driveway into the yard |
sidewalk in front of our home |
Terry's flowers add a bit of color |
Oh my we have plants |
I like to do gardening and yard work. IF the time ever comes when I can not do that I hope I am under the ground! My yard is nothing to brag about but I am happy with it. I have worked kind of hard at improving it each year and I think the work has paid off. This year I kind of took a big step. I gave my gas powered weed whip away and invested in a Worx edger/weed whip/blower. I admit, I like the smell of grease, gas, oil etc BUT working with battery powered equipment is so so much easier in many ways.
This morning I fertilized the lawn, put some weed killer down, watered the garden and fertilized the veggies. Terry and I will leave on Sunday and be gone for 2 weeks so will see what shape things are in when we return. Travis has said he will mow the lawn and water the plants if needed. We are looking at a hot and humid few days ahead so time will tell how things go.
I have never seen tomato plants like the ones we have this year. Most of the plants, when they get about 10 inches high, want to bend or lie almost flat. Never have I seen that and I do not know why. As one can see I have staked up most of them but it will be interesting to see how they grow and IF they produce.
Trip plans are full steam ahead. I am planning to not take a lot of things and have most in a suitcase already. I spent time yesterday going over the day to day plans and I THINK all is in order. Of course the biggest thing is getting to our AiBnB for the first time and then making sure we get to American Samoa. Once the first week passes we are in the clear as on Saturday, July 6, we get on the cruise and that takes up the entire last week. We get off the cruise at 7:00 AM July 13 and fly out at noon that day. We do have 2 excursions off the ship to take in national parks so that should be fun. Leaving Hawaii at noon on Saturday and getting in at 5:00 AM Sunday is not my favorite thing to look forward to.
We are looking forward to John/Mary and family getting in from the Boundary Waters Friday afternoon. It will be fun to listen to the kids adventures. They will be here until about the time we leave on Sunday. They will be taking the dining room table with the 8 chairs with them which will be good. Terry and I will need to find a couple of chairs for the kitchen and one for the desk. Not a big deal. We have used the dining room chairs for that but the new walnut ones will not leave the dining room.
I broke down yesterday and went to the doctor at Urgent Care. My right upper thigh has been so so painful and I just wanted to make sure there was nothing serious. The doctor came up with a diagnosis of acute tendonitis in the tendon. She said it needs rest and should heal in 4-6 weeks. She encouraged me to take 2 Aleve twice a day as she said that was about the same as a prescription. I took 2 when I got home at about 2:30, two again when I went to bed and two this morning. I am not sure but it seems to be helping already. The last and only cruise I went on was when Terry and I went to St. John's Island off the coast of Florida to take in a national park. During that time I actually could barely walk but it was different. However I wanted to be sure, if possible, that did not happen again. It looks like I am good to go!!!
Enough for now. Yard work is finished for the day, breakfast of ham, potatoes and eggs are history and the FP is down to the last drop so will sign off and get some more work done for the trip.