Monday, February 23, 2015

Monday PM

Warm weather has returned to Naples.  I think the temp may have reached 80 today.  It certainly felt like 80 on the tennis court.  We had a team match today.  Bill and I played and came out the winners in a 2 1/2 hour marathon match that included 2 tie breakers, one for the first set and one for the match.  Bill is returning to Michigan Thursday so it was a wonderful send off for him.  Terry came to cheer us on and I think she may have worked as hard as me!  I had lost my only 2 tie breakers in league play this year so to win today was sweet!
We took in the Naples art show with 280 booths yesterday.  It was fun as most of the booths we had not seen in the past.  Few things were in our price range--There was one painting for $24,000.  We did get something for the house, under $50, and two birthday presents so it was good.
This week is the end of February, wow.  We have a meeting tomorrow and then Terry has a social on Wednesday PM and I guess I do too! I think I have tennis each day as well, that is if this darn calf holds up.  It was not too bad today.
As February counts down so does the family on the blog.  It has been fun posting pictures of all in the families.  Not sure what March will bring.
Our neighbors, who we share a wall with, left for the Chicago area where they will close on a new house in March.  We may not see them until fall as they are coming in mid to late May and we probably will be gone.  Things are much more quiet as people leave.
Enough, no FP this time of day.

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