Sunday, April 9, 2017

A sketch from my book
I do not enjoy watching a lot of TV but I have watched a good deal of the Masters this week.  There has been much about Arnie Palmer as he was the "Masters" and this is the first since he died about 6 months ago.  The sketch shows me ready to tee up the ball that was most likely named Arnie.  MANY Sunday afternoons while Mom knit and Dad napped Arnie, Jack and Gary played golf and Arnie always won!  Good memories but perhaps a bit lonesome too as playing ALONE on Sunday afternoons was okay but not great.
Things are happening here but then not much is happening!  Terry is doing so much better and that means she is doing a lot of work which I did not do over the last several months.  There is much to clean up, much to sort, much to order as we look towards Minnesota in about 6 weeks.  We also are doing some clean up on paper work that was in need of doing.
I pretty much have things in order for tennis next year so I can forget about that for the next 6 months.  As I sit here at the computer and look around the den there is MUCH to do here but perhaps I can get things done early this week.
Terry and I will take in Palm Sunday where there is going to be a special service with a guy who paints as the word is spoken.  It should be interesting.
It will get pretty quiet here as our neighbors to the south will leave for IL Monday and John on the north is not here much now.  We have a last villa party scheduled but we have not put out the flyer yet.  That should have been done Friday.  Will see if it gets done this PM.  IF we have it the turn out will be small as several couples have left for the year.
The FP is pretty much done and so am I for now.

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