Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Mark Johnston is the feature of the day but I just have to add some tennis. 
I did not realize how much I wanted to win a match in league play.  I had dreams Sunday night, all about tennis.  I have not played in many team matches but in the ones I have played I start out nervous and then it quickly fades BUT yesterday I felt those nerves the entire match and when we were down 3-5 and 40-15 I almost needed a water break to calm down but of course you can not do that.  In the last point I happened to be serving and my serve is OK at best but yesterday it was by far the worst of the 4 of us on the court.  Before I started my serve I patted Bill on the back and reminded him, "Just over the net Bill, just hit it one more time than them"!  Of course I said it for my sake more than his.  I know I tend to get too cute and the the ball goes wide or long.  To have all three of our pairs win yesterday was tremendous.  Most of the guys on the team have not played in league play before and most have not played tennis very long.  Many of the teams we play have older guys but they have played for a long time and in tennis that is huge. 
Enough of that but as one can tell, I was excited. 
Make sure you scroll down to Mark

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