I did not get out on my bike ride yesterday on Bentley but I did this morning. I upped the mileage a bit to 5.4 miles. Still NOT much but some and it was fun. I would say that St. Paul must have the worlds worst sidewalks. I did not count but I am guessing that every block averages 3-5 serious bumps and then most have been filled in with asphalt. It does not make for a very smooth ride for sure.
I do not have to water the garden today as we received a very nice 1/4" of rain yesterday. Things have come up but the plants have not taken off yet.
I am kind of getting the itch to get into the wood shop. I know, there are MANY projects that need and have to be done BUT.....
It is kind of goofy but Terry and I already had a conversation about our travel back to FL. What route to take and who to visit. I should say shortly after we arrive in FL we will have the same conversation about returning to MN. Perhaps we need to go to counseling to learn to live in the moment!
We drove Terry's car yesterday and there was a moment where the dash lights went dim. Oh my I still have these moments when a car makes a funny noise or there is a strange thing that happens. I get all upset and nervous. I know it comes from growing up with a car that pretty much did not fail but that was always in my mind. What the heck, in high school I had to be super careful where I parked the car as I had this fear that it would not start. I admit it only happened once on a dark country road and I had to walk to the farm to ask for a pull. I will not say any more than that!!!
This coming week, on Tuesday, friends of Terry's from the past will come over for lunch. It is always fun to get together with Darrel and Connie. They are quite the adventurous couple as they have gone to Yellowstone Park on a cycle etc. Also at least one camping trip to Alaska.
Terry's son Brian, will come up for a visit Friday. He is coming for a family thing. He was going to bring Tammy's 2 grandchildren but that fell through so he will be alone as his wife has to work.
I had a nice conversation with a guy down the street this morning. He commented on my nice bike as he and his wife have a tandem and have ridden the Ragbrai in Iowa where you start in the west by dipping your bike tire in the Missouri River and end by dipping your tire in the Mississippi River. Towns along the way plan in advance to feed and put up the riders. It would be fun to do some time.
As I sit and look out the window I reflect on our neighborhood. Way way back in 1977 it was mostly elderly people but not all. Today houses sell fast, one does not really know some of the people and it just is so so different. I would NOT say it is better today. Just this spring 4 house sold on our two block street. I went into the grocery store about a mile away and I would say it is kind of an upscale store. Last Friday there was a policeman working the store, what the heck!
No I have half a cup of FP left and I will enjoy that as I read the FREE paper that was delivered this morning. I am looking forward to this week. It is fun to be on the right side of the grass and live life!