Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Here are at mid week, July 13th


Terry is the same today.  As I write she is reading the paper in bed.  I do need to get her out of bed and put clean bedding on as it needed to be done a few days ago.  But at this time all is good.

As I make my daily French Press coffee I was reminded of the time when I started drinking coffee.  It was the fall of 1966.  When going to college I worked under the Work/Study Program.  I think that meant I needed to work to earn money to pay for college!!!  Anyway the longer story is this.  The work study program was part of my $$ package when I started college.  The first year I worked as a janitor in the Churchhill dorm which was mainly for jocks at NDSU.  I worked one day during the week and then on Saturday and Sunday mornings.  The week day was fine as I went about sweeping floors. cleaning bathrooms etc but the weekend was a bit different.  Most of my time on Saturdays and Sundays were spent cleaning up after the Friday night and Saturday night parties.  I will not say what most of my time was spent doing but it was the kind of thing you wanted to make sure to not do it as a life long job!!!  Well to start my sophomore year I WANTED a change and now.  I landed in the barley department where two doctors worked.  They were very nice and the work was mostly fun.  The most fun was when I worked there in the summer of 1967.  Several times a year I was asked to put a small tractor in the back of a pickup and head west to Casselton.  It was there that the barley department had their experimental blots.  That meant there were rows and rows and rows of different varieties of barley and it took pretty much the entire day to cultivate between the rows.  But I got away from my point.  Big Don was my boss.  At times I would work on Saturday or Sunday and during those times I was by myself but when I worked during the week there were others working in the green houses too.  The first time I worked during the week big Don came over to where I was as said "time for lunch break".  When I replied I real did not need that he just said when you work here you need to take breaks.  Well for the next 20 minutes or so we sat around and shot the bull so to speak.  Well what is one to do when EVERYBODY has a cookie in their hand and a cup of coffee in the other hand.  You want to be social so you do the same.  Now I promise you they did not have FP and in fact it was far far far from that kind of coffee but it was hot, kind of tasty and I drank it to be social!  That was the beginning of my coffee drinking.  Later in the year I resorted to a new coffee pot to keep me awake the nights before tests.  And so the story goes.  To be honest I can not remember how I came to start making FP but I promise you it is a step above Folgers and maybe even two steps above Sanka which Mom and Dad drank in their later years.  I did not drink coffee until that time in college BUT I tasted the coffee that Mom brought out to Dad in the field.  Mom would fill a pint jar with coffee and bring it out to Dad in the field for lunch.  I did taste it once and that is probably the reason I never drank coffee until later in life!

Well this is the messy kitchen I woke up to so now that my blog is finished I will get busy and clean it up. Some how the day always goes better when the kitchen is clean.  As I close today I have very little on my agenda so maybe I should get a book from the library.  Some times in Naples I have read 25+ books in the winter and for some reason I have not gone to the library for some time.  Maybe today is the time.  

At 8:50 the temp is 84 with highs in the low 90s today so I will keep the AC on!!

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