Saturday, May 1, 2021



Terry is the same so nothing new.  As usual she is reading the papers as I blog.  

We have NO plans for the weekend.  I think it will be a "home" weekend as we just kind of go through the day in our usual fashion.  

I do have to make a decision.  My right foot is worse than ever as I got out of bed this morning.  I need to decide if I should go to Urgent Care.  I went there for the foot a couple weeks ago and they said it was PF foot but now, after I injured it hitting the tennis ball Thursday it is much much worse.  I hate to admit it but it is kind of nice to use Terry's walker as it takes pressure off the foot when I walk.  I may wait for a few hours to see if it gets better as the day goes on.  It got worse over night which makes no sense to me.

I have had a lot of thoughts over the last couple of weeks about life on the farm in the 50s and 60s.  As I sat at the computer yesterday and tried to figure out WHY I got the answer.  I have been reading the book DAKOTA ATTITUDE and I am sure that brings back a lot.  I will continue to read it as it is fun to read.  Many of the stories were written in the years 2014-2019 and it makes me wonder if most of those people still reside in those towns.  Well I am sure not ALL as some were written several years ago and at the time people were near 100 but anyway it would be fun to drive around the state and take in some of those towns to see if they still exist.

So with that in mind more for DAKOTA ATTITUDE.

"I didn't know that I had such a good job until I was ready to quit.  If I live til next year, I will have been retired with wages for 40 years.  So how does Gladys occupy her time at age 101?  I love my apartment, like home.  I do some cooking.  I have a big kettle of soup and pass it out to my neighbors here.  Also, I love potato salad, and they all like my potato salad.  In facd, an 89 year old friend died last year and Glady knew she liked the potato salad, so she made it for the funeral, enough for about 50 people who attended."

"Someone reported that the Horns were listening to Hitler's speeches in 1940 on a shortwave radio.  A FBI agent showed up.  Eugene says it was a pretty bad scare.  Dad worked so hard to get this radio, and it was a good Coronado that was battery operated, and he had wires going across the yard.  That radio was strong enough to pull in Hitler's speeches.  Dad was real interested in Germany and Hitler cause he had two brothers over there.  The FBI agent told my dad, "Either you shape up, our you'll be shipped back to Germany.  Us kids were petrified, all six including Mother and Dad."

Enough for now as my FP is about gone.

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