Saturday, April 14, 2018

The hurt goes on!

Cousin Mary sent this from an album from Aunt Ragna--nice hair cut I would say--that is Janet & me
I had PT yesterday and the hurt goes on.  Not terrible but not a lot of fun either.

Our homes here are being painted as I think they have not been painted for some time.  Makes them look new and fresh.

I found the perfect gift if you know of someone who really likes coffee!  There is now a travel espresso coffee machine that plugs into a car outlet.  Just put a pod in and you have espresso coffee in 2 minutes.  It is made in France and it only costs $200.  Get one for each car!!!  The article said you could get it on Amazon but I did not find it there.  I know people will be REALLY interested so the web site is  I have not gone to the web site so not sure what it has but for sure I wanted to pass on the important info in case people want to get a gift for the person who has everything.

I read an article this morning about the Holocaust and each time I read something about it my heart becomes heavy.  This was a story about a gal and guy who were good friends in Germany.  The gal's father was a diamond dealer and he was able to sell diamonds and buy passed out of the country for his family but that was not the case for the guy.  He and his family was rounded up and put on a train to a camp.  The gal found this out and assumed they all were killed.  What she did not know is the guy's mother pushed him out of the train on the way and he lived.  Now 70+ years later they were reunited in CA.  The guy said his father was in the hospital when his family was taken so he was saved.  Eventually he was reunited with his father but he said his father really died of a broken heart a few years later.  I read things like that and then see the news about nerve gas etc and I feel heavy and sad.  I then say do we really have any troubles?

I took some pictures of some machines in the fitness center and showed them to my PT people.  There are a few that I could use now so will bike over there this morning and try it out.  I was out of bed this morning by 5:15 and by 6:30 my FP was ALL GONE.

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