I would say Terry is holding her own. Yesterday was a pretty much rest at home kind of day. She was in good spirits but then she usually is. It will be a quiet weekend for us.
No tennis yesterday or this weekend and we got bumped off the courts for Monday as well so I will see on Tuesday if 4 days off is good or bad! We found out yesterday that because of one court being down there is more tennis having to be played in the afternoon so the two weeks of team tennis being played just in our club is cancelled. I suspect there may be other reason as well but that is just a thought.
So I think I will spent much of the day working on taxes as I think I have most of the papers I need to file with our financial people. Our taxes will be back to normal this year after having to deal with and pay taxes on Terry's sale of her place in Minnesota. So it will be interesting to see IF we pay or get money back. Except for last year we have gotten money back each year so I suspect that will be the case again.
Yesterday I picked up the prints that John had made from Henry's art picture. He had two made and I sent one off to South Bend yesterday. I was amazed at the price. As one could guess it seems Naples does not have a "good deal" anyplace in town but paying $40 for TWO 15X24 prints was a great price I thought. They turned out very very nice. Terry wanted to view the picture three times yesterday as the colors and the details are just outstanding. It will be fun to get it matted and framed down the road. It needs a place to hang.
I am pretty much out of news for this morning so may sit back, sip on my FP and rememberer what was long ago.

It was the summer of 1955. We had gone to church for Sunday school and the church service and were back home for the day. Mom had said she would have our "Sunday staple", which consisted of egg sandwiches and dill pickles, ready in about a hour so I had time to play outside. When I did play outside it usually was in or near the barn. After all that was where all the cats and kittens were as well as often there were small calves in the barn. I actually could spent all day playing with the animals. Usually I would take the calf that was in the pen by itself because it was so small when it was born and I would take it outside on a rope. But today I was more curious about what was in the water tank on the north side of the barn. It almost looked like some fish but I knew that could not be the case. I also knew that Mom did not want me doing anything that would get my church sweater dirty BUT what is a person to do when you have an hour to play before lunch. Well of course I could have and should have changed my clothes but that would have taken too much time. Well after the fact I realized that it may have been the best route as Mom was not a happy camper when I came in for lunch with dirt on my Sunday clothes. After I inspected the water tank I decided it would be fun to just get on the barn roof and see what I could see. So I shimmed up the light pole and spent some time just lying on my back looking westward and thinking about the farms, the people and what may be ahead in my future. REALLY! I mean at the age of 8 it seemed my future forever was to be married to our antique farm but then that is another story. After lying on the roof for some time I shimmed down again and spent some time with the calf that was all alone in the small pen. As I cradled the tiny kittens in my lap I heard Mom call for lunch so I headed to the house hoping Mom did not get the fried eggs TOO done! If so an extra dill pickle would fix it.
After lunch and a change of clothes AND a promise to Mom that the next time I would change clothes right after church Dave and I played some catch, caught some fly balls and then made a couple of wooden guns for our bad guy good guy game around the farm.
Such was a Sunday on the farm in the summer time. Of course there were other things to do as well. There were often walks in the pasture down to the curve in the creek where on the south side of the river bank was snake rock. You pretty much could bet on snakes on the rock if it was a sunny afternoon. There there were the bends in the creek where water often stayed well into the summer. One could dig for tiny creatures OR if you were lucky enough to see a gopher go down a hole you could try to carry water and drown the poor creature!!! That was always fun. AND then there was the bridge at the south end of our pasture and a bridge to the north of our house so there were two places where, even in mid summer, there may be tiny fish caught in the deeper pools as the river dried up and left those pools as pens for fish that had no way out.
So the farm had little promise as a future but it certainly had much much to give boys who were in their early years of curiosity and found exploring nature a wonderful way to spend the day.
I just took the last sip of FP so it is on to the rest of the day.
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