery store. I am thinking they could at least update their signs!
As I look at the weather cities on my phone (I have all the places siblings and kids live) Dave and I win this morning. We have the high here at 67 and Dave has the low at 19! I think Naples is kind of in a heat wave as we are projected to hit 90 on Saturday! As I look at St. Paul by the weekend it is supposed to be in the low 60s
Yesterday Costco was actually not a bad place to shop. It seemed that there were a lot of cars in the lot but when one got into the store you could walk around without bumping into people. When I got in line to check out there was only one person ahead of me. Maybe a first!
I just may do this "remember" in the days ahead. I could have several things about Ronad such as my rifle, my baseball glove, the trailer he made, his Legion ball game, hunting and it goes on. I am guessing I have said this before but as I think back on Ronald and John I am hoping I can be half of what they were/are to other people.
Not much for breakfast this morning. I diced and sliced a hard boiled egg, mixed salt, mayo, and spicy mustard and then slapped it on a slice of bread. It went well with my FP. Oh my John mentioned that he had Folgers yesterday. I just may have to grind some REAL Kona coffee and send to AZ! I think Folgers puts him in the generation with Mom and Dad instead of our generation. I think John reads my blog from time to time so if you are reading this John I am not serious. You are a great guy, Folgers and all!!!
Enough, FP is gone and I am out of the house.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Pretty much same old same old
Not much today. I did go out as it just is so difficult to stay at home. Checked two grocery stores, Walmart and Costco and NO eggs. We have a dozen but I needed an excuse to go out! On the way home I stopped at Trader Joes and they had a lot of eggs. The checkout guy said they are pretty much stocked in the morning but by afternoon they are down. He said they may order 10 crates of something and they may get TWO.
I think I will be content to swim, play tennis, eat, work on the computer and try to be happy. I do have tennis scheduled for each day this week. Tomorrow it is at 10:30.
I intended to write kind of a long article today and somehow it did not happen. Maybe tonight. Terry and I will probably watch a movie but then at about 9:00 or so the movie will be over and then it usually is a swim. Then it is an Aleve as I have aches in one leg at night, the same leg I pulled the ham string muscle in the past. The Aleve takes about 30 minutes or so and then I can go to sleep.
I did do some cards on the computer today so something got done.
I know, not much but that is all for now.
I should say that I went to Costco mainly for gas as I wanted to fill up and was shocked at the price, $1.69.9. Have not seen that price for a long time. I guess there is some good coming of all this.
I think I will be content to swim, play tennis, eat, work on the computer and try to be happy. I do have tennis scheduled for each day this week. Tomorrow it is at 10:30.
I intended to write kind of a long article today and somehow it did not happen. Maybe tonight. Terry and I will probably watch a movie but then at about 9:00 or so the movie will be over and then it usually is a swim. Then it is an Aleve as I have aches in one leg at night, the same leg I pulled the ham string muscle in the past. The Aleve takes about 30 minutes or so and then I can go to sleep.
I did do some cards on the computer today so something got done.
I know, not much but that is all for now.
I should say that I went to Costco mainly for gas as I wanted to fill up and was shocked at the price, $1.69.9. Have not seen that price for a long time. I guess there is some good coming of all this.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
What is one to do--get some work done?
What is one to do when activities are limited and you are supposed to stay home most of the time? Well one thing to do is make those cards for relatives for the rest of the year. They are ALL finished and that is a good thing! Now it is a matter of making sure that I get the right card in the mail at the right time!
Now what is one to do? We I played tennis this morning but Karl and I are going to hit the ball for a time at 3:30 today. Our tennis pro said they will keep the courts open. IF the city of Naples would say it is a NO of course they would have to close them. Some places have closed the tennis courts but really it does not seem like that would be necessary. It is outdoors, no real close contact but of course everyone does touch the balls. They are going around at 9:00 and 10:30 again as players change and they wipe down the top of the nets and the water dispensers as people do get water and ice often.
Well for the rest of the day it will be some tennis, a swim and then Terry and I usually watch a movie in the evening. Our temp is currently 84 and we have sun so it is nice to be outside.
A short note today. I skipped breakfast and ate a light lunch. That darn potato salad did a funny thing, well not really funny, on the scale so am trying to figure out how to fix it!!! Oh maybe it is not the scale but actually a total lack of discipline on my part.
Well there was no doubt I did have the usual FP and I actually think that propelled me to victory in tennis.
Friday, March 20, 2020
A first
I received a phone call last night as Terry and I were watching a movie. I let it go to voice mail as it seems now days at least 5 of 6 calls are spam (not the Austin MN spam either). Later as I picked up the phone I saw it was from a friend whom I occasionally play tennis with. His voice message said that, because of the virus, he is suspending all his tennis play. WOW! Brother Dave sent me an e-mail yesterday day about the virus so I will read it this morning but my thought at this time is playing outside in warm weather in a non contact sport should be a good thing. I will have to read more to see if that is true or not. I will play tennis at 9:00 this morning. I did look at the tennis web site and 7:30 has two open courts while the 9:00 and 10:30 courts are full. In a normal time there would be NO open courts in the morning in March.
I did take Terry to her Dr. appt yesterday and had to wait for about an hour so I took in a couple of stores just to see what is happening out there. At the grocery store I was careful to not touch anything but rather I just walked around to see supplies. I took some pictures but if I were to post them it would be same old same old. The paper sections had nothing on the shelves, the bread shelves were maybe at 20% full and the choice meat cooler had ZERO in it. The main meat cooler maybe was at 15% full. There were also several other shelves that looked not empty but not very full either.
Well it looks like the days and weeks ahead may be filled with work projects, reading books, watching movies and a tiny bit of "out and about". Plans for the day are for tennis at 9:00 and that is it. I looked at the Naples paper headlines before I left it for Terry and the headlines were about people from Canada needing to fly home. We have not even seen our friend John who lived next to us but I am guessing he is home by now. I think his health is good but he is several years older than I so am sure he wants to be careful. Well I think I said in days past that people from Canada need to get home because Canada government is saying IF they do not return in a certain time and then get sick they will not be covered by insurance. The virus is a strange thing. Some get it and hardly feel sick while others get it and die within a short time.
Anyway perhaps enough for today. I actually had a different breakfast this morning and am now questioning if it was a good idea. I did up 5 brats in our brat cooker a couple of days ago so I had hash browns and a brat for breakfast, not sure that was good for tennis! Well of course I did have and am having that FP which is a must! ON TO MEMORIES FOR NOW
September 5, 2006
The five days of in service were now history and the students will arrive this morning. Our paper route went well this morning and I am ready for my new students as I enter High Park Junior at 6:30 AM. As I walk through the NW door I realize this is my twenty-ninth year of walking through this door to teach. Oh my how time flies. I have done much planning for this day, for this year.
I have a calendar with days counted down to June 15, 2007. That is the day I will wrap up 38 years of work in the field of deaf education. As I sit at my desk in room 110 I, for a moment, reflect back to September of 1969. I was almost clammy as I waited for my very first class of deaf students. They were fourth grade and mostly boys. They had almost did their teacher in the year before and I think Mr. Hayek felt I could get them in line. I would say I actually did but it was not without sweat and yes some blood as well1 NOW, thirty-eight years later here I am with some of the same feelings as I await the first day of classes. Of course life is very different now. Gail and I are kind of the old generation now. My parents have passed away a long time ago as well as Chic Saunders. We are looking at my last year of working in deaf education and then we have plans for doing things that we have not had time to do as we raised our family of John, Travis, Aaron and Cynthia. I will endure the next 170+ work days of the school year and then our life will change big time.
I page through a three ring notebook that I have on my desk. I have printed out each month through June of next year. Each work day is numbered and they go down down until June 15th arrives and that will be day ZERO.
I am not looking forward to the year. My relationship with my co-worker, who I share a room with, is less than good. I would like to believe I had no part in it falling apart but then I will not say for sure! Anyway I have not and will not share with any co-workers that this is my last year of work. Perhaps I am afraid that if I do they will be glad!
Anyway I will fast forward to June of 2007. I have shared my intentions with my co-workers and I do not know if they are negative, positive or neutral. I have had appointments with the central office downtown and I am set for my last day. As I arrived this morning I turned in my building keys so that is done. Over the last couple of months I have often stayed later than most people in the building. That has allowed me to empty my desk of personal things as well as a 4 drawer file that was filled with most of my things. We have said farewell to the students a couple days ago and have actually had some building meetings in the last couple of days. Of course it has been difficult for me to concentrate as anything they talked about for the coming year was of no interest to me. This is the LAST day and it is only a half day. Over the intercom they announce that from 9:00-10:00 there will be an all school workshop on the computers that will be relevant to next fall. What do I care? Marcia and Diane are in the room and as they get up to leave they ask me if I am coming. In a quiet voice I say I will be down shortly! Diane, the interpreter, looks at me and with a slight glint in her eyes she says, "I know what I will find when I return!" She was correct. I waited several minutes after the final call for teachers and then I quickly gathered the last of my things and headed through the library which was on the north end of school away from the computer room. I headed out the northwest door to my car and I was gone. That was almost thirteen years ago. I have not been in Highland Junior since.
Of course I found out that life would change in many ways. It was the end of thirty-eight years of working in education and the start of many new things in my life. If I had to do it over again I do not think I would change much if any!
Thursday, March 19, 2020
No tennis today but a picture day!
For my siblings who may read this today it is about the farm and pictures. We all remember Mom and Dad inviting Olaf and June or Obert and Bertie or other neighbors to watch those darn slides that Dad would take in Washington DC or New York City. Well today just a few pictures but the story behind them is so so different. I might add that I am pretty sure I have posted some of not all these pictures in the past but with a different twist!
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I think the yard light was put in about 1953 or so. To have a yard light was wonderful. REA was a godsend for rural America. |
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Every time I see this picture I get a knot in my stomach. A hole in OUR barn so the car would be inside! What the heck! Dad you needed to build a garage and leave the barn as a barn, really! |
The top four pictures are what was part of our farm when I and my siblings grew up in the 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s. Of course there was also the chicken house, the shed, the garage that blew down, steel bins, the corn crib and more. In the early 80s the fire that swept the dry creek bed destroyed every thing on the farm and left charred wood and scorched machinery in its wake. The bottom picture is what you see today if you drive past where the farm was. Between the bean field and the deer stand that you see is the creek bed that actually was the demise of the farm.
I was reminded of this today as I sat at the computer and looked at the web site "North Dakota images which is full of old farms in ND and SD. It made me wonder if it was better for the farm to be destroyed by fire or just rot away! Of course there was no choice but as I age I think about it often. In this last picture you would have seen a long shelter belt of trees from the left of the deer stand to the right of the picture if you would have been looking 40 years ago. There were maybe 6 +/- rows. I am guessing George Lee who bought that land or his son Robert took out the trees for crop land and just left a small groove where the deer stand is. I have no idea when the trees came down or when things were cleaned up so that the farm yard could become a field. Just beyond the deer stand used to be Bert's farm but he was forced to sell to the Wild Life so I am guessing it may be a great place now for a deer stand as the deer come off of the protected Wild Life Preserve. George and his wife are still living and reside in a home for the elderly in Fargo while son Robert lives on the farm and does the farming now. I am guessing Robert is maybe mid 50s but I do not know. Terry and I stopped in to talk to him a couple of years ago.
I certainly have mixed feelings as I view the pictures. If I look at myself and my 5 siblings I THINK nobody had aspirations of farming and "why" I am not sure. I would guess that growing up on a farm that was outdated by many many years certainly had something to do with it. Most of the farm land was sold to George after the fire. The last parcel of land was sold after Dad died in 1997. As years go by things change and one only needs to look back to see what was, what could have been or what is today.
It looks like a very nice day. I am tempted to drive to the grocery store today just to see what is happening. Terry and I need nothing. Oh wait a minute. Terry does have a Dr. appt at 1:30 today so I will take her and then kill time by stopping in a couple of stores. No worry, I will be careful and take due diligence to wash hands when I get home.
No breakfast today as I just was not hungry but of course I did have that wonderful FP coffee and it did get me off on the right path for the day. Enough!
I certainly have mixed feelings as I view the pictures. If I look at myself and my 5 siblings I THINK nobody had aspirations of farming and "why" I am not sure. I would guess that growing up on a farm that was outdated by many many years certainly had something to do with it. Most of the farm land was sold to George after the fire. The last parcel of land was sold after Dad died in 1997. As years go by things change and one only needs to look back to see what was, what could have been or what is today.
It looks like a very nice day. I am tempted to drive to the grocery store today just to see what is happening. Terry and I need nothing. Oh wait a minute. Terry does have a Dr. appt at 1:30 today so I will take her and then kill time by stopping in a couple of stores. No worry, I will be careful and take due diligence to wash hands when I get home.
No breakfast today as I just was not hungry but of course I did have that wonderful FP coffee and it did get me off on the right path for the day. Enough!
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
A great chance to do things!
On my list of things to keep busy is to check pictures on the computer. Here is brother Dave and I am pretty sure it is Lisa. If so it was taken in 1970 as Lisa was born in April of that year. Look at Dave, clean shaven and looking pretty darn good! I even think he is wearing a jacket of the times!
Here we are on the down side of March. I think most if not all St. Patrick day celebrations were cancelled. I am guessing that many many homes are busy with kids NOT in school. It could be the start of a long active summer starting in March.
Tennis today at 9:00 but will stop 20 minutes early as Terry has an appt. I am nervous about Terry going out at all but these Dr. appt need to be done. It will be soap and water on the hands when we get home. I think they are saying 20 seconds of wash. I think way way back on the farm we would come in from the shed, the barn, the dirt and a hand wash lasted maybe 5 seconds IF Mom had food waiting!
I HAD to make potato salad yesterday as that darn tennis party was cancelled and the menu had salad on it. Can't let a whole year go by missing that! I made it and it is certainly is not up to Terry's standard but I had a burger and salad for BREAKFAST and it did pass. I think I need to mix a bit more heavy cream to make it moist. But oh my goodness potato salad, a burger and FP, you could hardly start a day any better! AND to add I did used Heinz store bought ketchup. I just added that in case Glorine happens to read this as I gave her a bad time on the phone last December about the home-made ketchup she made when she and Ronald stayed with us one summer. Of course I have recovered and for sure have forgiven her!!!!
I THINK I am going to drive the car out of the garage this afternoon. Then I am going to set up a stool in the middle of the garage, kind of put my head down on my fist and then come up with a real plan to redo the garage. It may take some time! Things have to be thrown, old cabinets need to be OUT and then the floor needs to be scrubbed and polished. After that a few new cabinets need to be installed but not as many as there are now as I want to limit keeping things to what one needs and will use instead of keeping things for the sake of keeping them!
No it is 8:40 so time to dress and get to the courts. I need to leave a note for Terry to make sure she knows I will quit early and be back in time to leave at 10:15. Tennis usually goes from 9:00-10:30 for the middle play time.
I have half a cup of FP that I will savor as I get dressed and then it is off to the courts.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
I went to the store yesterday for a couple of things AND to see what the store was like as well. As one can see MANY people were/had been shopping. The first thing I noticed was NO carts. I don't really know but a guess would be most of the time there are up to 60 +/- carts waiting for the taking. About 20 feet from the in door were 4 carts just there so I took them into the store, kept one and presto the other 3 were taken. I was in line behind the lady in the bottom picture. My bill came to $20 and change. I said to the clerk my bill is maybe the smallest of the day and she said it probably is.
No team tennis today and none tomorrow as well. No team party tomorrow and no villa party on Thursday so I think it is a good time to think about starting to clean out and redo the garage and also to settle in with a good book.
I had a funny, well not so funny, experience yesterday that IF I were in a certain mood it would make me wonder. Our team party was to happen Wednesday. After talking to some of the players I decided to cancel it. I put out an e-mail yesterday with thank-you to guys. I wrote one sentence about each player. I then mentioned that I had three door prizes that were to be given out and I drew names as to who would get them. Of the 8 players who received the note ONE wrote a reply. ONE!!! I know that when a person has expectations it is a recipe for disappointment BUT one reply out of 8, wow. In my mind I thought maybe I would get half a dozen replies that would say something like "I will miss the party" or "thanks for a great season" or "you did a great job as captain" I know that is expecting a bit much. Anyway it was disappointing but then as one looks at our world today it may not be very important!
No, I am going to take a short bike ride and then come home and finish the book I am reading. I am scheduled to play tennis at 1:30 today as the team match was cancelled so the captain reserved 2 courts for a fun round robin play.
I had the same kind of breakfast as yesterday sausage, eggs over hash browns and of course that FP that is always delicious.
Monday, March 16, 2020
Happy birthday Mary
Happy birthday Mary. We wish you the BEST ever in the coming year. May your wishes come true, may your health remain great and keep on being that super mom that you are. Love, Dad and Terry
AND it continues
Yes thise pictures show a life that as of now does not exist. Pretty much all major league sports has been cancelled and that goes for college and maybe sports of all kinds. We still are playing tennis here and I have not heard if they will shut that down. Our third villa party which was to be this Thursday is now cancelled for the time being and if I were a betting person I would bet on no more parties this season. IF it had been my call I would say let's do it but if you are expecting 30 people and many of them say we will stay home well I guess the right call is to say "cancel".
I have not heard anyone saying we should cancel our tennis party which is to be this Wednesday. There will only be 13 people coming and they all are from the club here so I would think it should be a go. IF some call and say is it a good idea maybe it will change.
I have tennis at 10:30 today so will see what the courts look like. I am guessing they will be full. I have heard of some people who may change their minds about going north as some of the communities they go to are almost in lock down.
It looks like we will have mid to high 80s all week here. That is about 5-8 degrees warmer than normal.
Here is a TRUE note that I wrote about for our party. If there is NO party Wednesday Terry and I may have candy on our hands as at the party I have some give-aways for each player and this is one of them.
Here is a TRUE note that I wrote about for our party. If there is NO party Wednesday Terry and I may have candy on our hands as at the party I have some give-aways for each player and this is one of them.
MARCH 13TH 1965
The disappointments of the many athletes who did not get to play in March Madness reminded me of this day but of course on a much much smaller scale!
My friend Larry, his girl friend Pat and my girl friend JoEllen walked around town kind of aimlessly. We had just won our basketball game and actually it should have been a time to be happy. My game was on and the score book showed that my 25 points propelled us to a win and the consolation trophy. BUT there really was NO consolation. As the four of us walked around town with no destination in mind my thoughts were oh so far away. A year ago I had been the sixth man on the team. We were good and actually went to state. In the district we blew away our opponents but my playing time was limited and I think I may have even had wet eyes after the game. Coach Wohler saw my state of mind and he walked over to me. He said, Carmen your time will come next year!" Well this was next year and things did not pan out very well. We played in a district tournament that was outside of our league so who knows how the seeding should go. I do not remember where we were seeded but I do know we were one of the favorites. Yes, we had our share of injuries but still we had high hopes. In the first game of the tournament we lost on a last second shot to Wyndmere who then went on to lose their second game. Of course we were then relegated to consolation. This afternoon we played Lidgerwood in the 5th place game and came away with the trophy. Some time later I would end up looking at things in Dad's cupboard and there was the clipping of our game. It praised the play of Carmen Lee who led Sargent Central with 25 points. Did Dad ever talk to me about it--NO. Well here I was walking around town with friends but with a mind that was far far away. My thoughts were kind of like this. Our football team had finished with a 1-6 record which was a disaster. As captain I felt partly responsible for that. Now here really was my last chance to feel successful but a 5th place did not feel very successful. AND it was our senior year. Larry and I, as well as Pat and JoEllen would soon be away from Sargent Central, away from home and who knows what would be next. So my thoughts were about football, about basketball, about leaving home, about relationships and much much more. We wandered downtown and as we approached a cafe Pat mentioned the bus would be leaving in 45 minutes. Well that was enough time to have a soda and fries BUT was not enough time for me to deal with what had just happened and what I had to look forward to!!!
Well as I have said in the past, "Tomorrow the sun will come up in the east as usual and life goes on! One small bump in life's path does not mean the end of the world so to speak."
AND life did go on. The last two months of high school were mostly fun. Memories of football and basketball remainded but I decided to go out for track as one last hurray. With years of throwing rocks into the rock wagon and throwing Russel's and Rollof's bales onto the wagon I felt fit to do the shot put, javelin and discus throw. Dad still insisted I ride the bus home for afternoon work. I somehow feel that was still related to Ronald's death in the fall. So I talked Mr. Neuman into allowing me to practice my throws during school instead of sitting in study hall waiting for the bell to ring. So when 5th period came around I would hurry to the locker room, change my clothes and get out on the football field to practice. No coach, no supervision just me. How did I do? Well I did well enough to place in the javelin and the discus throws. First, no way but it did kind of wet my competitive juices for one last time.
Socially I was kind of a flunkie. This may even be true to this day! I did go to the spring prom but don't think it was all that memorable. May came to a close with high school graduation. On the day there were tiny snow flakes and I wore my new suit that looked like a wrinkled mess as I got out of the car. I am guessing if I were to remember the 60 or so graduating seniors that day I maybe have seen a dozen or less after that day.
Of course today as I look back at many of those events they seem not only so far away but actually very very insufficient when put against the journey of life. HOWEVER at the time they were not only important but in many ways life shaping.
Sunday, March 15, 2020
An early end
There will be NO more serves returned this league season. With one week of the season left it has been cancelled so we are finished. There were 11 teams in our league and we finished in 5th place. I would say it was a step up from last year. One of my best players was not available the last two matches which I think prevented us from finishing a bit higher BUT to finish in the top half was not all that bad. I would have liked to be in the top third (well to be honest it would have been fun to win it all) but will settle for the top half and be happy.
I am not so much in the mood for writing today so will take a day off and settle into a new book. I do need to go for a bike ride as I need that daily exercise so the body does not get lazy. Well I may say too lazy.
I made french toast for breakfast today. I had not made that this year. That along with sausage and the FP gave me a good start this morning.
No, enough for this Sunday. I should add that more and more things are being cancelled and more and more shelves are looking a bit empty. The main grocery store here is now closing at 8:00 PM instead of 10:00 PM. They said that is so they can stock the shelves and disinfect the store better. I went to Walgreen yesterday to get some things for our Wednesday tennis party and this picture kind of tells the story!
Not all the store was like this but some of it was. I think this is the paper section! Who knows WHY toilet paper is in such a demand? Are they afraid that they may have to go back to the "good old days" when crumbled up catalog pages were used, at least on the farm they were! Oh yes and now people may start to buy peaches IF they are wrapped in that thin paper that is almost as good at TP!
Done! the FP is now down to the last drop and the morning is now in its last 90 minutes. Time for the bike.
Saturday, March 14, 2020
Boy have I found a deal for you!
The Saturday WSJ is full of interesting ideas and helpful hints for the AVERAGE person. This morning's edition has a really great article for women 50 and over. It tells of ways that you can get yourself to look not like 50 but rather like 20 or 30 maybe. Here is all you have to do:
- take on good nutrition for only a cost of $23,000-$45.000
- do some things with you hair for $8,500-$50,000
- get the special make up at the bargin price of $500-$2,000 per session
- get into the personal training area for only $50,000-$150,000 per year
- have that special hair at the rate of $12,000-$110,000 per year
- finally get some work done on that body like fat freeze etc for only #11,000-$39,000 per year
- of course it is a personal choice on your part but look what you can do with a new body!!!
I also got the low down on some dress up ideas for men. They say that the gold chain is way way too mundane for men but now they should go for pearls which is beguiling!!! I think I will stick with my wedding ring and maybe a wrist watch if I don't have my phone with me!
I am wondering what the paper is going to do with the sports section now that ALL major sports are suspended for the time being. Today there were articles about different sports and how disappointed players are but that really can't be the story everyday so we will see what happens going forward.
Of course the entire news world wide is the COVID-19. They say it is now on the downhill in China but I do not know if that is true. Terry has a Dr. appt next Tuesday and I am not sure she should go. She has not been feeling well the last couple of months and going to a Dr. office, I am not sure.
The phone shows temps in the mid to upper 80s for the next many days. Six of the days show full sun and I am guessing it will continue to be dry dry dry here. If anyone is interested in a temp war today Jamestown wins at 13 now! I am not sure that is a winner or a loser!
Life stages---into our life comes weddings and grandchildren
Life did not get any less busy as the years rolled by. Sometimes it seemed like we would celebrate and then when we turned around it was to celebrate again! I am not saying that was bad, I am saying that was a sign of a busy life as days, weeks, months and years seemed to fly by the window of life. I would say this stage kind of started in 2000 and went from there.
- In May of 2000 Amy and Aaron were married. Now we were excited as we had 4 adult kids, a new in law and who knew what would come next!
- We had to wait two years for something new in the family and it came in June of 2002 when Mary and John were married. In the same vein as Amy and Aaron, the wedding reception was large, loud and fun. We were again excited to add to our family.
- So the wait was kind of long but in August of 2003 we started a new experience, grandchildren. Henry came into the Lee clan August 21 and one would have thought Grandma and Grandpa were young again as they were so excited. Little did we know that it was the first of many little ones.
- We had to wait almost 2 more years for #2, Liam who was born in April of 2005.
- Then came Leo in April of 2007, on tax day. At this time we are beginning to question if there are any little girls coming!
- Finally Faustina arrived in May of 2008 and then Audrey came in october of 2008 so by that time the girls were beginning to even things out!
- I will not go into all the births that followed but at this point in time the girls out number the boys 6-8!!! I would say 6 girls are about equal to 8 or so boys, right?
- Jude came into the world in August of 2009 and that marked the last time Gail left the house as she went over to Cynthia's to help if she could.
- Gail died in September of 2009 and my world changed in many ways. In what ways, that will be in another chapter of Stages of Life.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Amy have a great day. We do not know if you still take the day of your birthday off but IF you do pamper yourself with extra rest, a good book and then maybe hubby and kids will treat you to a special dinner. Have a great day and may this coming year be one where many hopes and dreams come true. Carmen and Terry
A win BUT
I admit that I do not do a lot of work BUT I have been getting some things done. I now have birthday cards made for the birthdays through July. There actually are more in the second half of the year so more work maybe next week.
We did get on the winning track again yesterday with courts 2 & 3 winning. Well I was on court 1 and you did not see that in the last sentence. It was the end of a discouraging week of tennis for me. All I will say is what I have said in the past, "You win as a team and you lose as a team". I am guessing I will not play next Tuesday on the 70+ team so next Wednesday will be the end of the league season for me. We will play in the morning and then have a BBQ at our house in the late afternoon and that wraps it up for league this season. I will continue to play tennis maybe 5 times a week but no league.
After next Thursday it needs to be garage work on the floor. I say after Thursday as that means league is finished and we have our last villa party then. Terry would like to get old cabinets out of the garage, strip and finish the floor and then perhaps put in new cabinets so it looks like a nice place. I THINK I am up to the task. For the floor we need to rent a machine and scrub the old paint off and then just repair and buff the floor. Sounds kind of easy right?
I looked at the weather on my phone this morning. When I bring it up places like Sandy, Mesa, Rapid City, Holiday Island, Jamestown, and Naples comes up. Today we win with a temp of 67 and a high of 82. OK IF I were to go to St. Paul we would not win! It is currently 40 and raining there. I see where Holiday Island is 57 with highs in the 70s which I think means Helen is at work checking in all those old men who want to play golf!
I hope everyone is being careful with this scary world health scare. As I read the WSJ today I wondered who had handled it? Terry and I have not been out and about that much so we should be good but as I think of sibling from Glorine to Helen I think all of us are in the "age" where we are at risk! I see on the computer this morning the NBA has suspended the season for now, wow!
If one goes out it will not be unusual to see this kind of thing. At health places they stop and ask you questions etc. and many people are wearing masks. I am guessing this is good for 3M as health products, including masks, are their thing!
Enough for this morning. I thought about having a bit to eat after 9:00 tennis but changed my mind so, as I read a book, I enjoyed an English muffin with ham, egg and cheese on it. AND of course there was the FP to go along with it. My coffee grinder was empty so I took it into the garage to grind coffee as I think Terry is still sleeping. Enough
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
It was close BUT
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That probably happens toooooo often!!! |
It was a day that could cause one to question if tennis is the right sport to be playing. On the 70+ team yesterday I played court 3 with Charlie. We won the first 3 sets and then it was pretty even the rest of the way. We won set one, tied 6-6 set two and then went on to lose the set and match tie breaker. I will start out by saying my game was not perfect BUT Charlie just had a bad bad day. I did not count but I am guessing he had at least a half dozen high balls that were perfect for a "put away shot" and he hit it into the net! He double faulted on one game point and THEN with our lead at 6-5 he was serving and had a put away shot for the match and blew it!!! I have no further comment as I have had bad days as well. Nobody felt worse than he. For the most part the guys we played against were fun. Nice guys and good also. BUT we had one situation that was interesting. They hit a lob over my head and Charlie was out of position. I looked back and saw it hit out by an inch or two and called it. Charlie went over and looked at the mark and agreed. As he did that he took his racquet and touched the clay when the ball hit. One of the guys got really upset. He accused Charlie of covering up the mark with his racquet. I quietly told him that was not the case. I had to tell him 3 times before he would resume play at the urging of his partner. I thought this is going to be interesting the rest of the match. Amazing he just went back to his nice self in a minute or two! End of story!
Another nice day and my team plays it's last home match today of the season. We have one match next week, a team party the afternoon of the match and then league is history. I have high hopes of winning at least 2 courts today but we will see. We play a team that has won one court in every match which kind of says they have one good court and I am guessing it may be #1 where Ken and I are playing. Could be interesting this afternoon. I have the balls numbered, the drinks in the cooler and the lineup made out so I am ready to ramble!
Life stages---those college days
The college days are spread out as were the high school days. John started college in the fall of 88 and Cynthia graduated in the spring of 03. Graduation took place in 92, 94, 96 and then 03.
For John and Travis it was 4 years each in California except John spent a year in Germany and Travis spent half a hear in Washington DC. Santa Clara was a beautiful place to spend time as John and Travis graduated from there. Aaron and Cynthia each spent 4 years at Gustavus in St. Peter MN. We made a few, not many, trips to CA for John and Travis while Aaron and Cynthia played soccer at Gustavus so there were MANY miles driven for that. Some of the highlights and lowlights of the college years in no order:
- I would say that the fact that each of the kids graduated in 4 years was a big deal. AND they all graduated from the school they first enrolled in. I am not saying that was important but then again it made things easier than if they had changed from school to school.
- I have to mention that college days were full of paper work for each of the kids. They all relied on financial help from the schools. That meant filling out forms early in the year for each of them which meant filling out forms in eight different years and in 4 of those years there were 2 sets of papers to fill out!
- One of the low lights was the fall John enrolled at Santa Clara. He had flown out early to try out for the soccer team. Several days later I got a call saying he had NOT made the team. I do not know IF he should have made the team but I do know that EVERY person who made the team that fall was from CA. Maybe or maybe not that says anything.
- Perhaps the most interesting financial thing was with Cynthia in her second year. For some reason she received help for her second year and it was reduced by several thousand $$. I looked at the papers and thought several $$ times 3 years will add up to a lot of money. I made an appt with people at Gustavus and drove down there in early spring. I thought about wearing old farm clothes to show how poor we were BUT not really. I was able to get the $$ added back to her financial package and it stayed that way for the last 3 years.
- Sports came into play in college as well.
- John and Travis biked at Santa Clara even though that was not a university sport it was a club sport and they competed against several other schools. I made it out for one race which took place just after an earthquake. More than once, as I was walking around, I felt the earth move! Both John and Travis were able to compete in the national college bike race John's senior year. I think it was in the Atlanta area.
- Cynthia and Aaron played soccer all 4 years. There were good times and bad times. Aaron was the co-captain his senior year and they should have had a good year but he came down with an injury and missed much of the season. Likewise Cynthia was injured and missed much of her senior year. BUT we made it to most of their games which included driving to Iowa and Wisconsin.
- I could add that in addition to college things during those years I was involved in coaching at Highland Park Junior where I taught. So it was not unusual to have a game or practice at school and then head down to St. Peter for a college game as well.
- I remember driving the pickup down to a game when Cynthia was playing at Gustavus. I had one of my migraine headaches to the point that I used a coat for a pill and spent the drive home in the back of the pickup. I think about that time some may have accused me of being not quit normal!
The college days were perhaps some of the most busy times of my life. I did not believe in making the kids my entire life so during that time I also served in a headship role in our Christian Community People of Praise and also did Servant Camp which usually meant 300+ campers and around a hundred staff. IF I could live those days over I MAY change a few things but then it seems like God smiled on those times and indicated he was pleased with much of what was happening.
With Cynthia's college graduation in 2003 I did not know it at the time but my teaching days were kind of coming to a close in a few years. I had in mind that I did not want to teach well into my 60s but rather, maybe, teach until I was 62 or so and then do things that I had never had time to do before. Those ideas came crashing down in 2004 when Gail became sick. The rest is a story to be told in another stage of life.
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