OK so Terry wants so badly to get well and that will happen BUT. We both woke up about 7:00 this morning. I turned over to get some awake shut eye just for a few minutes. I thought I heard Terry stirring and it sounded strange so I turned over and opened my eyes. Here she was out of bed and standing by the doorway with NO support. I suppose there are two ways to look at it. First she should NOT be doing that as when she fell she had a walker. The other view is she wants to get well and she was working hard at that. Regardless I jumped out of bed and put my arms around her. She said she was getting the wheelchair as it was in the hallway. We did get her into it and the story was she wanted out of bed and into the living room. That we got done BUT…. As it turned out OK I will take it as a positive venture but as I think about it not a good one, really. As I write she is on the couch reading the Sunday paper. Cheryl, a neighbor and who comes from Minnesota was over for a 45 minutes visit yesterday. That was good for two reasons. Terry needs more than me around and two, she brought homemade wild rice soup!!!
Remembering again this morning!
From page 61 of my book

Dad had a lot of short comings but ideas about what us kids should have was not one of them. I should add my kids could tell of my short comings too!!! From the day I was old enough to ride a bike I remember the two bikes we had. They simply were called "the big bike and the little bike". I do not remember if other families had a bike but we had two. I am sure Mom could have used some things with the money Dad paid for the bikes but it was what it was and those bikes gave us adventures, fun, trips and they expanded our life to be more than the farm yard. I am guessing Dave and I made 300 or 400 or more trips to Lake Tewaukon during the summers of the 50s and early 60s. We rode up there to swim, to see if there were any girls swimming (that was when we were older), to see if Ricky was home (He lived right by the lake) and I think there were many times we just wanted to get on the bikes and ride, anyplace. They seemed to put us into a world that was beyond our farm. One thing I don't know is why we never rode them to Wood Lake School ever. That may be cause the 3 years I went to Wood Lake there were three of us Joan, Dave and I. Two bikes do not serve 3 kids very well! The bikes took us past Rollofs farm, past Kiefer's farm and on to Grandpa and Grandmas and later to Halvor's. I make it sound like a long way but it was only 3 1/2 miles. It was NOT up hill so to speak but it was on rough gravel road. AND you guessed it, Dave had the big bike and I had the little bike. It was because of the bikes that we had worn out rubber to make the hockey puck for hockey on the lake in the winter. It was the bikes that gave us the experience of fixing tires and fixing mechanic things. One of the fun things was to get on the bike after a rain and see how it was riding in the water and mud. Another thing was NO HANDS. As I have said before it got the the point that it was not even a challenge to jump on the bike in the yard and not touch the handle bars all the way up to the lake. IF I started out by the gas pump it was down the driveway, left by the mail box on to the gravel road and then down the hill across the bridge and on to the lake. I should add that in the summer after my junior year of high school the bike did provide several trips up to the lake to see a special person!
So enough for the bikes. To this day I enjoy riding bikes. I ride a bike every day to the tennis courts and I should add my kids also enjoy riding including John and Travis being very successful racers in high school and college.
My FP is down to the last sip and so the story ends here. No plans for the day except to be here for Terry and enjoy a sunny warm day in SW Florida.
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