Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Easter, and may the Lord's blessings continue in your life

As I sit at the computer this Easter Sunday I think and remember:

  • I am so so far from perfect yet the Lord loves me and has set me free
  • Even though I so often struggle He is there and he gives me strength and protection
  • I remember WAY back on the farm as Mom would get the entire family ready for Easter Sunday church.  She was so excited to meet Jesus in a new way and she did everything possible to make the day special
  • I remember Don F who had a birthday on April 1st and was dying of cancer in 2012.  We met at the Grand Cafe and he said his goal was to live until his birthday in 2018 because his birthday would be on Easter Sunday.  Don died later that summer but I am sure he is celebrating today.
  • Of course I remember many Easter Sundays when the family was young.  To church and then home to cream potatoes and ham.  There would be outdoor games if the weather was nice and indoor board games if not. 
  •  I was not born with a desire for pageantry or long events.  I remember we went to Saturday night Easter Vigil and it was really really lone.  It was meaningful but not my thing!
  • Easter brings many many more things to mind and they are all dear to my heart.
Terry and I will attend church today and then spend a quiet Easter Sunday at home with a special meal.  I would say that most people here in Naples, that we hang around with, will go out for Easter dinner but eating out is not our thing.  I did enjoy my SPECIAL coffee this morning as most Sundays I mix a bit of Irish Cream in it and today was no exception.  It was GOOD.
Yesterday was a quiet day.  I finished the book "Never Caught".  It is the story of a slave that was in the George Washington home.  She ran to freedom when she as in her 20s.  They never were able to get her back.  A VERY interesting story about slavery in the early 1800s.  Then I took the 10 foot ladder and set it up in the pool.  With the power washer going full strength I was able to get all of the pine needles off the cage over the pool.  I would say that is the first time in a LONG time the pine needles are completely gone BUT some will return.  We did have some trimming done so it is not as bad as it was early in the winter.
Thursday vice P Pence was in town and played a round of golf.  There is a golf course very close to us that is kind of unmarked and hidden.  It actually is behind Wal-Mart.  He played there and traffic was snarled for a long time.  IF one wanted to be a member of the private course you would have to be invited and then have pocket change of $300,000 for the fee.  I have no idea what the yearly fee is but I suspect it is WAY beyond 99.999999% of the people.  I was out and about and as I drove past a diner I noticed about a dozen motorcycles parked.  It was only later that I realized it had to be the secret service.
The phones shows that the weather should be 84 with possible showers this afternoon.  SW Florida is very very dry and any rain would be so welcome.
My Irish Cream/FP is gone so it is enough for now.

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