Day 176, "Every picture has a story"
April 8, 2012 was Easter Sunday and the Lees from South Bend flew in that morning. Oh my that was 7 years ago and those darn kids are so so so much bigger now. "For sure" they have added Elspeth and then Henry may be as tall as his Dad and Liam is not all that far behind! Audrey is way bigger too. That was a fun time. We took in alligator alley and then did the tram around the National Park where we saw a lot of wildlife. We went to a farm where there were horses etc and had lunch at Everglade City. Of course there was beach time and John had ordered a large kite that arrived in time to use on the beach. It was a fun Easter time as they spent about 5 days with us. Oh, the kids used the pool often as well.
Terry and I will spent a quiet Easter Sunday today. It will be church and then a meal of ham and Grandma Lee's cream potatoes. I should add there will be plenty of leftovers!
The weather will be "not so Minnesota" weather as it will be about 80 or so today. I can think back and remember Easters when it was very nice and also when we had MUCH snow on the ground. I do recall a picture of Easter on the Saunders farm when the snow was sill waist deep.
As I got out of bed this morning my body felt like it was coming apart. I wonder if I am getting close to old age? Yesterday I had one of those days where I was kind of vanilla like with no energy and a BIG time need for a nap! I almost felt as if I may be getting a bug. Terry chimed in with the idea that I have been playing too much tennis but I know that would NEVER be the case! That darn singles yesterday almost did me in but I do need to do that again.
John called yesterday and said he and Henry were at a soccer game in Michigan. He mentioned that Henry had driven the hour and half there. Oh my, a first. A grand child driving but I am absolutely positive there are many to follow. Lord protect them as they learn to be mobil in our world today. It is a tiny bit different from jumping in the truck or car on the farm and driving to the south field! I still can feel and hear the near miss Dave and I had with the truck as we drove to Halvors. Coming towards us was another truck and for some reason they felt they owned 2/3 of the road. Dave was driving and he steered as far to the right as possible and BANG, the corner of the box on the truck nicked their truck. Oh my, it was way way too close. Another inch or 2 and we may have been resting in the Bergen cemetery.
If anyone reads this today I wish you a very very happy Easter and may all of us take time to give thanks to our Lord who gave us every lasting life on this day. AMEN
It is Sunday and Easter so I had to have just a bit of Irish Cream in my FP.
Happy Easter!!! Love, Helen