Wow, I slept late today and finally woke up at 8:10 to the sound of the TV on. Terry had been up for a short time and knew that I intended to play tennis so she turned the TV on. Terry is on her "awake" day as I suspect she will be awake for the entire day. She said she is doing fine!
Here it is already 1:15 and I have not accomplished anything today. Well I maybe should not say that. I did get on the tennis court at 8:30 and played until 10:00. As soon as I got home I was off to do a couple of things. We have State Farm insurance and they have a program where a device can track you're driving. If your driving is safe etc your insurance will go down!
On the good side a person may save money on insurance but on the negative side it almost looks like "big brother' is watching you!!! We will see how it comes out. It will be fun to see after a few weeks how it evaluates my driving. All a person has to do is have it in the car and it transmits info to your phone! Whenever something like this or similar comes along my mind goes back to Dad and what he would think of it. Well I can pretty much tell you that but will not get into it!
On my way home from State Farm I stopped to get a hair cut that was way overdue. Going way back to the farm I hated haircuts and to this day I put them off as much as possible. The good thing about a hair cut is now my tennis hat will fit again!
So by the time I was finished with tennis, State Farm, barber shop and then home again with a bit to eat here it is well into the afternoon. My my this retirement is a busy life!!!

This came in the mail two days ago and in it was a check for $1450 and a letter. The letter was from Whole Foods and I have been selected to be a "secret' shopper. What it entails is I will go into Whole Foods and purchase items totaling about a $1000 and then I only need to go on line and do an evaluation of how Whole Foods did in terms of shopper friendly service. This is going to be a slam dunk in terms of getting some income!!!! Well it kind of sounded too good to be true but it certainly came across as above board and legit. Well as any one would do now days I went to the computer and typed in some words referring to that program and yes it is a big SCAM. So I tore up what looked like a nice payday and threw the letter away. Now I need to go back and cross out the things that I thought I could buy with the check!!! When I think about it I wonder how many people are scammed into losing money on things like that. I have a feeling there are many as they certainly make it look real and inviting.
So here we are no at 1:45 and the day is going fast. As I sit at the desk and type my calendar is on the wall to my left. It daily reminds me that Joan/Ron's 60th is coming up. Well the reason that happens is Joan's birthday was September 2nd so when ever I look at the calendar I see her picture. It also reminds me that Marlys/Dave's anniversary was this month and their wedding in 1965 brings back memories. The calendar also reminds me that today was the birth day of Great Grandpa Lee. Thinking of him also brings back good memories.
Well here I am kind of at the end of my writing for the day. I woke up too late to get my FP before tennis but I did make it after I came home from my haircut and that is all gone as well. Enough for now.
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