Saturday, May 4, 2019

A warm Saturday to end the week.

Day 186, 'Every picture has a story"
Bergen cemetery is where there are MANY memories and of course so many loved ones are buried.  Ronald, Mom, Dad and several other family members and friends.  Up until I was in 10th grade the bell was in the steeple of the church which stood on the grounds.  Today there is NO fence and most if not all the trees are gone.  It is just a lonely looking place where memories are buried and memories linger for many.

It is December 26, a Friday in 1952
Ronald and Janet are home for most of the Christmas vacation.  Janet has been helping Mom and she also has been sewing.  She will go back on Sunday night as the Pop family has asked her to spend the second week of vacation at their place.  Their store is always busy around Christmas and they said they could use the extra help.  However Ronald will be home the entire two weeks.  It is so much fun to have him home as he plays Touring with us and also Monopoly.  Our Monopoly game on Christmas Eve Day went on forever.  BUT today, Friday, we are going to go hunting, Dad, Ronald, Dave and I.  First we will drive over to Olaf Olson's farm as on the way there are many plowed fields with snow built up in line with the plow furrows.  Often jack rabbits will sit on the sunny side of the furrow which makes them an easy target from the road.  They are often hard to see as they are pretty much white in the winter but that is where Dave and I come in.  I think we must have eagle eyes as we often spot rabbits before either Dad or Ronald.  Do we have the guns?  Dave and I do not but Dad, driving and Ronald in the front passenger seat will be ready to shot.
After driving past Wood Lake School and into Olaf's front yard we will head north.  The highway goes right through Phillip's farm with the house on the west and the barn on the east!  After driving through their farm we will drive another mile before the road curves east towards the Marble Grove where our second hunt will take place.  It seems that is where cottontails have their town gathering and we will be ready!  Dad and Ronald will take out their shotguns and Dave and I will tramp through the bushes scaring them up.  It takes a sharp eye and quick action to pull up the gun and shoot before those little critters fine a hole in the snow.  One does not need to worry as Dad and Ronald are always more than up to the task.
It is a fun afternoon.  Our rabbit hunt and cottontail hunt was more than successful and of course it is always special to be able to spend time with Ronald.  I am thinking we may get in several more games and also one or two more hunting times before Ronald heads back to high school the morning of January 5th.

A quiet Saturday with warm temps.  The weather forecast last night showed highs in the low 90s for the next week, yikes.  Maybe it should be tennis at 7:30 and then the pool when mid morning rolls around.

There will be a bit more of sorting, putting and packing for the trip north.  Little by little it will happen until May 19th arrives and we get on the road. 

I cut my breakfast a little this morning as the pounds go on faster than they come off but still I had to have that FP which started the day in a good way.

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