Thursday, April 13, 2017

Palm Sunday

These pictures were painted during two services on Palm Sunday.  We went to the 10:30 service where the bottom picture was painted.  I am guessing he worked on it for about 45 minutes.  He started out painting for about 25 minutes and I could not make out what he was doing.  Then he turned the canvas 180 degrees and there was the picture!  Very nice.
Terry and I hosted our last villa picnic for the season yesterday.  The turn out was small but we had a nice time.  Few people came because some have gone north for the summer but some are still acting like 2 year olds.  Their attitude is "if I can't have my way I will take my toy and leave!"  Sometimes adults, well they are old enough to be adults, are far worse than kids.   Regardless we had super food and a fun time with the people who came.
It is on to 7:30 tennis after my FP this morning.  I kind of strained a muscle yesterday so it is either take it kind of easy this morning to cut play short.  We will see.
The first cup of FP is gone so time to sign off and get that second cup.

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