Thursday, October 31, 2019

Good-bye October 2019

This is THE barn but I want to point out that it is VERY different than the barn I grew up with.  The propane tank, the large hole in the hay barn wall was not there when I was at home.  However the electric pole that I would shimmy up to lie on the roof IS still in place.  At the time of this picture the barn had long ago served it's usefulness in terms of the farm economy!

October 30, 1960
It is Sunday and happens to be the Sunday we do not have church.  Palestine and Veblen will have services and we are free.  I now realize that was not the best for my faith but as a 13 year old boy to have church every other Sunday was a GOOD thing!  It is a day I had been looking forward to for a few days.  Ever since Bill Mazeroski of the Pirates hit his walk off homer in the ninth to defeat the hated Yankees I have had baseball on my mind.  Today is perfect.  We have had super nice weather this fall so the cows are still in the pasture most of the time.  AND there has been very little rain so the south side of the barn is dry and mostly clear of manure.  That means I can play baseball today.  After raking the dirt smooth and picking up the little manure that was there I am set to go.  For a couple hours in late morning I throw the rubberized ball against the south wall of the barn and I play the super hero of baseball.  There is everything from double plays to home runs to strike outs.  It is FUN in the sun on a perfect late October day in North Dakota.

October 30, 2019
The sun is already beating down with the force of a propane heater and it is only 9:00 in the morning.  I am so looking forward to our tennis match against Belle Lago.  I know it will be warm and the sun will be bright but I will not allow that to take away from the fun of tennis in the heat of competition.  I am paired with Karl today and he is always a good partner.  Then 1:30 happens and oh my goodness.  It does not take long for Karl and I to realize that this is NOT going to be one of our better days.  A hit into the net, a ball that just lands long, a hit into the alley that is wide by an inch.  That is the way of the match for us.  We should have lost something like 3-6 and 4-6 BUT instead we lose to the tune of 0-6 and 1-6.  Well in the end my team wins one of three courts so it is not a total loss and for some strange reason as I drive home I am not down.  As I ate breakfast this morning I could not help but think about the "barn" days or the "picking rock days that were made fun" and think that there are different ways to have fun at different ages in life.  Years and years ago I could play in a make believe world and then dream about what really could be.  Today I can take what happens yesterday and think that what happens tomorrow or the next day will be better.  

My FP is finished and I need to get dressed.  I have a half hour lesson at 8:00 and then a match this morning at 9:00.  Not sure I should be doing both in the same day but will give it a try.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Game day today, game focus on, we want to win!!!

That's the way it was and this is the way it is!
October 30, 1959
It is Friday and Mom and Dad are gone.  It sounded like there was some kind of camera club event that they went to.  Dad took several things so I am guessing it is one of those times that members show pictures and then everyone critics it.  Dad loves this meetings as he shares, it may all be true, that his pictures always get rave comments.  I know Dad's photography skills are very good so why would I tend to question?  Regardless Dave and I have a plan.  It has been some time since we had Mom's canned peaches.  She canned many quarts in September but has been kind of stingy in allowing us to enjoy.  She claims they should be eaten on special occasions but we feel EVERY day is special!  Joan tells me I should not go into the cellar as she knows our minds!  Dave opens the cellar door and I grab the flashlight and descend down the wooden stairs.  As I get to the bottom there is a slimy green lizard staring and almost daring me to take a quart.  With my left hand I shoo it away and it scampers behind the pickle jars.  I carefully take a quart, bring the behind jar to the front as I THINK that will fool Mom!  With jar in hand I scamper up the stairs before I see any more little creatures.  As Dave and I devour the entire quart (Joan wants none as she thinks Mom will find out and she can claim innocents) I know that Dave left the cellar door open as it will be my job to return the empty jar to its place on the shelf.  So ends our delicious endeavor which will last us only until tomorrow as we will go trick or treating and get candy!

October 30, 2019 (Time changes things)
I roll over in bed and look at my phone for the time.  My clock is placed on a pool chair as it fell to the floor two days ago and the batteries fell out.  After I put them back in the time was wrong and this darn clock corrects itself by satellite but, that satellite must have missed us as the time is still incorrect.  Anyway my phones shows 5:35 and I know I will not go back to sleep.  I quietly get out of bed and shuffle out of the bedroom in order to not wake Terry.  I put a pot of water on so that I can make my FP and then I am out the door to grab the Naples paper and the WSJ.  I return to the kitchen to get things ready for breakfast.  The vase on the table goes onto the counter by the door and the table cloth comes off so that I do not spill on it.  I need to vary breakfast so this morning it is 3 small chicken sausage heated and cut up.  Then kalamata olives cut in half.  After taking out the sausage I spray some oil in the pan and pour the beat up eggs, with heavy cream in.  The olives and sausage goes in next and then it is stir and stir.  About 30 seconds before the eggs are ready I sprinkle cheddar cheese and mix it up.  Breakfast is ready.  I decided to skip the toast this morning as that may help me lose weight!  I place the plate on the table and spread 2 heaping T of salsa over the eggs.  There, I am ready to eat and read the papers! As I finish eating and open the fridge door to put the salsa away I notice the jar of canned peaches in the fridge.  Oh yes, those would taste delicious this morning.  Cousin Annette gave me about 6 or 8 pints a couple of years ago and I have saved some.  The pint jar comes out and I enjoy the savory taste of canned peaches as kind of a dessert to my eggs.  I think this will be a good day and I didn't even have to go into the lizard invested cellar to get the peaches!!!

Our second team match is today at home.  When we hit the court at 1:30 the weather on my phone shows it should be 91 but the humidity should be a bit lower than  in the past few days.  Again I have NO grand plans that we will win one, two, three courts or none.  My focus today is to get Ken on the court for the first time, get Greg on court 2 from court 3 and for me to play on court 1 for the first time.  What ever happens will happen.  I will remember to drink, an hour before play, 16 oz of that liquid IV as I think that helps.  I do need to drive to Walgreen this morning as I thought I had soda for today but I did not.  I am excited to have Terry come today.  I like her to come to the matches and she missed last week because of house repair that was supposed to happen.  

The match today will pretty much take up most of the day.  I need to write my lineup and then make sure the balls, soda, snacks and beer are ready to go.  I KNOW that I will be drained after the match.  Heat or no heat if a friendly 90 minute match is on a energy draining level of 5 (a scale of 1-10 with 10 being REALLY tired) a league match is at least a 9.  So it may be that the match is over about 3:00, fellowship until 3:20 or so and home by 3:30.  THEN perhaps a dip in the pool to cool off.  I realize that the kind of life I live I do not deserve but I have it and will enjoy it!

The last sip of FP was cold!

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

I did it again--maybe I am a changed man?

I did it.  I made it to the exercise center today, that is 3 days straight.  That may be a personal best in terms of saying I would do something and being successful 3 days in a row.  Well maybe not but as I have said in the past my personal discipline usually goes west when I go east!  Anyway I did my 30 minutes this morning but actually I did not get up until 6:25 so by the time I left the house it was later than I wanted.  I did get to the center first but soon there were 3 more people there.  Nothing tomorrow as we have an afternoon tennis match here.  I will pick it up on Thursday again, I hope.

No repair on the pool heater yesterday so it was another kind of chilly day in the pool.  No, I will not complain.

I have often written that the only certain thing in life is change.  Well I really can not say that for all things as I taught in the same place for 30 years, I have lived in the same house for 42 years BUT when I say change I am more talking about life situations and people.  I will contrast today how different life is after 66 years!

I know this was in 1951

October 29, 1953 (Dad's 42nd birthday)
Joan, Dave and I get out of bed around 7:30 or so.  There are some chores to do before we have a breakfast of pancakes with cream and sugar on.  We then grab our sack lunches that Mom has prepared and we are headed down the driveway to school.  We headed out in plenty of time so we will be able to see who can kick stones the farthest, who can hit the fence post with stones the most times and then see who can run the fastest.  We will walk past George's farm and then past Aunt Bertie and Uncle Obert's farm.  Often Bertie is at the kitchen window doing dishes and she will wave to us.  We will arrive at Wood Lake School about the time the rest of the kids come, all 12 of them!  I know I will have spelling the first thing and I have memorized all the words so I will get 100%  Why did the teacher NOT teach me to sound out words?

October 29, 2019
I wake up at 6:25 and am not happy that I slept so late.  I wanted to get to the exercise room by 6:30.  As I turn over and get out of bed my lower back, my right hamstring and other parts of my body remind me that I am not 6 years old!  I open the gargage door with the opener, wheel my bike out and head to the fitness center.  I spend 30 minutes there and am VERY aware that I have done this only the last couple of days as my muscles (what is left) tell me to kind of take it easy.  I arrive home again about 7:20 and make a breakfast of sausage, eggs and toast with, of course, a cup of FP.  I then read scripture and head to the computer to blog.  So my morning is now in full gear.

Now one would never expect to be doing the same kind of things at the ages of 6 and 72, right?  I know that but really in those 66 years one can recall mountains and valleys, heartaches and much joy and then realize that no matter what is happening or where one is in life the sun rises each morning in the east and sets each night in the west.  Live each day to the fullest.

I just filled my Alaska cup with the last of the FP but I am out of words this morning so will sign off. 

Monday, October 28, 2019

Last Monday of October 2019

Terry and I took time yesterday to have lunch at the Turtle Club.  I have NO idea why it is named that as it is just a casual eating place on the beach.  I intended that we would sit in the sand (on chairs!) for lunch but there is a bit of Red Tide here and it makes a person cough so we sat inside.  I had heard people mention that they ate at the Turtle Club so it was fun to see what it was like.  Actually we went there as they serve Stone Crabs and they are a HUGE thing here during the winter.  I had never eaten them and wanted to try them.  We ordered a half pound and the order came with 3 claws on a bed of ice.  I would guess that there was at least an ounce and a half of meat in the claws!  All that for $24!!!  I really enjoyed them and liked the taste but then the bill came and I was not so crazy about them.  Of course we knew the cost and that is why we only ordered half a pound but really.....  As a retired teacher I would give it a B+.  From there we went to Costco to pick up some things.  We will be having company for dinner on Friday and I want to do ribs on the grill and for the price you can't beat Costco.  We also picked up some wild caught salmon and will grill that this week as well.

I would like to get in better tennis shape so I started that journey this morning by going to the fitness center which is by the tennis courts.  I got there at 6:30 and there was not a sole there.  I only stayed 30 minutes as I do have a couple hours of tennis late this morning.  I requested 9:00 but got 10:30 which means it will be HOT.  As I was walking on the treadmill in the fitness center the weather was on TV and they said it looked like SW Florida will end up having the hottest October on record.  It should be about 90 at noon today where the normal is 85.  The high humidity does not help at all.

We have our first home tennis match this Wednesday.  I have one more of my better players here now but he has not played tennis all summer so will put him on court #3.  I have NO expectations for wins/losses this fall as I am mixing up players and putting them on different courts.  Fall tennis to me is just a time to have fun, get in tennis shape and experiment with different lineups.  Don't get me wrong, I am still not totally over losing in a match tie breaker last week.  Well I am but it just kind of lingers in the background.

We (mostly Terry)  have another meeting for business purposes this Thursday.  We will bring a LOT of papers with us and see what advice we get.  

I am thinking that all those grandchildren already have their costumes ready for Thursday and "for sure" a big bag for candy!  Hope they are all safe and have fun.

I am expecting the pool heater to be fixed today but not sure about that.  I understood they need to replace the fan motor and they could get that in Fort Myers but what one thinks and what happens is often not the same!

Enough for this morning.  When I returned from the fitness center I reheated the last of the FP and now that is down to one sip so will sign off.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Last Sunday in October and the count down to All Saints Day

I got out of bed this morning and as I walked outside to get the paper I thought it felt a bit humid.  I looked at my phone and it showed 76 with humidity of 97% yikes!

Terry and I settled into our new appreciated AC yesterday.  It is NICE to have air again.  The temps in Naples have been about 10 degrees higher than normal for the past few days and it looks like it will continue to be that way for a while.  Yesterday we intended to take in a festival in Tin City which is near downtown Naples but got way laid and did not go.  Today, maybe.  It is the beginning of Stone Crab season and I don't think I have ever had stone crabs.  I think they are popular and a bit expensive so maybe a tiny one for me!

picture taken January 27th of 1957
I turned over in bed and stared at the ceiling.  I had no idea what time it was but I could hear Mom stirring in the kitchen and thought maybe it was time to get up.  Blinking my eyes I tried to remember what day it was and yes, it was Sunday and this week we did have church.  Then I remembered Mom practicing the piano yesterday.  She loved to play the organ in church but most of the time Elden would do that.  However today she knew he would not be there and she was excited.  It was not a matter of being excited for today it was just that Mom LOVED to play at church and if Elden ever gave it up, it seemed he may never, Mom would feel like she was in heaven.  My mind went back to early morning.  I knew Mom would be making breakfast before church and being it was Sunday I thought we may be lucky enough to have pancakes with cream and chokecherry syrup.  

I pulled on my overalls and headed down stairs carefully avoiding the gun loading equipment that Dad had been using the night before.  As I tip toed over the powder scale I thought, "Why does he not have a place for this instead of doing it on the stairs up to our bedrooms.  Actually that was a question that never got answered but I suspect I know!  Mom turned from the cook stove with her usual MOM smile and said breakfast would be ready as soon as we finished milking the cows.  I thought to myself, "is she smiling because she is happy to see me or is she smiling because she gets to play the organ in church"?  Regardless I loved to see Mom smile.  Dave followed me down the stairs and he too tipped toed over Dad's equipment.  

With pails in hand we headed out to the barn.  We now had electricity in the barn and that was nice BUT I kind of missed the kerosene lantern light that we used to have.  The cows had been in the barn all night and they were ready for their hay which they ate as we milked.  As one can guess the minute we opened the barn door the cats appeared, all 12 of them, ready for their squirt of milk!  Besty and Lumpy were the last to be milked as they were the easiest and we did not need to use kickers on them. The other cows were OK but at times they would get restless and lift their leg which was dangerous for the milk pail!  This morning Dave bested me as his pail was almost full and mine was 3/4.  He jokingly said he was the best milker but I shot back with, "you milked the best cows!"  As we walked back to the house the sun was appearing over the tree line to the east.  It looked like a perfect fall day and I thought, "I know Rollof will be finishing his corn picking today but we would not as Dad NEVER did farm work on Sundays."  As I got older I came to realize that although Dad did certain work on the farm most of the time he left the work to Dave and I.  That included milking, picking rocks, dragging, plowing, stacking hay and more.  The work he would not allow anyone else to do was running the haystacker and seeding in the spring.   

I kind of lagged behind Dave as we walked to the house.  By the time I had fed our dog Tiny some milk Dave had the cream separator running.

Ours was electric but it kind of looked like this.  By the time we finished separating the milk and cream Mom had hot pancakes ready with the chokecherry syrup on the table.  I was glad to see that we had some cream in the fridge because I never did like warm cream or milk.

With the cows milked and breakfast finished we got dressed for church as Mom practiced her songs for church one more time.  Whenever she played for church her music seemed to come alive  and I suspect it was because her joy came through in her music.

We arrive at church way to early for me but of course Mom needed to practice the songs on the church organ as well.  As she did that Dad walked around the cemetery and Dave and I went up to the second floor of church to pretend to pull the huge church bell.  We could do that when church was ready to start but not a half hour before!  Helen and Joan stayed close to Mom.

Pastor Meiling (sp) arrived and Mom talked to him about the music.  My friend Chuckie arrived just before church and I was pleased because just this year Dad had allowed me to sit with my friend instead of sitting with Mom and Dad.  Chuckie and I had our game of seeing who could open the hymn book closed to the song BUT really I did not need a book as I knew the songs Mom had chosen would be ones I knew by heart.
Amazing Grace
Crown Him with many Crowns
How Great is our God
The Old Rugged Cross
I liked the songs so much I had hoped we would sing ALL verses of all the songs but for most it was only the first, second and last verse.  One would know that as you looked at the wooden plaque on the wall with the songs and verses placed in order.

Mom was in a good mood as we drove home.  I knew she was thinking that maybe Eldon would be sick the next week but of course that most likely would not happen!  As we pulled into the driveway Mom said dinner would be ready at noon.  We did not even have to ask what we would have.  It would be fried egg sandwiches with a side of pickles.  Our Sunday "go to dinner".

I know what Dad had in mind after dinner.  He would want to take a nap as he often did on Sundays.  Dave and I would probably ask him to hit us fly balls and chances were he would decline.  We would then do it ourselves but it never was as fun as doing it with Dad.  We may ride our bikes up to the lake but really the lake was a bit cool for swimming this late in October.    If we did not do that I knew what I might do.

As the sun was getting low in the sky I climbed the light pole by the barn door and settled in on the west side of the barn roof.  That was my kind of "go to place' when I wanted/needed to think.  As I sat watching the late afternoon sun I reflected on baseball, my favorite subject.  My Milwaukee Braves had defeated the Yankees in 7 games of the World Series just a couple weeks ago.  I was so happy that I had baseball cards of my heroes like Spahn, Burdette, Eddie Matthews and others.  For some reason I just did not like the Yankees so it was a happy day when the Braves won.

I reflected on school.  Wood Lake was now closed and we were riding the bus each day to Cayuga.  I thought I had a new friend in Larry.  Even though school was only a few weeks old it seemed like I now had a friend and he was someone who liked school and was good in sports.  To this day I consider him my best friend ever and Terry and I have visited him twice in Montana. 

It was a good day.  Church music, Mom's pancakes, some biking, some baseball and time on the barn roof.  As a ten year old I felt my world was GREAT.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

We have AC!--but no heat in the pool!

I THINK this is Mom and Ronald.  IF that is true it would be taken in 1937.  That is the front porch of the house that I remember.  This is one of the few (maybe only picture) that I have of our large garage.  I remember Dad would park "big red" the truck in the left side of the garage and the car was parked in the right side.  WAY after this picture, maybe in 1955 or so a storm blew down the garage and Dad never replaced it with anything.  I am guessing Mom and Dad had no insurance but I do not know that.  After the storm "big red" and our car make their home outdoors!  I do not remember the truck or car being in the garage when it blew down but again I do not know.  I do know Joan, Dave and I ran home from Wood Lake School after the storm passed to find the wind charger off the house lying on the ground some distance away and the garage in a heap of ruble.  When I think of it I am surprised the shed, where we kept the Ford tractor, did not blow down but it was kind of protected by trees.  Some time after I left home Dad changed the front door to the south side of the house.  Our well was on the side of the house behind where Ronald is standing.  I remember the well digging truck backed up to the side of the house.  I am guessing our well quit and they had to dig deeper but again I do not know that.  I do remember the pump in the basement where the dirt walls kept it dark, damp and full of these greenish lizards that seemed to enjoy resting on the old weathered wooden shelves where Mom's canned peaches, canned suckers, canned corn etc were kept.  Oh my goodness as I write this I think it makes me sound and feel old like fossil.

We went one for two yesterday.  The AC guy was here and we have air.  The 10 year old unit was out of warranty as of last spring so the bank account went down a bit.  The pool heater did not get fixed. However, when the pool heater gets fixed it IS under warranty BUT the guys yesterday found out that the pump is OUT so they have to get a new one.  WHEN, we do not know.  

No tennis today and that is perhaps a good thing.  I played yesterday and was happy with my play.  I should say that me being happy with my play does not mean that it was all that good BUT I feel I am kind of back.

We started getting the Wall Street Journal today which I enjoy.  I found a good deal for a car if anyone is interested!  The new Porsche can now be leased for 39 months at $1275 per month!!!OH MY!   After the lease is up you will have paid almost $50,000 and own NOTHING!  I do not think I am interested.  

I came across a picture of an fellow teacher and I on our bikes in about 2012 or so.  He and his wife were coming down to Naples for the month of January each year.  We went for a couple of bike rides and had a fun time.  The next year I sent him a text mid January and asked if he was down here again.    He said they were but he was too busy to get together.  I thought that was a bit strange but sent a text back and said lets get together in Minnesota in the summer.  I have contacted him a couple of times since but get no reply.  I was going to start my paragraph with "friend' but as it turns out there must be something about me he does not like.  Not sure what it is as I do bathe and use deodorant  pretty much every day.  Well I won't worry about it but life can be interesting at times "for sure"!

I just took the last sip of FP which was barely warm so will sign off.

Friday, October 25, 2019

We have been here 3 weeks now AND have been without AC in 90 degree temps for 3 days!!!

I have to do something different!  I start each day with a pot of FP but it is always a BIG decision as to what special cup to use.  There is the end of Alaska Highway cup which is my favorite BUT then there are other cups as well.  I mean the FP is always good in the "Grandpa's Guys" cup but then there is the "birches by Liam" which is a good choice AND then there is the "Owl in Moonlight" from Audrey.  I mean really the choice is important as it starts the day and I often have misgivings about not using one  cup or the other enough!  I have to figure out a good way to be nice to all!

I got on the court today after taking Thursday off.  I played my best tennis today so I am saying my game is 98% of what it was when we left last May.  Now it is a matter of upping the game a bit as I KNOW I have some UP in my game before father time gets the best of me and my game goes on the DOWN side!

Terry and I are now in the middle of 3 days with no AC.  Maybe it will get fixed today.  Really the days are not all that bad but when it does not cool down much at night sleeplessness sets in for me.  After not a lot of sleep last night and then 90 minutes of tennis this morning I may be in for a nap this afternoon.

Again I did my "fast" breakfast with a frozen sandwich this morning.  I did not want to eat too much and that was fast.  That allowed me to read about the Vikings victory last night.  I am not into pro football all that much but it is always fun to read about a win!

I did finish my FP when I got home and after I had a cool dip in the pool.  The repair man just arrived so we may have heat in the pool again so I had better enjoy the cool temps while I can.

Enough, FP is gone and it is now PM.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Down but not out!

Well the tennis season got off to an OK start.  We dropped all 3 matches but were not out played by a lot.  I played on court #2 and we lost a match tie breaker 9-11.  A person always wants to win and yesterday I wanted to win just because one of the other guys was a total loser on the court.  I know they won but he was a LOSER.  He threw his racquet onto the court 3 times in anger and used the "f" word more than once.  He also questioned several line calls.  I would say we had an unusual number of line balls but really in tennis if you question their line call the most you should do is ask them to check the mark.  He went beyond that.

Regardless here we are it is October 24th and many are looking at a week from today.  I am guessing the picture below was taken in about 1954 or so!  Don't ask me why Dave got the MAN clothes and I ended up with the goofy skirt!  It does look like I was able to keep the "guy" socks and they even seem to be staying up rather than sagging down to the ankles!
Yip, Halloween will be here in a week and I still can remember those 5 cent candy bars Alice P always gave us!

Terry did not go to the match yesterday as the AC guy said he would be here BUT he did not show.  So we still are here in day 3 with no AC.  We open the doors in the morning and then shut things up when the inside is the same as the outside temp.  We keep the 5 ceiling fans on and it is livable.  Hoping the guy shows up today.  The pool heater is still not fixed either.  I should add I really have nothing to complain about.

I was lazy this morning and again had one of those frozen breakfast sandwiches which are so easy and fast.  Not as good as the homemade ones but they will do once in a while.

Time to end the writing for today.  NO tennis today as I have played 3 days in a row and a day off will be good.  Time to sip the last of the FP and get on with the day.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The only certain thing in life is CHANGE (well maybe taxes too)

As I get ready for our first tennis match of the season I find it is interesting to look back at the past and remember.  "For sure" sometimes remembering brings back sadness as well as happy memories.  This picture is of our team party WAY back in 2015.  The history is this:
  • one person has died
  • two players are not playing any more
  • one player is at a different club
  • one player can not play any more because of health reasons
  • one player is playing at the same level we were at but my team has moved up one level
  • one of the players is on my 2019 fall team
  • The gal in the pink and her husband behind her are our two pros
So time marches on, life changes, good and bad happen but in spite of it all we thank God for life and live each day knowing it is a gift from God.

Our first team tennis match of the fall is at Copperleaf tennis club today.  We will play at 2 PM when the temperature is supposed to be 88 with humidity of 97%.  Should be fun!!!  

As I was looking for a picture today I thought what better picture for today than this team picture.  I was actually surprised to see that ONE guy is still on the team.  AND he is only on the team because we are short this fall.  He was on my team for a couple of years and then opted off as he felt he did not get to play enough and with the right guys.  As I look back he was right and I was wrong.  One could also call Naples a kind of melting pot of people.  Of the couples here they are from places like Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Illinois and Colorado!  There is only one couple that is here year around and of course the pros are here as well.

As I write the screen people are here.  They will re screen the top of the cage, take out the south screen entirely and then put a cap that one can open so a person can get up and clean the gutters.  They will do 95% of the work today and finish tomorrow.  They require they get paid in cash, I wonder why?

Enough for now.  The FP is totally gone, the experiment with breakfast sandwiches is finished and the homemade one beat the frozen one hands down.  I will eat something about noon today, drink 16 oz of water with something called Liquid I.V. in and then hope for the best on the court.  May the best team win and may it be mine!!!  I may have said this before but this fall I will mix players up, play them on different courts and with different people with the idea that this is the fall but really it is spring training for the winter!

Monday, October 21, 2019

The count down is 2 and holding for our first tennis match on Wednesday

Here we are headed into the last full week of October.  I perhaps have said this a thousand+ times but the time just flies by as one watches life move forward.  I have tennis today and tomorrow and then our first league match on Wednesday.  With NO tennis the last 3 days I may be hurting on the court today but then maybe it is a good thing.  We have had rain the last 2 days so the courts have been empty except for water!

I will finish my book today and start another.  I will also put some sirloin on the grill which will become jerky in about 4 hours or so.  It will be fun to see what it tastes like.  The grill setting will be on smoke the entire time.

It was nice this morning as I walked out to retrieve the morning paper at 5:30.  What the heck, why does one get up at 5:30 when the first event of the day is 9:00 tennis?  Oh, maybe it goes back to 29 years of paper delivery!  The sky was clear and the billions of stars and a half moon were beautiful.  I had NOT seen that for several days.

week of October 4-October 11 of 1964
It was one of those weeks in one's life that IF you could erase you would do it.  Ronald had died on Saturday.  It was sudden and it cast a grief-stricken air over the Lee home for a long time, perhaps forever.  

I was in the second month of my senior year.  I had entered the year full of questions, hope and concerns.  ONE of the bright things in my life was Janet/John and Glorine/Ronald, Joan/Ron and Dave.  When we could see them life was good.  I am not saying life was bad at other times but there were so many questions and changes.  Dave had been away from home for some time so I was the solo guy on the farm work. I was so undecided as to what I should do.  The football team was a mess with injuries, a new coach and I felt my role as captain was not being carried out in a good way.  I thought if we won I was a good captain and if we lost I was bad!  I know this was not a good thing but I had girl friend issues too.  Somebody should have slapped me on the side of the head but there was nobody to do that!  I was also so undecided as to what I should do after high school.

With so many things going on in my head the last thing I could deal with was the death of my older brother and hero Ronald.  Life and death happens and his death clouded life and my senior year for a long time. 

Back to the week.  Mom and Dad came home on that Saturday and one only had to see their faces to know that their world had been turned upside down.  Mom often sat by the kitchen table with tears in her eyes and Dad would often spent time in the bedroom with the door shut.  Monday came and of course Helen and I were told we would not be going to school until after the funeral.  I remember the next few days as if I was in a fog.  I was not very good at talking to people BUT there was nobody to talk to me.  I mean were Helen and I supposed to comfort each other?  Monday and Tuesday went by and I am not sure all that happened except the air was filled with grief and tears.  (I think) the funeral was on Wednesday.  There would be a service in Kulm and then a procession to Bergen Church where Ronald would be buried.  I have seen the movie:"The long long Trailer" and I would say I experienced: The Long, Long, Long Ride.    By Wednesday night most things were finished but as I learned going forward life would not be the same.  

I told Mom that I had to go to school on Thursday.  I knew I would be way behind in my studies and also there had been a physics test on Wednesday which I was NOT prepared to take in any way.  I had missed 3 days of football practice and I had no idea what the coach would say as the ranks of good players had diminished to a few.  I got on the bus that morning and nobody said a word.  I felt as if people were watching me but NOT A WORD.  When I got to school I stopped at the office and gave them a paper written by Mom that my brother had died.  Actually many in school knew that as one of my teachers, Mr. Wohler, had gone to school with Ronald in Lidgerwood and actually came to the service at Bergen.  My physics teacher kind of gave me a look and asked why I had been absent and missed the test.  When I told him my oldest brother had died his face changed to a kind smile and said I would not have to make up the test.  The football coach, Mr. Murray, took me aside and said I could play the next day in the game but he would hold me out the first quarter because I had missed practice for 3 days.  That made about as much sense as a penny to a dollar--not much!  Regardless the next day we got blitzed off the football field and I doubt my absence in the first quarter made any difference.  

I arrived in Cayuga after the Friday night game and it was the same as a week earlier, no Dad to pick me up.  I slowly shuffled my feet towards Grandma's house with what seemed like the weight of the world on my shoulders.  No Ronald, an awful football team, a home that for the present was like a tomb with no body and then so much uncertainty as I looked towards high school graduation and beyond.  The Vietnam War was heating up and it looked like there might be a draft.  That meant I had to go to college which would give me a deferment.  Family, girls(I know that should not have been in the mix but it was), school, siblings--all and more rolled around in my head as if I had a wire basket there with bingo ball turning and turning!  

As days and weeks went by things changed somewhat but really at any moment death would rear it's ugly head and my life would seem to stand still.  Deer hunting came and the void of no Ronald was far far more present than the deer themselves.  Thanksgiving came and Mom mentioned NO filled cookies as they were Ronald's favorite.  There were also streams of tears as the meal was blessed.  Christmas came and went with hardly a smile or laugh.  I do NOT remember if Dave, Joan/Ron, Glorine or Janet/John came for the holidays.  I kind of think some of them came but really the heavy air of sadness fill every corner of the house and that in turn was reflected in life in general.  

To this day can feel Ronald, his life, his death and how that affected our family.  

Later this week more tragedy, more sadness but really there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

Breakfast is finished, FP is history so it is over to the courts for a bit before I get dressed for tennis and the day ahead.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Perhaps more rain today

Here we are in the 3rd Sunday of being back in Naples.  Oh my but the time goes so so fast.

Not much on the tennis front.  My team does play this week as we are away at Copperleaf.  This past week I played 4 days straight and then had the last two days off.  I am off again today and then will hit the courts on Monday and Tuesday before our Wednesday match.  My stamina for a match is perhaps at 60%-70% as this heat takes a toll on the body.  I am hoping that the next two days will be helpful.  IF not I am in trouble for our team match!

Yesterday was a day of rain and reading books.  It rained off and on to the tune of maybe an inch or so.  Today might be some of the same.  They had very little rain over the last month so I am guessing this rain is more than welcome.

For the first time in many many years I sat down and watched almost all of a college football game.  Minnesota played Rutgers and won handily to run their win streak to 9 and their season to 7-0.  It is fun to see them have success as it has been a long time in coming.

Terry and I brought our high school annuals down with us so for anyone who happens to read this blog you may see pictures of LONG AGO!  Next May will mark the 55 anniversary of high school graduation.  Not sure the word anniversary is the right one to use but it has been a LONG time since my high school days.

Terry continues to enjoy the gifts she was able to give to family.  She received another written thank you note yesterday.  It is a fun and special time when one can give to others.

Back to 1962/1963
It was a fun/difficult and interesting year for me.
It started out with football practice two weeks before school started.  From the very start it was clear that I would make the starting lineup as left end on both offense and defense.  Bob Z, who had started the year before, complimented me on the right side.  As the first two weeks of practice took place it was clear that I did NOT have the hands of a receiver BUT, even as a sophomore, there may not have been a better defensive player.  I found out that on offense I would rather see the ball go to Bob or Dick in the backfield.  On defense it was a different story.  Jack G played linebacker on my side and I would not be afraid to say that very few running plays over the entire season went far against us. It seemed that on offense my mind just did not work right but on defense I loved the chase, the hunt and the tackle!  We went 4-2 that season and I had a fun time.  It was a precursor for our championship season the next year.  It also was the last year we played in the Wild Rice Conference as the next year we would be in a bigger and more difficult conference.

Perhaps I should not even mention this but it was part of life so here goes.  I had this girl friend my freshman year and it made me feel special that someone would like me!  But as the new school year started it was evident that things changed over the summer!  She found someone else and with my shy personality I was left to wonder.  I was afraid to ask anyone on a date so I went the entire year alone and I should say that as a 16 year old young man that actually made sense but at the time it was difficult.  I would venture to say that I was very mature and very immature at the same time.  At 16 I was finished growing physically but oh my goodness I had a LONG ways to go in maturity.  

Football finished and on the heals of that came basketball.  It was not a given but it seemed that I had a good chance to make the varsity.  I did.  My dribbling skills were so lacking as the weeds and dirt on my farm basketball court did not lend much to dribbling.  However my shot was very good and my hustle was beyond anyone on the team.  I also was in better shape than most as farm life did that without much effort on my part.  Back then there were no weight rooms etc. but working on the farm and hauling bales for Uncle Russel and Rollof helped a great deal.  Our yearbook does not have our basketball record in it but it was a good year.  I played sparingly but it was a fun time.  Perhaps I have said this before but the class ahead of me had several very good athletes as more than one went on to play college.  

Basketball ended and for the first time in my high school days I caught the bus after school to ride home.  The year before I had been on the baseball team but baseball was dropped because of the short season and weather that often was uncooperative.  

The picture is of the class officers for that year.  Everyone in class voted on them and for the second year I was one.  I remember being reserved as I was with 3 girls.  I actually do not remember class officers doing much of anything but we did have them.  When we would meet, most of the time, I would kind of sit and not say much.  Some of the girls did not have that problem!

So 1962/1963 came and went.  At my age I am glad that I can look back on my high school days and say they were fun.  They were not without the "good" and "bad' but over all it was a fun time in my life.  Today, many years later, I can sit with my FP and "remember".  Life is good "for sure".

Happy 13th Cynthia and Mike

I admit this picture is a few years old but still captures what they are today!
Thirteen years ago a sign was posted on the door of St. Leo's Church saying something like this:
In case you missed the change the union of Cynthia/Michael will take place at the Cathedral today--same time.  And the reception will take place as planned, at the Minnesota Arboretum.
My goodness.  Thirteen years, a different house, different jobs and most important a family that includes Faustina, Jude, Benedict, Agatha, Veronica, Leonidas, John Paul and ?? in November!  What a clan and they are busy busy busy with family as well as work and house projects.  They do a fantastic job on all fronts.  May the coming years bring you much happiness, much success, much peace and a bushel basket of FUN.  Love, Dad and Terry

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Here we are at Friday, October 18th

Oh my goodness I have not written for some time.
Yesterday we enjoyed  goodies and drinks at Jim and Cheryl and today they will come over for dinner.  I think we are pretty brave.  I am using the grill for the FIRST time and am doing a brisket for the FIRST time.  AND we really invited guests!  Perhaps we are very confident or have a "I don't care" attitude or maybe we just want to entertain friends at any cost!  I can write about how the meal went in my blog tomorrow!

I did not play tennis today.  I just decided that my body needed some time to rest and rejuvenation
I started this yesterday
no tennis Friday, Saturday or Sunday.  Well I may go over and work on my serve but as of this morning at 9:00 it is raining.

Terry and I had dinner guests last night (that was Friday night) and used the pellet fed grill/smoker for the first time and I should add we had brisket for the first time ever.  A 1.86 pound of flat brisket was in for nearly 4 1/2 hours and came out delicious.  So much for the FIRST time.  Will try something else in a day or so to find out if I really know how to grill/smoke or if it was beginner's luck!

Not much planned for the day.  Maybe it is a day to watch the rain drops in the pool and read a book.
Late winter of 1962
Freshman team of the winter of 1962 ( 5 are not with us today at the age of 72)
We are nearing the end of the basketball season.  So far my freshman year of high school has had many highlights.  Some low lights also as my shyness comes into play OFTEN.
In the fall I was on the football team and we had a fun season.  The year before the team had gone undefeated in the Wild Rice Conference.  That did not happen this year but still with a 5-2 record it was a success AND I was able to letter.  I played end and the future looked like I would be a starter next year.  Our ends were Bob Zollar and Chuch Kiefer.  Chuck would graduate in the spring and I was sure I was set to take his place.  I had found that I was not that "sure handed' end but I felt my defense sense and skills more than made up for it.  The big thing was I got a lot of playing time as a freshman, I earned my football letter and that meant two things.  I would be in the letterman's club and I would be able to order a letterman's jacket.  I had concerns that Dad would not have the money for a jacket so in thinking about that possibility I had saved a bit of money from summer work.  I had helped Rollof and cousin Russel bale hay and ALL that money went into a box under the bed at home.  I am not sure but I think I had close to $50.  I did not know how much a jacket would cost but I was ready to pitch in if Dad asked me to.
I had another interesting happening that I kind of fell into.  In October we had the homecoming dance and I drove myself.  Towards the end of the dance a girl came over and asked me to dance.  I had NO idea how to dance and I certainly was not interested in girls at the time BUT some of the guys saw her coming and insisted I should dance.  SHE ended up asking me to take her home and then she proceeded to tell me we should drive around the country for a while.  I experienced my first ever kiss and I was shocked.  It gave me this warm feeling.  So after that night I kind of had a girl friend.  I would say it certainly added to my freshman year and really she was very nice but in retrospect it was not the best thing in the world.  Of course I was not ready for it and I was just taken back that anybody would be interested in a country boy who lived 25 miles from high school.  AND had no phone or indoor bath!  Prehaps thoughts for a later writing.  
Back to late winter of 1962.  We had a freshman basketball team, a "B" team and a varsity.  I was a starter on the freshman team and it was a fun time.  John C, Dan J and myself were the standouts on the team.  Later my best all time friend Larry would grow and become a very good player but as a freshman he had not begun to grow so to speak!  Anyway we went through the season undefeated and in most games won by a large margin.  IF I remember correctly John and I were kind of the mainstays of the team and the thought was that with 5 seniors on the varsity we would be candidates for varsity the following year.  There was a "B" team but there were not many good players on it.  In fact on nights that both the freshman and "B" team played coach Hanson would usually play John and I only 2 or 3 quarters for the freshman team if possible so that we could also play on the "B" team.  The ultimate came near the end of the season.  The varsity was having a very good season and actually lost their first game of the winter when they lost to Lidgerwood 59-67.  There were only two games left and then tournament time would be on us.  We had Havana and Wyndmere left to play when we started practice the week of February 19-24th.  Coach Wohler, the varsity coach, came to watch a bit of our freshman practice.  Before he left he invited John and I to suit up for the varsity game the following Thursday.  Of course our answer was "yes" and so continued my fun freshman year.  John and I suited up for the Havana game and Wyndmere game.  Both games were fairly close with scores of 65-57 and 67-60 but I did get in for a few minutes in each.  John and I did end up making the varsity the next year as sophomores as 6 juniors stayed on the "B" squad.  I did not start on the varsity until I was a senior as the class ahead of me just had several very good athletics.  As a junior I was the 6th man on the team and got a lot of playing time.  
As I look back on my high school days they were, for the most part, very fun.  Of course one can look back and think, "Why did I do that?" but then if that were not the case I suspect one would have taken the part of a wall flower!   I was VERY shy as a high school student but a wall flower I was not!  

No it is time to read.  We still have rainy weather and my FP is gone.  I did spent about 45 minutes in the kitchen this morning as there was some work to do after our dinner last night.  Much was done last night but I wanted the kitchen to be in order when Terry woke up and it is.  On to my book.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Tennis for the 3rd day in a row, we will see how the body does!

I put this photo on today just as a symbol of life and death.  This is the church bell and cemetery of Bergen Church where I went until it closed in the 60s.  Why?  Well I was on Facebook this morning and learned of the deaths of two school mates.  Kent was in my class of 1965 and Ray was in the class of 1964.  A few months ago Jim, who was in our class of 1965 died also.  Oh my I think that makes 7 or maybe 8 of our class.  I do not want to sound morbid or anything but it does cause one to take a break and think about life.

Well I survived tennis yesterday for the entire 90 minutes but was tired in the end.  Today it is tennis at 9:00 so it may be a bit warmer.  Rich H, who is moving to Houston, played for the last time yesterday.  It is amazing but as his memory fades and his mental health deteriorates his tennis skills remain very good.  Yesterday was a fun match as I played with him and we came out on top in the two matches.  Coming out on top was really not that important (I do like to win!) but to end the couple of years with Rich on a positive note was fun.  At one point we got a good laugh.  A ball came onto our court and the guy from the court 3 asked Rich to please get the ball. He retrieved it and then went on to ask who wanted it.  I am in no way making light of Rich or his condition but it was a "light" moment and Bob, who was serving, had to stop and collect himself before he could serve.

Terry and I sat in on a 2+ hour session about business.  The meeting started out not so good but in the end I think both Terry and I felt it was a very interesting, productive and informative meeting.  We will be meeting again with them in a week and a half.  Maybe the highlight of the meeting is one of the people bought my book but no money yet!!!

I will put in place the things that need to be put together for our new grill and then may start it up for the initial burn.  We will see how it goes.  At this point I have no plans to grill/smoke any food on it today.  That may come tomorrow.  John L says to have fun and be patience as using pellets in a grill is a bit different than gas.

Enough as the FP is down to the last sip, the breakfast dishes are in the dishwasher and it is time to change into the tennis clothes and get out for a while.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

October 15th, mail again today as yesterday was a non-mail day

I have tennis in 35 minutes and it will be interesting to see how I do.  I played yesterday at 10:30 and made it until 11:30 when my legs felt like jello and my wind was gone.  Some of it may have been the heat but I also think some of it was due to Terry and I getting our flu shots on Saturday.  I don't know if that came into play but I will say so.  Of course I have a long way to go in terms of being in tennis shape BUT I did play once last week and was kind of OK.  I will see this morning as we play at 7:30 and the temp is 75 compared to high 80s yesterday.  Wait and see!

Terry and I have an appt today at 11:15.  Business kind of things as Terry has some decisions to make as time goes on.  I will go along for the ride but the business end of things is not so much for me.

Our new grill got out of the car yesterday and now it is sitting in it's spot near the pool.  I have to put several things in, read the directions one more time and then fire it up for the first time.  I have had charcoal grills, gas grilles but never a pellet grill.  Down the road it will be fun to experiment with some new things.

I finished reading my first book of the season and now am on #2.  I did not get much reading done yesterday but will today.  I also power washed the pool deck yesterday.  From what it looked like when we arrived until now I would say it is pretty clean.  The pool guy is coming over this morning as I think the heater is not working right.  It is still under warranty but I am hoping it is just a matter of me doing something wrong.

No,  a few minutes to get tennis stuff on and then time to go.  I will have to finish the FP when I return as I only finished my first cup.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The beginning of a busy tennis week

As I walked around the yard yesterday I thought these would be wonderful proof that Terry and I are now in Naples!  Even though Naples has been in an unusual dry spell the flowers are still out in full force and beautiful.  

Here we are in the start of our second full week of the winter season.  Oh my it sounds like we kind of got out of Minnesota just in time BUT I would add that I lived in Minnesota winters for 30+ years and never (well not very  often) said this is terrible.  In fact even the winters in North Dakota were enjoyable IF one made the most of them and took advantage of the fun things one can do outside in the cold.  I do remember one winter in Devils Lake (maybe the winter of 1973) when I traveled from 710 3rd street to the School for the Deaf with chains on the car for about 3 months.  That was not so much fun as I drove with the clunky sound of chains on the pavement.  However it did enable me to get out of our backyard and onto the street with ease.

One day and their is some success with this darn weight issue I have.  I admit that my weight is WAY down from where it was in the early 2000s BUT still with league tennis on the horizon I need to lose weight.  Also it helps with the clothes issue as well.  This morning I was pleased to see the scale show some loss so Carmen, you need to keep the pedal to the metal!

Terry purchased a new grill/smoker for her home here.  A week ago Traeger grills were being shown at Costco.  We purchased it but had to wait until yesterday to pick it up as they were on the floor through the 13th.  At this time it is in the back of the car as it is fairly heavy and I will need help getting it out.  When we were in South Bend John and Mary used their new Traeger and it was pretty impressive.  Costco claimed it was $400 off so I googled it and they were honest.  Well one could kind of expect that from Costco, right?  I am hoping to get some help with it after my tennis game this morning.  I did think it came with a large cookbook but no dice so we may have to order one.  

I have tennis lined up Monday-Thursday.  That should go a long way towards getting my legs back in tennis shape.  I do have some effects in my legs from my ruptured hammy two and a half years ago but it does not seem to bother my movement on the court much.  Actually it does not seem like it was that long ago but I guess I had surgery in January of 2017.  Thats right, I used it as an excuse most of last year when I had a bad tennis day!!!

If my calendar is correct Mom would be 108 tomorrow and Joan/Ron will celebrate their 58th anniversary as well.  

No my FP is down to the last drop and I may just bike over to the courts to see what is going on.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Look who turns 11 today!

Audrey is 11!  My goodness she has become such a wonderful gal.  It seems she is kind, patient, loving, smart and much much more.  I still can taste the breakfast sandwich she made me when we visited.  It was egg, cheese and ham on a bagel and tasted as if a 5 star chief had prepared it.  Happy birthday Audrey with love from Grandpa and Grandma Terry.  We hope your day is very special.  And the next time you can change the numbers of your age around and not have them change will be 2030!  

Friday, October 11, 2019

There was a fairly small gathering last night to say good-bye to Linda and Rich.  It was a pot luck and I think Terry's deviled eggs were the hit of the evening.  The party was held in a gathering room that is part of  two of the high rise condos.  

Well I played tennis yesterday for 90 minutes.  Greg and I lost 3-6 and won 3-6.  I did make some nice shots BUT perhaps I made as many terrible shots.  I played as if I hadn't played for 5 months, oh I guess I hadn't!  It was fun.  My next steps onto the court will be tomorrow as I will hit with the pro for another 15 minutes or so.  Then things get rolling next week with play Monday-Thursday.

I did get some things cleaned up in the den yesterday and will finish it today.  It will then look like real people live here and not some slobs.

We did make a trip to the library yesterday.  I came home with four books.  Two of them are the kind where you can read, stop and pick it up again and not miss a beat.  They also have no redeeming value except to entertain the reader.  The other two are history which I like.  One is about the relationship  between President Roosevelt and Churchill.  I think that will be good.

Here we are, our 7th day in Naples.  I THINK, but maybe it is not true, that we are starting to get a bit used to the heat.  After playing 90 minutes of tennis yesterday Terry said there was a tiny spot on my shirt that was not wet.  It sounds a bit corny but getting into the area of physical exercise feels good again, even the sweat.

This is all for today.  It is close to 7:30 and I may wander over to the fitness center to get some work in.  I think I could use a good workout as my FP is gone and I am READY to get up and go!

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Tennis courts, here I come

We had lunch with Linda and Rich yesterday.  They will be on their way to Houston next week.  I have scheduled Rich in for tennis next Monday and Tuesday.  Linda sent a message thanking me so much.  In a situation like this you need some laughs as Linda said many days she is ready to "kill him" by 8:45 in the morning.  Of course NOT but Rich's condition has deteriorated rapidly and Linda will surely need help from family as they arrive in Houston.  As for Rich, he is the same happy guy and I will see how he is on the tennis court Monday!  Our lunch was a fun time.  Linda showed us pictures of their new home in Houston and it is very nice.  Actually the important part is their home is very close to several family members.  We will see them one last time today as there is a going away party for them in their high rise unit.  Terry will bring devil eggs as it is a pot luck.

I am pretty excited to hit the court today at 9:00.  I KNOW I will be exhausted after half the match or before that but I will pace myself and play at a slower pace than I like.  IF I can get on the court at least 8 or 10 times by October 23 I should be kind of ready for the season.

Terry and I stopped at the grocery store on our way home after lunch.  As we exited the store there sat a typical Naples toy!  A beautiful Rolls Royce was parked in the parking lot along with NORMAL cars.  If Terry and I were to look for a new car today (at this point we are not) I would winch at any sticker price over $40,000.  I am guessing this car left the lot with the owner forking out $350,000+!  I always try to see the wheels of a Rolls Royce if we see one on the road as the "R" on the wheel cover always is upright!  Pretty cool but perhaps not worth the 350,000 cost!!!  I think my bank account may take a big hit just for an oil change.  Google says an oil change costs upward of $650!

I did get a little work done yesterday.  I hosed down the pool deck but it looks like I may need to use the power washer.  I am guessing I got it 90% clean and I do not think that will do it.  I still have many things out on the couch in our den so that needs to be taken care of.

I think I am going to go over to the courts early and take some time in the fitness center.  Oh my my physical condition is poor at best.  I know, I am 72 and should not expect to look like I am 25 BUT really  when I gain a few pounds I tend to put it around my waist.  Not good.

Terry's Naples Daily News started today and as always I took the sports section out and left the paper near the bedroom door.  I had forgotten how pathetic the sports is.  Today it was 5 pages and 3 of them were about local high school sports.  It took me about 5 minutes to read what was interesting.  When I ordered it I thought I ordered the Wall Street Journal too but that did not come so I must have not done that.

Enough for now.  The FP is almost finished so time to dress, get on the bike and head over to the courts for some exercise.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

I intend to hit the ball today!!!

Taken in the fall of 1983 as all three were on the Highland Catholic soccer team
Picture of the day.  I came across this picture and had to put it on the blog.  I attended Henry's (John's oldest) soccer game when we were in South Bend and with the score at 1-1 at half time Henry put 2 in the net the second half for a 3-1 win.  So I guess the soccer in the Lee family continues.  I might add that in Cynthia's family Faustina and Jude are on soccer teams and in South Bend Liam and Audrey are on teams as well.  Audrey is on a traveling team.  I know ALL about traveling soccer as Aaron, Travis and John's traveling teams took them, and sometimes dad, from California to Washington DC and Milwaukee to Kansas City and many many places in between!  I coached all three at different times but I would say my coaching skills went as far as kids in elementary school and then they left me way way behind.  Well one would know that growing up in North Dakota soccer was a foreign word.  My world consisted of baseball and football.

Terry and I attended a presentation about Medicare at the club yesterday.  It sounded like we need to look at changing our coverage in light of Medicare changes.  I am not good at changes!  I taught at one school for 30 years, family did the paper route for 26 years, I have lived in the same house for 42 years and the list goes on.  Guess that is all I need to say about myself!

We will go out for lunch today with the Hoskins.  They move in a week.  I have mentioned before that Rich is a very good tennis player but at the age of 68 or so Alzheimer's  has begun to rob him of his physical and mental skills.  A great guy and he will be missed as a friend and as a teammate.

I do get to hit the ball today.  I will hit with Phil, one of our pros, for 15 minutes or so.  Phil encouraged me to use the ball machine or just hit with someone before getting into a match.  Phil was so good he said he would divide the 30 minutes session into two 15 minutes as I may be exhausted after 15 minutes!  He did not said the exhausted part but that is my take.

I got a decent haircut yesterday.  Terry and I go to Edme here and she does a great job.  In St. Paul it is a hit and miss kind of thing in terms of getting a good cut.  However I have NO desire to go back to the farm and sit on the piano stool with a towel around my shoulders as Dad cuts my hair.  I think he did a good job but still the thought of a towel around my shoulders and NO shower after makes me dislike haircuts to this day!

I looked at my calendar yesterday and realized that Charlie Hunt died 15 years ago.  It does not seem like it has been that long.

Terry was able to get in a LONG phone conversation yesterday with Todd, Kim's brother-in-law.  I think he gave her some good advice in terms of some decisions she needs to make.  He will follow up with an e-mail about items.  As one ages there are many decisions that need to be made that seem so far off when youth is present!

Terry loves to read the daily paper and I also like to read the Wall Street Journal.  I ordered it yesterday as a guy often sits outside of Ace Hardware and "I think" he has good deals.  The paper will start tomorrow.  With ALL the garbage going on nation wide it almost seems crazy to read about it.

No, my third cup of FP is down to a couple of sips so will sign off for today.