Thursday, December 27, 2018

Day 73, "Every picture has a story"
I admit this picture is out of season for us now BUT it has a story.  First of all those darn chickens that Mom allowed to roam the yard.  Of course they pooped ALL over the place and as I went bare foot most of the summer I did not LIKE that!!!  By the way I think it is Joan and Dave in that picture.  It looks like we have REA's electric service BUT I did not think we had it that soon.  I am guessing Joan and Dave are about 7/5 or8/6 or maybe they are 9/7 but I thought we did not get electric service that early.  It certainly looks like we have service but NO yard light yet.  I guess the picture shows me wrong.  The real story is the granary which looks as dilapidated there as it was 30 years later!  The farm burned in the early 80s and this picture has to be taken in the early 50s.  IF any of my siblings know the correct dates they can let me know.  I also wonder if those are spring chickens or the hens that gave us so many eggs?  I can still taste Mom's fried spring chicken as it was the best.  Butchering them and cleaning them was NOT a favorite activity.  Chopping the heads off, dunking them in boiling water and then cleaning them---the sight and the smell still lingers!

Oh my goodness tennis was fun yesterday.  I played with some good players at 7:30 and was in no way embarrassed so that was fun.  I could give my honest opinion but will hold on that.  Terry has not felt good for a couple of days now and I am hoping she feels better today.  It acts like a bug she caught some place.  Not awful but still not feeling up to par.

My FP is gone and I need to shave before my 9:00 tennis so will sign off.

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