Super Elspeth turns 7 today. She is cute, talented and a great grand daugher! Happy Birthday
Friday, July 31, 2020
Friday of our first week here in Naples
Terry is about the same. She has had OT already and will have PT this afternoon. She is still on the feeding tube during the night but I am hoping we can reduce that after we see the Dr. next week. We have not been outside since Monday but maybe today! With both PT and OT coming in next week I am hoping the curve will start to go UP.
Not much new on my end. It seems that I am kind of busy but then when I look back on a day there is not a lot that has been done. Yes, there are trips to the store and then it seems almost every day there needs to be something ordered for Terry.
I was happy yesterday. I had a couple of credit cards and my medical cards in a plastic wallet type thing and they were always in the car. Well I could not find them. I even asked Travis to look around in St. Paul in case I had left them but no they were not there. For some strange reason I decided to look in Terry purse and there they were. As Terry and I would say, "I found them in the last place I looked!"
No tennis yet as that can wait until maybe next week. I guess as one looks at what is happening in my life these days tennis is low on the list of what is important!
We bid July farewell today as August comes in tomorrow. It seems like we just had July 4th and here we are into the last of the month. I HOPE by the end of August Terry can be walking with a walker or MORE! I know there is a lot of work ahead but I really think she can do it and of course I will help in any way I can.
Not sure what is in store for today. I do think I need to go someplace to pick up another item for Terry. I would like to get Terry out into the open air. Maybe Kim will take her for a walk. She does get tired so it can not be long.
No stories today and not much news either. I will sign off.
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Day 4 of Naples rehab AT HOME
Terry is doing about the same. Hector, from Roads meds, came yesterday and said"PT may start tomorrow, Thursday, or even today!" I almost laughed as it was already 2:30. BUT sure enough Phillip called a short time later and said he could come over in a half hour to evaluate Terry's condition! Boy was I surprised. He came and I have to say of all the medical people we have seen over the past 4 months he was perhaps the most impressive. It just made both Terry and I feel good. Well he only evaluated and he said we may have a PT person over this week yet to start therapy. IF that happens that would be great. So we continue to take things one day at a time and so far I am pleased with what we have seen this week. Am I talking about progress for Terry, no. I am talking about the over all picture for Terry and her LONG journey towards good health again. I must say that each day I am learning and I hope getting better at knowing and meeting her needs. Really she is a wonderful patient.
It has been a huge help to have daughter Kim here and it will be a downer when she leaves.
Here is a picture of students at Wood Lake School maybe in 1952 or so. I say that year as I started 1st grade in 1953 and I am not in this picture. Joan, Janet, Dave and others are in. There are the Olsons, the Baldwins, the Medhaughs, (sp), the Skroaces (I butchered that name) and cousin Roger and more. I post this because, for some odd reason, I often have this saying going through my mind. I have had it for many years and it is this, "SECRETS OF THE HEART". I hope nobody every asks me to explain it but really I wonder how many SECRETS OF THE HEART are in the hearts and souls of each of these kids. Some good and some not so good. As for me I have often thought of writing a book on that. I think I have led a pretty good life but if I wanted to get really deep down I think I could unearth many SECRETS OF THE HEART! I want to add that I do not know much about the adult lives of most of these kids but I do believe that their upbringing produced many great and wonderful adults. By the way the first row 4th from the left is Dave. Second row first on the right is Joan and in the back row the gal with glasses is Janet. Brother Ronald must have gone on to high school before this year. I think it is worth noting that most have a big smile on. I really think that says a lot about the culture of that day. I know most of the families did not have a lot of money. Most were hard working, down to earth people who loved the Lord and felt life was good. AND I know many went on to do very good things as adults. BUT NO coats on in the middle of a North Dakota winter!!! I want to add here that Loving the Lord takes on many different looks. I know that Mom loved the Lord and I am sure that the Lord was very pleased with the way she lived and the way she loved and served her family. But yet her life certainly did not take on the look of what we often, today, consider serving the Lord. It just was a different culture way back then.
Not sure what day 4 will bring into Terry and my lives. There are a couple of things that I am expecting in the mail and maybe, just maybe, PT could start today. One thing is for sure. Kim is here so we will have wonderful meals that are delicious and healthy!
I actually am going to get out on the bike this morning for a short ride. I have not been on the bike yet since we arrived. I have gotten into the pool and have been surprised that it is only about 85 degrees. That is fine but I thought with temps usually over 90 the pool would also be warmer.
Kim put the FP pot on this morning so I am enjoying the delicious drink without working! enough
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Help for a time!
I was disappointed as the person who is to come so we can start PT and OT did not come yesterday but said he would come today. Terry has already gone several days without therapy and that does not make me happy. Terry and I have transfers from bed to wheelchair and back again down pat. I do not know if it means Terry is doing better or if we just have the exercise down! Terry has an appt with her new primary Dr's office next Monday. One of my concerns is she is on 500 ML of fluid during the night and that seems to fill her up so she is not so hungry during the day. SHOULD WE GO TO 250 SO SHE WANTS TO EAT MORE??? I am hoping to get the answers next week. All in all I feel Terry is doing about the same. We did NOT go for a walk today but maybe will try it tomorrow again.
Kim prepared a wonderful meal last night. The picture is of the beans that went into the meal. I will not say who did the job on the can BUT we did get it open and got the beans out! Terry just was not feeling great so she ate a little and then went to bed again. As I write I have the feeding tube working as she is sleeping a bit. The feeding starts about 9 and goes for about 10 hours.
I feel we are getting some kind of schedule down and the care for Terry is going well, I think. I REALLY want the therapy to start again and am hoping that can begin before the end of the week.
I really do not have much more to say. IT will be nice to have Kim here for a few days as I am sure she is somewhat better at care giving than I. For sure she is a MUCH better cook and more.
I wanted to take a quick dip tonight but Terry is sleeping so do not want to wake her and tell her I will be in the pool for a time. I do not want her to wake and call for me and then I not hear her.
I do need to get something for the seat of the wheelchair as Terry gets very sore if she sits in it very long. Yes, most of the time she is not in it but on a walk etc she needs to sit more than she can at this time.
The weather, well it is Naples so humid and warm. Pretty much daily there is some rain. Not sure the temp is all that much more than in MN but most of the time the humidity is more.
It seems like I get several phone calls a day about Terry and it is difficult to keep them straight. SO I will start a notebook today and each time the phone rings I need my pen and book. I thought there was supposed to be someone coming in yesterday between 3-5 but nobody showed up. I am guessing it was my mistake.
A month supply of food and bags for the feeding tube is supposed to come today. We needed some for last night so I had to call. The gal said what Terry is getting is the same as Ensure Plus so I went to CVS to purchase some of that. I was a bit concerned but it did look the same. Well this morning the feeding tube was empty so it must have been the right food!
No I am out of words for the morning. I really have not felt like writing about the past for some time now but that may come back. It is July 29, brother Dave would have been 76 a month ago! The FP is giving me some get up and go so time to sign off!
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
77 with humidity of 90 this morning!!!
It is 8:30 and as I write Terry has her eyes closed. She woke up early and says she does not sleep all that great at night. The feeding tube was 100% empty this morning so I guess we are doing it right. She said she would be ready for breakfast about 9:30. Of course as I write I have my FP at my side. A nurse came yesterday out of the blue. She said she came to make sure things are going well and to offer any help she may be able to give. I SUSPECT the staff in Minnesota have people they contact to check up on Terry as they are concerned that she will get the care she needs. We will have another person come this afternoon and that will set the stage for PT and OT to come into the house.
Of course I know that in the big picture my nail is not important BUT I was thankful it came off in a nice way. I was kind of concerned that I may catch it on something and OUCH but it just lifted up and I pulled the black old one off. Yes, it is ugly but I am hoping it gets better!
We went for a walk yesterday as I wheeled Terry around the corner and up to the tennis courts. She was able to say HI to both Phil and Myke. After a short time she was tired and we headed home.
I did need to get some meds for Terry so I made a run to Costco in the afternoon.
Really not much to say this morning. I would say that our first full day in Naples went well. I think we did all the things we needed to do and in addition to that I am still in the clean up, round up and put away mode. I have come to believe that I do not do all that great in the multitask area but when given ONE thing to do I usually can manage.
Not sure how long it will take to get accustomed to this temp and humidity in Naples. Yes, we do have high temps in St. Paul but usually it is not so humid.
Terry's daughter Kim will arrive this afternoon and Terry is happy about that. She will be a big help as we settle into Naples.
I have my buddy FP at my side in the morning and that helps a lot! Enough.
Monday, July 27, 2020
Terry made the trip with flying colors. From the 6:15 pickup to the 12:54 landing in Naples she did great. Delta Airlines did a nice job of taking care of us. So here we are at 732 Wiggins Bay Dr and it is our first morning together in 118 days. Yes, things are a bit different from where they were in April BUT life is looking UP. Figured out the feeding tube last night and that was a success. We had a couple of "night" time interruptions but here we are at 7:00 AM and looking forward to a new day. Terry is currently resting/sleeping as I type. We do not know how soon her strength will return but we will work each day towards a full life in the future.
So I went from my last pod coffee in St. Paul yesterday to my first FP coffee in Naples this morning. The St. Paul cup is a cup Terry gave me on our very first camping trip and one can see where Terry purchased the Naples cup! Our Alaska camping trip was an epic three month trip that was special.
The only thing we have going today is a medical person is coming in this afternoon to assess Terry for in home PT and OT. Other than that it is a matter of unpacking and getting in a routine, IF that is possible! I have much to unpack as we brought three suitcases and 2 carry-ons. I should add that this is my first day as a primary care giver and I look forward to learning and being good at it. I am hoping I may be able to get out on the bike for a short ride and some exercise. I so do want to get on the tennis courts but I am thinking that will wait until next week.
It was kind of an emotional leaving yesterday. I left the garden just as we had started gathering thngs to eat. Travis made a pasta salad with onions, peppers, beans, cucumbers and squash all from the garden. I was able to eat the very first tomato before we left. It was sad to gather all my batteries in from my wood shop and put them in the basement. The lawn in St. Paul is actually looking very very nice and I do really like to work on it but Travis will take good care of it. BUT I am so so excited to be with Terry once again and help her regain her strength and get well. I do admit not ALL of the jobs of a care giver are exciting BUT I wll take them all in helping Terry get well again.
Heidi, who picked us up at the airport, went to much work to help us and then she went to the store to get eggrolls for dinner for us. I did give her a jar of my homemade jam and I hope she likes it.
Since Terry purchased this home in the late 90s she has never been here in the summer so it will be a new experience for her and of course for me as well. They say it is warm and rains almost every afternoon so we will see.
Travis and I have been on this weight loss 100 day journey and as I stepped on the scale this morning there was a HUGE frown on my face but it was not unexpected. So I will double down now that we are here and see if I can have a successful ending to our 100 days. I think we may be somewhere in the 40 day stage. There is still time!
Enough for this morning. I am on my first cup of FP so I have a ways to go.
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Oh my here we go!!!
Yesterday I visited Terry for the last time in rehab. No visitors on Saturday and tomorrow I will pick her up at 6:15. She seemed ready to take the next step in her recovery. When I left I took the route to the airport to see how much time we need. It took me 22 minutes with moderate traffic so we should be good to go tomorrow morning early.
For the most part I am packed. Much of one suitcase is medical things, mostly for her feeding tube. I did a U tube yesterday on the Joey machine that feeds her at night. I had gone over it with a gal at rehab but wanted to see it again. It is pretty straight forward but there may be a learning curve too! I do need to backtrack a bit on the home care. I have it set up for Monday at 8:00 AM but I have decided that is NOT a good idea. We need to just settle in at home for a bit and then Daughter Kim is coming on Tuesday so I have decided that we need to start the home care a week from Monday. I know Terry will be happy with that. I will keep the OT and PT treatments next week as I do not want Terry to backslide in her physical improvement.
I was putting away some things in a drawer yesterday and there were about $6 worth of quarters in the back of the drawer! When I finish a wood project I insert a quarter with the date on it AND of course it brought to mind my woodworking of the past that is now put aside for a time. I went into the wood shop this morning to get something and it looked kind of lonesome!
All the batteries are now in the basement as they should not be in the cold. The rest of the shop is pretty much cleared of junk and looks pretty nice but kind of lonesome!
After I watered the garden this morning I had a closer look at things and there, hidden from my view was my very first tomatoes. The back one looks like it will be OK to eat today. Was kind of like the Lord was saying, "A special taste for you before you leave tomorrow." Of course pretty much all of the tomatoes are very green yet so I was surprised to see these hidden gems.
I do not have much to do today. I need to get the car into the garage and then walk through the house several times to make sure I have what I need to bring tomorrow. I think the suitcases are almost overflowing so I had better not find any more things to bring!
I will not blog tomorrow with our early departure so I may not be on the computer until Monday or later. I infused my FP this morning to give me some get up and go but then I thought even if I get up where will I go???
Friday, July 24, 2020
Countdown, two days to get ready!
I talked to Terry yesterday and I think she is ready to get out of rehab! She talked about things that need to be down when we get to Naples. She continues to get OT and PT each morning. As we talked about in home care, PT and OT in Naples, how to rearrange the house, where to set up a bed etc etc it looks like it will be a long journey! I will be excited to have Terry out of the hospital/rehab but of course going onward at home will be a learning experience as she gets better. I think I am ready and up for the challenge!
I enjoyed breakfast with Larry B this morning. That will be my last visit with community people here in St. Paul before we leave. Men's group met Wednesday.
I will visit Terry at 12:30 today and then at 1:15 I will get together with the person who works with the tube feeding. I think I will come home with a pump, some bags, plastic tubing and liquid nourishment that will be used Sunday and maybe Monday. The same company will contact me in Naples and send me more nourishment. It will be interesting to see when Terry can eat enough so that the feeding tube can be taken out.
I think I will concentrate on clothes today as I will wash several loads and decide what goes to Florida. I have the suitcases on the guest bed ready to be packed. I did call Delta yesterday to find out how one gets curbside wheelchair service at the airport. It sounds like you just drive up and let the curbside desk know that you need a wheelchair. I THINK!!!
The wood shop is all put away and waiting for the season of 2121, hopefully! The house is crying for some work to be done but again it will have to wait until 2121. The garden, that is all Travis' to use now. There will be a lot of tomatoes and other veggies to use if he wants. My lawn days are behind me and I have to believe Travis will keep up the good work.
No, time to get some things done.
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Well we are now on a REAL countdown!
I visited Terry yesterday and things are pretty much the same. I know she is excited to get out of rehab and into her home. It will be an interesting journey getting from the rehab place to the airport and then onto the plane. I need to call Delta as I am hoping to have help at the curb when we arrived in the morning. I just had a conversation with her a few minutes ago and she does seem to be back to her self except for her strength of course. When you need to have conversations about how to get in and out of a chair, in and out of a bed assuming the bed is not too tall etc etc you know that life is full of challenges!!!
I just do not feel like writing much this morning. Perhaps the ot, pt, spt, tube feeding, bathroom details, eating times, in-home-care, doctor appts etc etc are getting to me!
No it seems kind of crazy but there is much to do and not really all that many days left here in St. Paul so time to get going. I do need to change the mail so will set that up today.
I have all these stories in my head to write about but no real desire to put them on paper now. I am enjoying my FP and that is good.
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Oh my a breeze so cool this morning I closed the window as I sit at the desk.
In terms of strength Terry still has a LONG way to go but in terms of her state of mind it is getting much better. I answered the phone this morning at 8:30 with anxiety as Terry's name came up and she had not called me in the morning for at least two months. BUT she was fine. She was going through some things in her room as they have said when she leaves everything in her room has to be thrown so she can keep whatever she wants. She also wanted to know what time I am going to visit today. Yesterday I told her Travis made a tater tote hot dish and she asked if I could bring some. I think just the fact that she now knows for certain that she is leaving Sunday and will be at home in Naples Sunday night has lifted her spirits. I did not ask but maybe they changed out the night nurse too. It sounded like she and Terry were like oil and water! So, for me, it is time to gear up for flying out on Sunday.
Rick sent this picture to me yesterday. Rick lived a half mile from us and the three of us spent many many hours playing ball and having fun. It looks like we are sitting under some kind of table!
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Dave |
Rick |
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
As I write on Tuesday, July 21, there is a delightful rain and a wonderful summer breeze coming in the north window where I sit!
I visited Terry yesterday and for the first time there was not a caregiver with us. I wheeled her outside and over to an area that we always sit at. I then wheeled her back in time for her 2:00 PM therapy. Later, as I was driving to Costco she called and was so excited. If you read this you will really know what excitement is!!! Her therapy gal asked if she wanted to sit on the toilet. Well she did and she had GREAT success! When that experience is the highlight of your last 3 months you know you have been sick! I was glad she shared that with me. Now one can laugh about that but really that is a great step forward and it goes along my line of thinking that Terry is getting better. I may not share every happening like that but today I thought I should. Things are still up in the air as to when she will be released. I hope and pray that she comes to the conclusion that it would be best to be released early Sunday AM and go right to the airport. Lord come into the situation.
I did get much done yesterday. I made arrangements for a medical person to come to our home in Naples on Monday so that Terry can at least start in home therapy on Tuesday. I also have a representative of the home care company coming in Monday and so we can also start home care on Tuesday. The team at rehab is suggesting we start with 6 hours a day. It probably will mean coming at 8:00 and leaving at 2:00. We can get more or less at any time. I have high hopes that Terry will progress faster at home than in rehab and in the maybe near future she will be able to take her first steps in 4 months. I pray for that and I hope but that desire is not based on medical facts. I would like to say it is based on GOD facts and I have asked for that but of course I am not sure that is in God's plan at this time--I only hope and pray it is.
There is much to do before we leave. I am leaving the house here in Travis' hands and I am sure he will take good care of it but really outside of the day to day things that need to be done are things like repair and painting that will just have to be on hold.
I made some plans with the boys yesterday to take care of some of the things I have. Times like that get kind of sentimental but of course it is all part of the cycle of birth to death. In no way am I saying I am near the end of my life I am just saying that as one gets to be more mature it is good to take care of things!!!
As I sit here this morning it would be so easy to WISH that things were different. There is oh such a gentle rain. The temp is a refreshing 66. The lawn and garden are just soaking in God's watering plan AND it would be so easy to wish Terry were well and home with me. BUT that is not the case and so a better approach is to thank God for his goodness and embrace the moment. At 9:30 this morning life is challenging but it is also good. I am sipping Kona FP coffee and just to be "me" I enjoyed potato salad and a burger for breakfast!!! Comfort food is OK ANYTIME.
Monday, July 20, 2020
Monday, July 20 and TERRY comes home this week!!!
I am starting my blog for Monday on Sunday night but will post on Monday morning.
I think Terry is beginning to get better. She called me today but I was not by my phone. Then I called her and she did not answer. She then called me but again I was not by my phone. She left a message which said, "Do not call me now as I am watching a show by Ken Burns on the national parks!" So I waited for a couple of hours and then finally we connected. On Sunday there is no therapy so she was just in bed watching TV. I will try to visit her tomorrow at 12:30 again.
It was July 19, 1956 a Thursday and then suddenly July 19, 2020 a Sunday
I was 9 years old and I knew NOTHING about the world. My world consisted of our tiny country Wood Lake School which had closed for good several weeks past. I was afraid of school in the fall as we would be going to Cayuga and I think it is kind of a large school. Well when Wood Lake closed we had 12 students in the 8 grades so I guess anything would be big compared to that. AND I use the term "students" kind of loosely! But here I am in the middle of summer and with the rain last night there is NO rock picking or weeding the garden or any kind of work. It is around 9:00 in the morning and I am full of pancakes with chokecherry syrup on as Mom was really nice this morning. I have several things I want to do today. I have my board that I can practice throwing my knife at and I have to admit I have gotten pretty darn good at sticking it almost every time. Dave and I might go for a bike ride up to the lake. That is always fun. Then there are those darn cats that always seem to be hungry so there may be some rifle time in the trees behind the shop as blackbirds love to be there. All in all I think it will be a fun day. But really the first thing is to shimmy up the electric pole by the barn door and then lie on the west side of the slope of the roof. There I can be out of sight and with the peacefulness of the day I can dream of what will be. AND I do wonder what I will be or where I will be in 5, 10, 15, 20 years and more. There is one thing I am sure of. With our antique machinery I am positive that I do not want to be a farmer!!! It will be a good day as Dad has already left for town and I think he will not be back anytime soon so it is a given that there will be NO work today.
I am now 73 and I kind of know a lot about the world. My world consists of Niles Ave in St. Paul and Wiggins Bay Drive in Naples. I am not a world traveler BUT I can say I have been to places like Italy, to China, places in Canada, every state in the union and also Mexico. Am I "in the know" when it comes to the world probably not but I certainly know a lot lot more than 64 years ago.
I would say that my life has been full and I have experienced success and pain. Of our family of eight there are now three of us. Much pain there for sure. I was in the educational field for 38 years and it had it's ups and downs. IF I had to do it over again I may do somethings differently but for sure one does not want to go there.
I am writing tonight as I am here alone. Terry is in rehab and has been there for 100+ days. There is light at the end of the tunnel as she will come home Thursday AND that will bring a whole new meaning to life! Travis is living in my house but he works 5 nights a week and is now at work as he left about 7:30. So I am alone to think, pray, plan and for sure be alone and lonely also. I do not think God put me on earth to be alone very much. IF he did I have missed it! Years ago on the day of Gail's funeral Liam, at the time he was 4, climbed up on my lap and told me I had to get a new wife!!! I told him that I would be fine. I had my wood shop, I had grandchildren and I had friends so I would be fine. I actually thought I was being honest but it was a lie but an unintended lie. I do like some alone time but really I desire and need people in my life.
So as I close tonight but will add some tomorrow before I post my Monday blog. For now I sit here pretty much alone and lonely.
I am now 73 and I kind of know a lot about the world. My world consists of Niles Ave in St. Paul and Wiggins Bay Drive in Naples. I am not a world traveler BUT I can say I have been to places like Italy, to China, places in Canada, every state in the union and also Mexico. Am I "in the know" when it comes to the world probably not but I certainly know a lot lot more than 64 years ago.
I would say that my life has been full and I have experienced success and pain. Of our family of eight there are now three of us. Much pain there for sure. I was in the educational field for 38 years and it had it's ups and downs. IF I had to do it over again I may do somethings differently but for sure one does not want to go there.
I am writing tonight as I am here alone. Terry is in rehab and has been there for 100+ days. There is light at the end of the tunnel as she will come home Thursday AND that will bring a whole new meaning to life! Travis is living in my house but he works 5 nights a week and is now at work as he left about 7:30. So I am alone to think, pray, plan and for sure be alone and lonely also. I do not think God put me on earth to be alone very much. IF he did I have missed it! Years ago on the day of Gail's funeral Liam, at the time he was 4, climbed up on my lap and told me I had to get a new wife!!! I told him that I would be fine. I had my wood shop, I had grandchildren and I had friends so I would be fine. I actually thought I was being honest but it was a lie but an unintended lie. I do like some alone time but really I desire and need people in my life.
So as I close tonight but will add some tomorrow before I post my Monday blog. For now I sit here pretty much alone and lonely.
As I prepared the bacon, potatoes and eggs this morning I decided to get some work done as well. There was a stack of old pictures that needed to be put away so I put them on the table to sort. Well I should have known better because when it comes to me and pictures I just get too involved! So the breakfast was ready and the kitchen table was covered with pictures! So I took breakfast into the den and here I am! I will post some interesting pictures of Mom and Dad. I think many of the pictures I got from cousin Erlene who lives in CA. They must have been in her mother's albums. Her mother Ruth, died at the age of 100 this past winter. So here are some pictures of Mom and Dad at different ages:
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1935 |
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1971 |
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1981 |
Sunday, July 19, 2020
I just may have set a record for how to goof up!!!
Well it looks a little over done but really I do not think so. However one is supposed to let it cool for a bit and then turn it over and it should come out of the pan. BUT I forgot to grease the pan so it could be interesting! I may not want to show a picture of what happens next. I actually think it should taste great but we will see!!!!!!!!
It looks like a perfect summer Minnesota day
It was Saturday so a "no visit day" at rehab. I talked to Terry twice and she sounded good. Today may be a LONG day as there is NO therapy on Sunday so it is stay in bed and watch TV for Terry. I will call her several times to help her pass the time away.
There is a LOT to do before Terry is released on Thursday. There is getting ready to fly next Sunday but a lot more than that as I try to gear up for Terry being home.
- Someone at rehab has to school me in the feeding tube as I know nothing about that.
- I should get some papers in e-mail tomorrow for some finance things that need to be done.
- There should be several talks with rehab people as they said they would do everything they could to make the transition from rehab in a hospital setting to rehab in our home.
- I have started putting things on the dining room table that need to go to Naples.
- Several things need to be in place in Naples before we arrive so more phone calls.
- I think I could list more but will stop!
When I came home from the store yesterday there was an oil leak underneath the pickup. I was able to get a picture of where it was. Now I need to go to Len's Auto tomorrow and find out what the deal is. Darn it I did not need one more thing to deal with. Now of course Dad would know what is wrong and Dave would have known too BUT!!!!
I have a plan for breakfast! This bundt cake breakfast has ham, 12 eggs, Tater Tots, Pilsbury Grands biscuits (diced raw), cheese and some milk. I would like it to be done by the time Travis gets home this morning in case he is hungry. A new recipe but it should be kind of fun. I do not think I can good wrong as all you do is dump everything in the pan and bake it. We will see. As with all my cooking it will be food for the stomach or fill for the garbage can!!! Actually there has been very very little garbage action even if it is not great!
I have been sad about a neighbor down the street. He is in his upper 50s and has early dementia. Pretty much everyday he walks and walks and walks. He did some things that only someone in his condition would do but they were not appropriate. I have not seen him walking for the last few days. I don't know if he is home or not BUT a very sad story.
I think I wrote about our childhood friend Rick Waldera who I just connected with a couple weeks ago. Well his brother Wayne was a VERY successful business guy with Gamble and other business. When Rick called he said his brother was very near death. I googled his name and he died July 5th. His brother Wayne had an estate in the Twin Cities which was kind of a throw back to his childhood with ducks, geese, horses I think and more. It is always interesting when I read about someone from a tiny farm in rural North Dakota who becomes VERY successful in the world. It gives a person more appreciation for the childhood I had. It also debunks the idea that a childhood with little material things means one is poor in their adult life! I don't think I said that very well but if anyone reads it I think they can get my drift.
No, I am wondering if I am down just a bit. I did NOT get my FP this morning but rather I am on my second pod of coffee. I guess I have to analyze that!
Time to put things together and get it in the oven I think. I may take a picture of the finished product to see if the real thing and the picture from the recipe look anything alike!
Saturday, July 18, 2020
I forgot!
Somehow I forgot to blog yesterday.
I visited Terry's therapy session yesterday for about an hour and a half. It consisted of putting the wheelchair at a right angle to a chair and then moving to the chair. There is a process to it and I watched the caregiver do it with Terry and then I did it with her. After that we did the same thing but the movement was to a stool that you may use for a shower. We started late and by the time we finished it was about 11:40. The caregiver said she then had to take Terry back up. Terry got upset and said they had lied to her as the promise was we could spend some time together after the therapy. She did go back up to 4th floor but I called and they said yes it was a day for visitors so they brought her down again at noon and we were able to go outside for some time. After about 25 minutes outside Terry was just so worn out that it was time to leave. There are NO visitors on the weekend so I will see her again Monday. The countdown continues as her release date is July 23, a Thursday. I would say that recovery is happening but it pretty much is on a snail pace. Terry is working so hard at it but one's body will only do what it can and at this point that is not very much.
I did spend most of the day doing "Terry" things. I had a conversation with a gal from a caregiving organization and then another conversation with our finance person. I also got an idea as to what we may need for things when we get to Florida. Things that I had NO idea even existed!!! I said to myself, "wake up Carmen it's a whole new world for you so get with it!" Terry's daughter Kim is planning to come on the 28th for a few days. The BIG thing that I need to get done is line up a caregiver in Naples and then make sure we have PT and OT scheduled to come into the home. I think that has to happen as I can not imagine getting Terry into and out of the car several times a week for therapy.
I also have to have a conversation about her feeding tube as that will be in for a few more weeks. My understanding is we will need to use that for some time.
IF a person is reading this you can see that I, we, have our work cut out for us. One could wish for the "good old days' but wishing will get nothing done so both of us had better be prepared to kind of "put the peddle to the metal" so to speak and make life good again!!!
One thing that does get REALLY old is waiting for the phone to ring. I called someone that I really had to talk to yesterday. The lady answered and said she was just getting into an elevator and would call back in 10 minutes. The phone finally rang an hour and 15 minutes later. It was a call that I felt I needed to make yesterday as many of these people take the weekend off. Anyway as I often say one takes it one day at a time with the hope that everything will turn out for the best.
We received .5" of rain last night so that will do the lawn good and it also means no watering the garden for today. However the temp is suppose to reach 93 today and as I write the humidity is at 86%. Not that great outside and I opened the windows this morning but I think it is time to shut them and turn on the AC.
As I got out of bed this morning my back proved to me that I recently had a long road trip!!!
No it is really time to get a few things done. I need to wash some bedding and clothes which is NOT my favorite job.
No relay tag team with coffee this morning. I just went straight to the FP and it made my back feel better, I think!!
So I will get to work and probably not much concerning Terry today as it is the weekend. However if I am honest I have to say she is always on my mind and in heart.
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Kind of a perfect Minnesota summer day
I have waited until now to write as there was a 40 minutes conference call with Terry's care team at 11:00 this morning. There is not much new but really I guess there is much.
- Terry will be released a week from today
- The team is recommending she go to a transitional care unit in Florida for as least a couple of weeks. There are several reason they feel that would be good and I do agree.
- However I am going to leave it up too Terry. I will plead my case for the TC unit in Florida BUT here is my take.
- When Terry is released from TC next Thursday she will have been in medical care for 110 days. Even if it seems to be best to go into a TC unit in Florida for some time I will not force the issue. AND I would say IF any of us were in her shoes we may chose to go home even if it is not the best option.
- I am hoping I can convince her to go for another couple of weeks BUT we will see. I feel so badly for her and even if it seems to be best to not come home right away I will do my very best to care for her IF she chooses to come home the 26th. Of course I have researched Home Care providers in the Naples area and IF she comes home we may have to hire home care for several hours a day for a while.
- It is a day to day thing and we will see what happens.
- I will be going to her rehab place tomorrow at 10:00 and spend 2 hours with her as she does therapy. That may convince us (or her) of what is the best thing to do.
- I may have more tomorrow after I spend time with the therapy and with Terry.
So here I am it is early PM of Thursday and the thoughts and emotions are like a flood. High tide for sure! I mowed the back yard last night and the front gets mowed today. There are MANY things that should get done around here and not a whole lot is happening. I really should finish painting the kitchen windows and with the weather showing highs of 80 on Monday and Tuesday I just may get that done. Other than that my poor wood shop is so so lonesome and it will stay that way for some time. After we get to Naples and into Terry's recovery who knows what kind of timing we are looking at.
Good news. Sister Helen has had her home in Holiday Island AK on the market for 2 years and it looks like she will sign sale papers today! It is a very nice home. She does need to down size so she is one happy camper!
I did get back from FL yesterday late PM. Now I need to get back to Travis and my 100 day journey with weight loss. The last few days have been a lost cause. Maybe, just maybe, I can right my ship and get going on that again.
I did not have the relay system today with coffee. Just FP and it was very good.
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Today it is back to Minnesota and then...............
I do not have anything new about Terry. Yesterday afternoon I talked to her and she sounded like the Terry I know. Even mentioned her bike and was wondering where it was. Well for now there is a wheelchair in the garage for her use but that will soon (I hope) not be needed. I was not in her life way back when she served in the Minnesota senate but I know from sharings that she was a whirlwind of activity and got things done SO it shall be that way with her health I think. It will be too late in the day to see her when I get back this afternoon so I will have to wait until Friday. There is that conference call Thursday but a phone call is not the same as an in person visit.
I really do not have anything to do this morning. I am going to call the doctor's office that Terry would like to be her doctor but I do see on her website that she is not making new appointments. I do not know if that is due to what is happening today in the world or if it means she is not accepting new patients. I will find out this morning.
I will drive over to the tennis courts and have one last visit and also I will take some garbage and drop it off in one of the big bins. For us we need to set our bins out on Friday morning but of course I can't do that here.
I do not now what is in store for me over these next weeks and months but something tells me I had better be on my toes and ready for anything. My hope is Terry will be out of the wheelchair and walking on her own in kind of a short time BUT that of course is not known. Yesterday she said she was able to stand on a scale. They have a scale built into the bed and when she told me her weight I just could not believe it as the bed scale showed she had really not lost any weight. BUT standing on a scale showed the real Terry and she has lost too much weight.
I had kind of a scare when I left the house Sunday morning to head to Naples. As I shut the front door, with that the house was locked, I just had this feeling something was not right. When I get into the car I always check to see if I have things and my wallet was nowhere in the car. No problem as there is a house key outside in St. Paul BUT for some reason it was NOT there. Finally I dug in the driver side pockets in the car and THERE was a house key. I unlocked the back door and sure enough there was my wallet on the dining room table. I had put things on the table but then it is important to check everything, right! I think I learned my lesson when we left Mary/Johns one time and got a call 40 miles down the road that my wallet was still at their place! Well when I get home I need to find that key and put it outside in its place again.
I missed a call from the case worker yesterday. She left a message that we should talk about what needs to happen after Terry is discharged next Thursday. I will call her back today. I did think about that feeding tube that is in her stomach and I am not sure what will be done with that. I thought they said once a feeding tube like that goes in usually it stays for several weeks. I do not have my notes here but I think it has only been in for a couple of weeks. By the time she is discharged I think it will only be about 3 weeks which probably means she will come home with it. Not sure what will happen but maybe will find out today if I can connect with the case manager.
That is about all for now. I am half finished with my FP. I have my boarding pass on the phone and yes my wallet is by my suitcase. I will get picked up at 12:15 so there is time to kill as now it is just about 7:30. I think sitting in the car for 24 hours on Sunday and Monday was not all that good for my lower back. When I get up I feel like I am about 10 years older than I really am. Does that mean I feel like I am 50? Sometimes I tend to forget how old I am but that is NOT the case today!
I will end up with this picture of me in the summer of 1966. No, I would not want to go back to those days but they were very good days. I post it because as one has hours and hours to think (like sitting in the car for 24 hours!!) the mind goes many places. I thought about the good times I had on my Sprint. I thought about the good times brother Dave had on more than one motorcycle. AND of course I thought about many many other things too. One has to be careful as memories from way back can also bring a flood of "what ifs" but for me over the last several days that was not the case. It was more of a case of God has blessed me with much and I need to be conscious of that ALL the time. Yes, one can be bitter, disappointed, sad and the list goes on but really, for me, I am thankful for who I am, where I am today and and where I have been in the past. That does not dismiss the fact that in my life I have also experienced missteps and mistakes but then if one can not say that perhaps one is not human!
No there are a few dishes to wash, some things to pick up and then make SURE I have what I need to bring back to St. Paul. I think I will leave the house kind of like it is now as Terry and I will return in less than 2 weeks.
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
It may be a time to reflect but Carmen be careful!!!
Here I sit at 732 Wiggins Bay Dr in Naples FL 34110. It is 8:00 PM and I have had a kind of busy day but then not really. This is a time that I could "let go" of some thoughts and I think that would not be good! So I just may ramble on for a time and get to bed early.
Tomorrow I head for the airport at 12:15 for my 2:15 flight. I gain an hour as I fly west so we should touch down around 4:45 MN time. It will then be kind of some packed days leading up to Terry's release from rehab. Terry went in the hospital April 4th and by my count it will be 104 days that she has been in the hospital/rehab when she is released on the 23rd. That is getting close to 1/3 of a year. She is making progress but it has been slow so it looks like it will be a wheelchair at least for some time. I rented one this morning and it is in the garage here. I have read up on GBS (Guillain-Barre Syndrome) and it looks like the future is cloudy. It affects each person in a different way. Some recover to be 100% again and some not so. It seems that over the last couple of days Terry has done better so we will see how things go. I have been a "care giver" in the past so this will not be new BUT yes it will be new. I have read up on diets for this and it looks like one just needs to eat healthy food. Now that is often easier said than done. In our phone conversation today Terry asked about her bike so that is a very good sign. I would not say she will never ride but it certainly will be a challenge but then Terry is pretty darn good at taking on challenges! Time will tell.
These last 4 months have perhaps been as challenging in my life as ever in the past. Terry's health has been, of course, at the forefront of my heart and mind. Then Dave's heart just could not support him any more and he went to be with Jesus. I am still reeling from his death. It seems more than once a day I, in my mind, think I should call him about something. It seemed like he always had an answer for me BUT now!
I have thought a lot about what is important in life. I was so honored that Marlys allowed me to have Dave's rifle and Dad's target 22. BUT what am I to do with them now? I can keep them. I can look at them. I can shoot them. BUT in the end they are THINGS and they are not something that can talk, can give advice or for that matter love. So are they important? Well yes but really the most important things in in life have a heart that can give, love and return love. I have dealt with what Grandma Saunders did with her money. I have thought "really I loved and cared for her daughter, I cared for Grandpa and yes I cared for her as well and what happened? Well it is only material things and for me, now, material things are kind of nice but really not so important. The thoughts go through and through my mind and then I think about growing up on the farm and the family I was part of and what now? It is mostly memories but I do cherish my two living sisters. Perhaps not more need be said but my mind is full of thoughts and more thoughts.
I actually slept for a couple of hours this afternoon and yes I am also tired now at an early hour. It may be an early night time tonight. Enough for now.
I will end by saying that I now know something about myself. When God created me he put a spirit in me that just does not do well when by myself. I really try but when confronted with "self" I just lose any sense of my being. I do not even like to admit it but I need to be with others beside myself. It seems like that is weak but maybe not as I am not sure. Anyway it is what it is and I certainly will live with it until Jesus too calls me.
Tomorrow I head for the airport at 12:15 for my 2:15 flight. I gain an hour as I fly west so we should touch down around 4:45 MN time. It will then be kind of some packed days leading up to Terry's release from rehab. Terry went in the hospital April 4th and by my count it will be 104 days that she has been in the hospital/rehab when she is released on the 23rd. That is getting close to 1/3 of a year. She is making progress but it has been slow so it looks like it will be a wheelchair at least for some time. I rented one this morning and it is in the garage here. I have read up on GBS (Guillain-Barre Syndrome) and it looks like the future is cloudy. It affects each person in a different way. Some recover to be 100% again and some not so. It seems that over the last couple of days Terry has done better so we will see how things go. I have been a "care giver" in the past so this will not be new BUT yes it will be new. I have read up on diets for this and it looks like one just needs to eat healthy food. Now that is often easier said than done. In our phone conversation today Terry asked about her bike so that is a very good sign. I would not say she will never ride but it certainly will be a challenge but then Terry is pretty darn good at taking on challenges! Time will tell.
These last 4 months have perhaps been as challenging in my life as ever in the past. Terry's health has been, of course, at the forefront of my heart and mind. Then Dave's heart just could not support him any more and he went to be with Jesus. I am still reeling from his death. It seems more than once a day I, in my mind, think I should call him about something. It seemed like he always had an answer for me BUT now!
I have thought a lot about what is important in life. I was so honored that Marlys allowed me to have Dave's rifle and Dad's target 22. BUT what am I to do with them now? I can keep them. I can look at them. I can shoot them. BUT in the end they are THINGS and they are not something that can talk, can give advice or for that matter love. So are they important? Well yes but really the most important things in in life have a heart that can give, love and return love. I have dealt with what Grandma Saunders did with her money. I have thought "really I loved and cared for her daughter, I cared for Grandpa and yes I cared for her as well and what happened? Well it is only material things and for me, now, material things are kind of nice but really not so important. The thoughts go through and through my mind and then I think about growing up on the farm and the family I was part of and what now? It is mostly memories but I do cherish my two living sisters. Perhaps not more need be said but my mind is full of thoughts and more thoughts.
I actually slept for a couple of hours this afternoon and yes I am also tired now at an early hour. It may be an early night time tonight. Enough for now.
I will end by saying that I now know something about myself. When God created me he put a spirit in me that just does not do well when by myself. I really try but when confronted with "self" I just lose any sense of my being. I do not even like to admit it but I need to be with others beside myself. It seems like that is weak but maybe not as I am not sure. Anyway it is what it is and I certainly will live with it until Jesus too calls me.
I talked to Terry, her case manager and the doctor yesterday as I drove. Terry sounded good. She said the PT person had her stand for 3 minutes. Then she did put one foot ahead of the other. I know that sounds minimal BUT she said the PT person was very happy. The doctor called and said that Terry is making progress but not as fast as they would like. I think that will change but that is my opinion. He sounded somewhat disappointed that we plan on coming to Naples in terms of her follow up care. I explained why but I did add that could change. I don't think it will but it could. The case manager called and she seemed to understand WHY Naples. She said they would help as much as possible. There is a conference meeting about Terry at 11:00 AM Thursday and I will join that by phone. ONE DAY AT A TIME FOR SURE.
The Odyssey came through with flying colors on the trip. It was 870 miles in day 1 and 820 miles in day 2. It took me through Iowa farm country for 150 miles which slowed down the trip but that was fun. The country side looked lush and green. It took me though 45 minutes of some of the heaviest rain I have ever seen as I drove towards Nashville in the mountains. BUT it did fail to some degree over the last 6 hours. All of a sudden the sound went out on the radio. I could not get AM, FM, Sirus or anything. Then the climate control would not come up. I was able to get the map to come up but with no sound. I pressed on the button that is for updating the system and it said I could not do that while driving. I stopped at a rest stop and it said the same thing! So over the last 6 hours yesterday I THOUGHT, sang and just drove. THEN this morning I started the car and it looked like maybe I could update it. It asked for our internet password and presto I had everything back. Well it was kind of 6 hours too late but better late than never!
I have some work to do today. I got a message from a tennis friend that has an address for renting HC items so I will go there today and look at wheelchairs. I decided that I would do nothing in Naples in terms of beds, furniture etc until Terry gets here and can say what she would like. I do need to do some things around the house also. Then it is off to MN tomorrow and then several days to get things ready for coming back here.
I think my back is telling me today that it was kind of compromised over 24 hours of sitting in 2 days. I think I will treat it carefully today.
That is about all for now. I am just wondering how long I need to keep the mind set of "one day at a time"? I did enjoy my FP this morning.
Sunday, July 12, 2020
And I'm off!!!
Maybe my positive attitude is taking over but it seemed to me that Terry was better yesterday. I could not visit her as it was Saturday but we talked and she sounded good. I will call her after I have been on the road for a while this morning. She did have PT and OT but said the OT was short as there was some things that had to be done. I may not blog for some time but then I may when I get to Naples, not sure.
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The middle one is cut up for a "over the road" snack today. |
The meals for the next two days are packed and in the car. The beans and cucumbers are from the garden. It is 4:25 AM but about departure time. It seems that a GOOD night's sleep is somewhat elusive these days as I did not plan on this early early departure. It probably means a kind of early motel as I am thinking I may get tired as the day goes on. I do not like to leave for these days as I feel better being close to Terry's rehab center just in case but I am sure Wednesday PM will come quickly.
Go figure what the USPS does. Terry's birthday is May 27th. This was a birthday card and was mailed, as you can see, on May 26th and it arrived today!!! They blocked out some things and the left side and the bottom is taped shut. I guess we can give the USPS credit for getting it here even if it is 47 days late!
No, time to get on the road with my 2 cups of FP, a cooler of sandwiches along with a salad, a container of Travis' pasta salad and the cucumbers and beans. Oh I do have a sleeve of licorice to make the drive more enjoyable! I appreciate all the prayers as I head out. I am doing kind of an experiment as I am taking the shortest route and it has NO tolls BUT there may be some two lane highways. I will find out. Can I arrive at 732 Wiggins Bay Dr. in Naples in two days? Not sure but I will give it a try. IF I arrive on Tuesday it will not be the end of the world. I WILL settle in for the night when I get tired. I do return on Wednesday PM but I will not be able to visit Terry until Friday, the 17th AND that is 6 days before she comes HOME!!!
I am hoping everyone is safe and keeping with the 6 foot rule AND of course the mask as well. Just do not go into Wells Fargo to withdraw $$ with that darn mask on!!!
Saturday, July 11, 2020
A day to pack
I did visit Terry yesterday and she was OK. We were able to spend about 40 minutes together. I brought her one of the drinks that her daughter Kim sent. She said it was good but could only drink part of it. She said the next time I should just bring half a drink. It seems that PT is going oh so slowly. She did stand yesterday and then the gal showed her how to put one foot in front of the other. Like I said it is a slow process. I head to Florida tomorrow and return Wednesday afternoon which means I will not see Terry for a week as visiting is only M, W, F. So next Thursday I will have 7 days to get ready for her release. So so much is still unknown and I am not sure I am up for this! BUT of course there is no choice so I will do my best and hope that it is good enough for Terry. The big thing is a wheelchair but I got some advice from sister Joan for that. Anyway I will keep up with Terry by phone but will not see her until next Friday.
Not much to say today. I did drive up to White Bear Lake to give Norma and Wayne a jar of my A+ jam. Norma had e-mailed back and said she would have breakfast so we ate and talked for almost an hour. I would say that there just is no finer couple than those two. An example in how to live life for sure.
It is currently 11:00 and I have only the front lawn to mow other than packing today. There really is not all that much to pack but I just need to make sure I take the right things. I think I will pack in boxes as I will save the suitcases for our plane trip on the 26th. I do think I need to put a load of clothes in for the trip. I am debating about how to spend my time in the car. I have decided to take two hours at a time with the radio. So it may be Elvis for 2 hours, the the Beatles for 2, then 50s for 2, then 60s for 2, 70s for 2 and the plan goes on. With my mind on sports growing up I may hear many of those 50s, 60s songs for the FIRST time. They are a far cray from Harry Carry and the St. Louis Cardinals!
Darn, I did my pod of coffee and then forgot to put the hot water in the FP so now I need to wait a bit. Maybe I can get a start on packing the car before the FP is ready. So I39, I65, I24 and I75 I am coming tomorrow with music in my ears and Terry on my mind. It will be interesting to see how far I get tomorrow. I plan to have my FP in TWO cups and then some water to go as well. That should keep my from driving too far before stopping. I am sure you get the drift!
Friday, July 10, 2020
Today we start
I visited Terry yesterday and will visit her again today. She was quiet yesterday. I brought her something to eat and she ate half of it. She said she had kind of dosed for a couple of hours before I came so maybe she was just still tired but regardless it was a different kind of visit. She is not crazy about me diving to Naples to get the car down there but of course she understands. She did mention about shipping the car but I said I did not think it was worth it as I have heard that it is about $1000 or so. I will see her again today at 12:30.
Those darn raspberries keep getting ripe so what is one to do. I don't want them to go to waste but I am kind of tired of making jam. Maybe one more jam batch just of the berries without the rhubarb.
I will spend most of my day organizing what goes to Florida in the car. When Terry and I fly down we can have a suitcase for no cost as we will fly first class. They block off every other seat but I am hoping they will allow us to sit next to each other. That is more than 2 weeks away but I do need to arrange for a wheelchair. I also have to figure out about a wheelchair for when we get to Naples. I think Terry will need one to get into the house and in the house itself at least for a while. I do not know IF one buys or rents or what! This is ALL new of course.
I may mow the lawn today as it is growing with all the rain we have had. Does not take very long when I don't have to catch the grass. I should also do a spot squirt on the weeds that tend to challenge my yard work.
There is a nice cool breeze coming in which is very welcome with all the heat we have had. As I look at today and the next 9 there is not a 90 in sight, in fact next Wednesday it shows a high of 77! It does show possible rain early tomorrow morning and that would be good for the lawn.
This darn contest with Travis is not so good. BUT I decided to do weight watchers (WW). BUT in my case I am Watching my Weight go up so I surrender this next benchmark (John M birthday on the 11) to Travis again BUT I will return at some point in this 100 day journey.
How about this, I am drinking warmed up FP. I give it a B-.
Enough rambling for this morning.
Thursday, July 9, 2020
I have a mission today!!!
I was not able to visit Terry yesterday as they said NO visitors with an afternoon heat index expected to be 103! So I can visit today. AND I am on a mission to please her! I would say her all time favorite restaurant is Pueblo's in Shakopee. That just happens to be 35 minute to the west of our home. She would like the shredded beef enchilada for lunch. I am scheduled to visit her at 12:30. Pueblo's opens at 11:00 AM. So I figure if I leave here at 11:00, arrive there by 11:35, order and get food by 11:50 that should get me to rehab by 12:25 I THINK. Some people may think that is a crazy idea BUT I know that if I were confined in the hospital/rehab for 97 days I would like someone to do that for me. The good part is Terry needs to eat and if she will enjoy the lunch and at the same time build strength for her frail body that is a win win situation for sure. She has almost sounded like "my Terry of old" the last couple of days. That says nothing of strength as she is so very weak but if one has to make a choice of a weak body or strong mind I think most of us would take the mind. BUT I am not say that is happening for Terry. I expect her body to get better as her mind does as well. When I arrive back home about 1:30 or so I will feel like I have had a good day.
I have done some things over the last few days they just have not been house projects! This is my way to avoid working on the house, well not really as with the temp in the 90s every day lately one can not paint. In case anyone wonders WHY the labels are like that I decided trying to get them on straight was, for me, a lost cause so I just made it look like I am an artist!!! I realize that sometimes, just sometimes, I am kind of pathetic.
We received .4" of rain early this morning and I am thinking I hit the jackpot when I overseeded the lawn a few days ago as since then we have had 3 nice rains that would help the seeds to start. I do need to do another spot weed kill run as I noticed some of the evil weeds trying to get a hold again!
Perhaps I have said this before but now I have talked to Terry and I think it is a go. I plan to hit the road with the van full of things Sunday and arrive in Naples either Monday late or Tuesday. Terry thinks I should take 3 days as it is 1700+ miles. Today I will make a plane reservation to come back on Wednesday. That will put a car in Naples for when we go down later this month. IF Terry can fly when she gets out and the Dr. said she thought that would be possible we will be set. Of course I will need to connect with PT people when we get there but I am hoping staff at the U of MN rehab can help set us up with some contacts.
I filled out an extension paper for our taxes and put it in the mail today. We should have no trouble getting things done once we get to Naples but there was no way we could get taxes in the mail by July 15th.
I have several cucumbers and have thought about making pickles but not sure I want to tackle that. I have the jam thing down now but not sure I am up for another challenge. I also need to pick some beans as I saw there are some ready. I guess the beans could go in a salad for dinner tonight.
This darn weight loss program is a bummer. I am as a "loss" as to how to beat Travis. Too much food in the house and too little self control on my part. BUT it is supposed to be a 100 day journey so maybe there is still hope.
That is about it for the day. I have enjoyed TWO pod coffees but really I need to get the FP going later this morning as the day always goes better with FP.
We have all heard the story of the three little pigs well here is my pig story. This little guy is a piggy bank but the stopper on the bottom is missing. Of course it would be easy to find something that would work. Dave had this in his office. It was sister Janet's and I do not know how Dave got it. Marlys had no idea where Dave got it or for that reason what it was. When I visited Marlys she said she remembered Dave had it and she thought it was now in his shop. We went out into his shop and there it was on a shelf. Well it was Janet's so now it needs to go home to Esther as it belonged to her mom. I know Dave had talked to Esther and she had said he should just keep it for the time being but now with Dave playing his flugelhorn in heaven the pig needs to go home! I will try to get it in the mail today or tomorrow so Esther gets it soon. I have only had it here for a fews days but I promise you a person can get attached to it pretty darn quickly. AND yes it has some issues but who really cares?
Darn I thought I was doing so well when I put the van into the garage. It is an experience when one does it alone as there is maybe 3 or 4 inches on each side as one drives in. BUT I think I will take it out again today as I may start to put things in for the trip.
Enough for now.
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