Terry is doing remarkable in terms of having MUCH company here. As I write she is watching a Hallmark movie. Same today as yesterday.
Perhaps pictures say it better than words!
Terry is doing remarkable in terms of having MUCH company here. As I write she is watching a Hallmark movie. Same today as yesterday.
Perhaps pictures say it better than words!
As I write it is 7:30 and Terry is sleeping. I do hope she can sleep for a while as I know she was still watching TV at midnight which is certainly usual. I would say things are about the same but may add that every once in a while there are things that give me new concerns. Still, one day at a time and I do thank the Lord for every day.
I opened an e-mail from Mary this morning to find out that they are stranded just north of Atlanta with a broken down van. They did not know IF the van could be fixed quickly or if they would need to rent a car for the rest of the way. One way they get here maybe mid to late PM BUT the other way they arrive maybe as late as 10 tonight! I am hoping for the best.
I do have tennis today and it will be the first time in several days. It will be good to get onto the court again BUT I may be a tad rusty!
I do have much to do today. The house looks like a whirlwind went through BUT I may have to do what has become my normal preparation which is NOT good. It consists of putting things in boxes, in a mess, and then sorting things out after company leaves!!! Yikes, I do NOT like to do that kind of things BUT there are times it is necessary. I know, if I were a better kind of guy that would not have to be but what the heck at the advanced age of almost 75 it may be a little late to change ways! Really all I want to do is have a fun time with family when they are here. I will so much miss Aaron and family but I understand and know that as in any situation one has to do what they think is best so it is what it is. I did so much enjoy Aaron's visit in November AND he did some of my work which was very nice.
I had an important package that was supposed to arrive yesterday and it did not come. I will have to see what the UPS says today! I am hoping it was not delivered to the wrong house. With wreaths over outside lights the house numbers are often covered, yikes! I will check this morning and IF it says it was delivered I may have trouble.
No, I think it is time to sign off for the morning and try to get some things done before people arrive this afternoon. I actually have an entire cup of FP left to enjoy so I may sit here just for a short time to finish that and then get to work. I have an hour before I need to leave for tennis.
Terry has been awake since I got out of bed at about 6:30. As I write she is NOT into the paper yet but is watching the news. I would say she is doing about the same. We are looking towards 2022 as a new year that will bring better health for her!
Not much happening today. Family is on the road to visit us and will arrive tomorrow. I think therapy is coming today maybe both OT and PT BUT for some reason I can not find the note.
The day looks good. The mystery of the gifts is solved so no more scratching my head. I think I lost some hair or is it just old age??? The wild ride with housing for the Lees is solved thanks to Mike and Cynthia as they have an AIRBNB for everyone. AND I was able to cancel the hotel rooms which I am so thankful for. NO tennis today and this will be several days now off the court. So tomorrow I may be rested OR I may be rusty!
All I will do today is post some pictures with thoughts to go along with them and that will be it.
I got out of bed about 7:15 and 20 minutes later, as I was reading the paper, Terry woke up. As I write she is reading the paper and is doing OK.
Nothing planned for the day. I may start the car today!!! I do think I need to go to Costco for a few things. But the BIG thing that is looming is this:
Several things that I am 99% sure I mailed many days ago have not arrived. I am beginning to suspect that the mail went somehow wrong BUT I am not ruling out the possibility that I did not mail them and they still are in the house!!! I have almost turned the inside of the house upside down with NO findings so at this point am not sure what to do. I guess I will just wait and see IF they turn up someplace. This is happening at a time that I was pretty smug in that I felt I had all things taken care of a couple weeks ago. I am trying not to worry but it has me upset.
Tennis has NOT been on the agenda for the fifth day now and I do NOT have it tomorrow either. I do need to get out at least on the bike and get a tiny bit of exercise so will do that when I sign off.
It looks like we will have new neighbors in a couple of weeks. The people that we share a wall with have been rehabbing a high raise place a few miles away. I think a relative of theirs will move in. I did meet them one time and they seemed nice.
I really am kind of at a loss for words today and I think it is those darn presents that are lost somewhere. Things like that drive me crazy as it sometimes make me wonder if my mind is going. I must say I do not think that is the case BUT it does put some doubt in my mind. I did notice this morning that I put my pants on the right way so I do think I am still good! I say that but I should NOT make a joke of it for sure. I remember Mary's dad went through dementias and I know that it is neither a good thing for the family or the person involved. SO I make not joke of it and I am sure I am OK but gee some of these things just make one wonder what a advanced age may bring.
I will sign off today with pictures, some of Christmas
Terry has had a good day. There are days when she sleeps some but today I do not think she has slept. In fact I slept for a short time!!! AND yes I coped out of a fancy Christmas dinner. I just did not have the energy to do a big meal BUT what I made is almost gone as Terry claimed it was very very good.
I got out of bed at about 6 and Terry was awake but I am hoping she went back to sleep. I would say she is about the same. We did get that right foot X rayed yesterday but may not get the results back for a couple of days as we are into a holiday weekend. So it is one day at a time.
We are starting the day with Christmas Eve tonight. I thought I would post some pictures of the past as for me holidays are extra special times to sit back and REMEMBER. So here goes for today.
Here is proof that there is a Santa. Looks like John is enjoying it!And so the memories flood my mind. At times there is a smile as I view but then for sure there is always a tear that appears and finds it way down the cheek before I can wipe it away. Oh my I am so lucky. From Christmas on the farm to Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandpa's farm to great times in Devils Lake and then on to St. Paul. The first year in St. Paul, 1977, we had most family come down and it was wonderful. But time marches on and now Terry and I are mostly alone for the birth of Jesus BUT we have no regrets. Time has a way of allowing us to enjoy the past yet live in the present and also to look to the future. We think that we have many more Christmas Eves but yet are also aware that we do not know the Lord's timing so today we will enjoy each other and live for now. What the Lord decides for us is OK. So IF you are reading and looking PLEASE remember the past with a smile, enjoy the present as it is what the Lord wants for now and look forward to the future with a smile. And for those of you who have lost loved ones in the past remember them and be thankful for the time you had with them. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND MAY THE COMING YEAR BE ONE OF GOOD HEALTH, FUN EXPERIENCES AND INTIMATE TIMES OUR OUR GOD.
And yes I do have my cup of FP right here!!!
Terry had a difficult night. That darn injuries heal kept her up much of the night. I am hoping she gets some sleep this morning. IF my memory is correct (that is not always a given) she does not have any health workers coming today. So it is one day at a time as is our usual MOA now!
I checked the rain gauge and it looked like very little rain BUT an e-mail stated NO tennis at 7:30 and 9:00 and maybe even at 10:30. I am scheduled to play at 10:30 so maybe but then maybe not.
I am almost at the end of my rope. I have spent hours on the phone, at the hotel and on the computer trying to get days straight for when the kids come down. The latest is the change which they promised yesterday came out wrong! I am positive I told the lady Dec 28 through December 31 and the change came through as arriving the 28th and LEAVING the 31 which of course is only 3 nights instead of 4 nights. To begin with it was for 7 days with a contract that said for no charge you could cancel or make changes up to 2 days of the stay. So there has been temper fits and much much more on my end. Anyway I am at the point of leaving things the way they are and we will make due with what we have. 😖😡😠
With Terry's heal injury she had much pain this morning so she asked for a pain pill. Well I thought I gave her the right one BUT it was the wrong one so now we will have to take some time for it to wear off! I need not get into any details.
We have weather that is windy, chilly, rainy and it must be something else too! I think it is supposed to be this way most of the day. Pretty unusual for here. As I got out of bed at 6:00 this morning it sounded as if we were going to have much rain but that did not pan out.
No, here it is 7:30 and time for me to sign off for the day. I may just take a drive over to the courts to see how much rain there is on the courts. I still have more than a cup of FP so will enjoy that for the next half hour.
I did not become rich BUT in some ways I did!
Here we are at almost 8:45 AM Sunday, December 19th. Terry is still sleeping but I have heard some moving around so maybe she will be awake soon. I would say she is the same BUT I have seen some things that have me worried. No need to get into those as most likely as the days go by she will have some days better than others. I do think ALL of us experience that so life goes on with each day bringing new things in life. It is Sunday so no therapy but I am expecting 4 days of therapy this week. PT and OT twice each. So here we are less than a week from Jesus' birthday.
I had a restless night last night. I actually do not remember what it was all about but I do remember saying to myself, "I hope this is a dream and not real life!" So it was up at around 6:00 AM. I did cruise through the huge Sunday Naples paper. I had a breakfast of heating something up in a plastic container and now here I am at the computer. As one ages life changes, right???
Yesterday was a day of frustration in some ways. I have made reservations for the kids coming down after Christmas. I made them very early and of course I did not know the days of coming and going so I made reservations for 4 rooms for 7 days. The website stated that one can make changes or cancel up to two days before. Well now I know the dates they need the rooms so I went on line to change some things. Well here is how that website works!!!!! I wanted to take a 7 day reservation and shorten it to 4 days. All I needed to do is drop the last 3 days. The paper has in writing the changes can be made. Here is how they work. They stated that they needed to take the reservation as if it were new and they do not have a 4 days stay SO they are saying I can NOT change!!!👎😡. I will be on the computer or phone again today.
Terry just woke up and needed some attention so here we are now at 9:20! Some how I kind of ran out of ideas so may just sign off for this morning.
I should add that I did watch a BB game of Henry's yesterday. They kind of won in a big way in a low scoring game and it was supposed to be a tough game but John said in an e mail that the best player from the other team was out. Anyway I not only enjoy watching his games BUT yes it does bring me back to this "good old days" when one was young and BB was a great fun game to play and I may add it also brings back memories that do not involve BB IF you know what I mean!!! I may add that BB was certainly enjoyable BUT the most fun was football for me. Oh my here I am talking of days way way in the past as IF my math is correct my most fun BB days were in the season of 1964-65, If my math is correct that is 56 years ago. I could add here that as I slowly got out of bed at 6 this morning I did NOT feel the same as I did 56 years ago. My walk was somewhat stiff as I was still half asleep and there may have been kind of an "old man" gait to it! BUT it is worth adding that the age factor is OK as many do not make it to ALMOST 75 so no complaints.
Terry had kind of a lazy day yesterday as she slept a lot. I had moved her into the living room as I needed to change out ALL of the bedding for clean. I would say from about 6:00-7:30 or so she slept. At that time I asked if she would like to got back into the bedroom as all was now clean and she said yes. She can not put any weight on that darn right foot but we did manage, in kind of an easy way, to get her into the wheelchair and then onto the bed. I think she pretty much was ready for the night after that. As I say a lot, one day at a time. I did buy what I consider a very nice meal but she was not hungry so guess what, we have a ready made meal for today!
December 18th 1954
Yes, 67 years ago it was also December 18th and finally it would be our LAST practice for the Bergen Church Christmas Program. It seemed like we had been practicing all year but of course a 7 year old has not much concept of time! But as we climbed into the car with Mom at the wheel we knew we were in for a LONG morning BUT also this was IT. The last practice and we knew Mom would be expecting everyone to know their part and play or say it in a good way. Acting out the Christmas scene was not my favorite part as I have said in the past Mom never seemed to give her kids a major part. As I grew older I came to understand Mom better and really appreciate why she did that!!! But I did look forward to SOME of the song practices. I did like to sing and could put my all into it for the first and even the second time we practiced a song but any practice after that was NO fun. AND really I do not think practices after the second time really helped as all but then what would I know?? We arrived early as was Mom's thing so by 9:30 we were all set for our 10:00 practice and from that time to noon it was a mix of songs, the Christmas scene and of course Chuckie and I had to have our normal conversations under our breathe so as to NOT allow Mom to hear us. This was our final practice so we wrapped it up by noon and Mom had one last thing to say. "Everyone we will have fun. Remember to bring your best voice and your wonderful smiles as we celebrate the birth of our Lord'". On our way home I made the mistake of asking Mom why we had to practice so much. Her answer was, "Because our Lord deserves the best we have!"
Here in Naples as one might guess we are experiencing weather that is, in my life time, not very Christmas like. We will have a high of 84 today. It reminds me of the Christmas of 1983 when we drove to Hemet CA to spent Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa Saunders. We all did not like the warm warm temps! BUT today at a fairly advanced age I kind of like it!
OT came yesterday and was concerned about Terry's right foot so she ordered a nurse to see it and the nurse came today. She said it is nothing to be concerned about so that is good. So the week has come to an end and Terry did have services of both OT and PT. I am guessing it will be the same next week. I would say she is about the same BUT that darn right foot does pain her from time to time.
I do not know where Thursday went??? But here we are on Friday afternoon. It is almost 5:00 and Terry is in the living room with the TV on but actually she is sleep as I write. She is in the living room as I needed to strip the bed and put all clean bedding down to the pad. The bed now is ready and I do not know when Terry may want to go back. I did go to the store and have something to put in the oven for dinner. Now IF I were back in the 50s it would be, "I have something for supper!"
Really I have not a lot to say tonight. I guess I am just kind of tired and maybe, just maybe a bit worn out to speak. Each day I say to myself I should start some help in the mornings but I know Terry thinks it is kind of a waste! BUT actually as one could guess it would not be a waste for me BUT!
So I am going to sign off for the night and find out what time Terry would like to eat. My FP was very good this morning!
As I write it is now 1:00 PM and Terry has read the paper and is taking a short nap. A strange thing happened yesterday during her PT. She hurt her right food just by stepping on it.
Nothing new as I would say Terry is the same. I need to call her support person who schedules her OT and PT as last week it was kind of crazy and mixed up.
This may end up with some pictures again
It is a little past 9:00 AM as I write. Terry has been up for a while and is taken up with the Sunday paper as I sit at the computer with Christmas music coming from the TV. I would say she is same same. It seems strange BUT PT is actually coming this afternoon---on a Sunday!
On Sundays as we get close to Christmas I spend time reminiscing about "Christmas in the past". So today I will fill my blog with pictures of long ago!
Here is Grandma and Grandpa Saunders with, from left to right John, Aaron, Travis and Lisa. This is in 1973 and was taken at Grandma and Grandpa's home in CayugaHere is Cynthia enjoying her second Christmas at our house. It looks like the packages came late or maybe they just did not come that year!!! No it must have been early in December.
So my stories today consist of pictures of Christmas times in the way way past. Why not? Isn't Christmas about joy? AND what more joy can one have than to remember and think about happy times in the past? So I will leave for this morning. I did not get into Christmas times in my childhood as I have NO pictures of those times but I do have words and maybe that is for next Sunday! So as I sit and enjoy the past and sip my FL coffee I will say to all who read this. "Please enjoy the season. If there is sadness in this past year focus on the positive and give thanks for the REASON FOR THE SEASON.
I would say Terry is going along at the same same. She woke up about 7:45 this morning and as I write she is with the paper and TV. We do need to do her exercises today.
I have a been up for some time but Terry is still sleeping as the clock shows 8:08. As I exited the bedroom she was still covered which means she was sleeping well. I was up in the middle of the night and all her covers were on the floor. As I turned over to shut my eyes last night she was wide awake with the TV on! She needs to get some blood work so we may try to get that done today. I would say she is doing pretty well as of now.
I have tennis at 9:00 and that is all I have planned for the day. I actually got some things done yesterday but if one was here you would not notice. I see the sun has now come out but as I retrieved the papers this morning there was a thick fog.
As I write Terry woke up and needed some attention but now am back. As I write now the clothes dryer and washer are going!
Not much to say but a picture with some stories will follow: