Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Here we are on the last Tuesday of the month AND November is just around the corner!

 I would say Terry continues to be about the same.  I was able to redo her doctor appointment that we messed up on a week ago.  So now it is set for Thursday PM.  They will do a scan of her rught lung which the doctor said he was concerned about and the the "sniff" test.  I had more than one laugh with the person on the phone when we taked about that.  I do think it has something to do with the lung.  Terry has had NO issues with breathing etc so we are not concerned but the doctor wanted it done.

Another day and another tennis at 9:00.  This will be with some guys who are not quit on the level that played yesterday.  But I would say that if I can play like Jules at his age (86) I will be happy for sure.  

Sometimes I ask myself if it is better to just go to the store rather than order something from Amazon.  Well I needed labels for addresses.  I stopped at Staples and there was a package of 30 sheets for $13.95.  I did not buy them as I thought that was a bit spendy.  At home I went to Amazon.com and there was a package of 100 sheets for $14.90!  I wonder where I should buy them???

Sonja, the in home care giver, will be here again today.  I just have such a difficult time having her here as it is expensive BUT she does give me some relief from work around the house.  She is good but in my world it just is so so iffy to have to spend that kind of money for 4 hours of time when I can only keep her busy for half of the time she is here.  I need to think about it as time goes one.

It is the summer of 1959

Dave and I decided that we needed to do some cleaning in the barn.  On the east side of the barn there were four large pens.  The pen on the far south was where the water tank was.  The pen next to it had a cement floor but the two next to that had dirt floors.  We would always keep straw on the floor so the pens were nice for the cattle BUT Dave and I would do anything to get out of cleaning them.  I do not even want to say how often they were cleaned but I will say NOT very often.  Actually that was a good thing the time I fell from the rafters and landed on my head!!!  It was kind of a soft landing if you get my drift!  Anyway Dave and I decided on our own to clean the north pen which was by the side door.  Dave hooked up the manure spreader to the Ford and drove along the barn with the spreader right under the window.  With pitch forks in hand and air moving through the barn we got to work.  It had been some time (actually a LONG time) since we had cleaned it so as one could use the expression, "the shit was deep!"  By the time lunch came around we had some of the pen cleaned and the manure spreader full.  Mom kind of gave us a funny look as we walked into the kitchen for lunch.  She knew what we had been doing but she did not appreciate the aroma that followed us into the house.  After peanut butter sandwiches and kool-aid we were ready to drive the Ford out into the field and spread some "cheer' around on the field.  Part of the land to the east was summer fallowed so that was our place to go.  What we did not do was make sure every thing worked before we loaded the manure spreader!  Dave pulled the lever to make the floor move towards the back and the large wheel on the back turn BUT nothing happened.  As we examined the manure spreader, which had not been used for a long time, we saw that the chain that was supposed to connect the sprockets was missing!  Well there was no way that spreader was going to be unloaded without man (boy) power and pitch forks.  We unhooked the spreader and drove the Ford back to the farm to get forks.  It turned out to be a long afternoon but we did finish it.  I do not remember cleaning a pen again for a long time.

Here it is 7:50 and I am finished with my FP, I have enjoyed a bagel with cheese, ham and egg which I made from scratch and the blog is finished for the day so it is on to other things.  I will read the news on the computer and then dress for tennis.  I stepped on the scale this morning and I lost .2 pounds.  Success, I do not think!!!

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