I have a been up for some time but Terry is still sleeping as the clock shows 8:08. As I exited the bedroom she was still covered which means she was sleeping well. I was up in the middle of the night and all her covers were on the floor. As I turned over to shut my eyes last night she was wide awake with the TV on! She needs to get some blood work so we may try to get that done today. I would say she is doing pretty well as of now.
I have tennis at 9:00 and that is all I have planned for the day. I actually got some things done yesterday but if one was here you would not notice. I see the sun has now come out but as I retrieved the papers this morning there was a thick fog.
As I write Terry woke up and needed some attention but now am back. As I write now the clothes dryer and washer are going!
Not much to say but a picture with some stories will follow:

The BIG bike and the LITTLE bike gave use many memories and were Dave's and my "go to" transportation for a long long time. I would guess they took us to Lake Tewauken 100's of times. After all from late May to September that was our bathtub so to speak. Even when I was still using the little bike as the big bike was kind of Dave's I would at times ride the 3+ miles to Uncle Halvor and Aunt Alta's farm to see if I could mow their lawn as they had a riding one! The times cousin Russel asked me to help with bales I would often ride there as that was a mile and a half. Now this was all on gravel roads but to me at that time they were fine! As I have said before it was often a challenge or maybe a dare to get on the bike and with NO hands ride off. Actually I do not remember ever falling off but I am sure there were times the tire hit a stone and I had to grab those handle bars or fall. I do not know but I am guessing that the two bikes were still in the shop with the Ford tractor when the fire came. I know I could not count on both hands the times Dave and I patched a flat tire. It got to the point that I was not sure the tube would fit into the tire with the number of patches it had. It is funny now but we never ever had names for them other than the little bike or the big bike.
Enough for this morning as it is almost 8:40 and time to sip the last of the FP and then get dressed for tennis which is at 9:00.
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